フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Challenge yourself with this unique word strategy game. With Swipey Words, word knowledge is only step one -- strategy and puzzle solving are additionally required to master the game. Single player gameplay is perfect for short or long sessions. Think you're hot stuff when it comes to word games? Try out the "pro" difficulty level of Swipey Words. And yes, "swipey" is a playable word.
[ ニュース ]
Child Sexual Abuse is a topic which is rarely discussed in India thanks to the social stigma and cultural taboos associated with it. Nonetheless, research does show that over 53 per cent of our children, across SECs, geographical locations and age groups report some degree of sexual abuse. Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Month – CSAAM – is an annual awareness programme organised by a voluntary collective of bloggers and social networkers. It aims to break the deafening silence that surrounds this taboo topic in India. It targets pare...
[ 教育 ]
TapSpeak Button modernizes the idea of a mechanical switch that records and plays messages. We have taken the idea and extended it to provide a portable, convenient, and stigma-free tool to use for basic teaching and communication tasks. TapSpeak Button is especially useful for teaching cause and effect relationships. TapSpeak Button runs on the Apple iPhone with at least OS 3.1 and iPod Touch 2G with attached microphone and OS 3.1. Features include: - Unlimited number of messages - Unlimited message length - Configurable button ...
[ 教育 ]
TapSpeak Button for iPad modernizes the idea of a mechanical switch that records and plays messages. We have taken the idea and extended it to provide a portable, convenient, and stigma-free tool to use for basic teaching and communication tasks. Speech Language Pathologists, parents, Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists can all make use of our line of products. TapSpeak Button is especially useful for teaching cause and effect relationships. TapSpeak Button for iPad runs on the Apple iPad. Features include: • DynaV...
[ ゲーム ]
Fun game were you tap any where on the screen to make the cube go to the other side and try to collect the stars. Try to avoid all moving platforms -Game Center
[ 教育 ]
TapSpeak Button Standard for iPad modernizes the idea of a mechanical switch that records and plays messages. We have taken the idea and extended it to provide a portable, convenient, and stigma-free tool to use for basic teaching and communication tasks. Speech Language Pathologists, parents, Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists can all make use of our line of products. TapSpeak Button is especially useful for teaching cause and effect relationships. The only difference between TapSpeak Button Standard and TapSpeak But...
[ 教育 ]
Nieuwe App voor zelfonderzoek van Stichting Zaadbalkanker 'Have the balls to check your Friends' Hiermee wil de stichting zelfonderzoek in Nederland stimuleren en tegelijkertijd het taboe rondom zaadbalkanker aanpakken. “Zaadbalkanker zou een gewoon onderwerp moeten zijn dat bespreekbaar moet zijn. Het gaat immers om de gezondheid van jongemannen. Zaadbalkanker is de meest voorkomende kanker bij mannen tussen de 15 en 35 jaar.”, aldus Gerrit-Jan Steenbergen. Brits onderzoek Uit Brits onderzoek blijkt dat zelfonderzoek belangrijk...
[ メディカル ]
Would you like to enhance communication with your patients so they can better understand their Psychiatry and the pathologies associated to it? Would you like to always carry in your pocket a powerful tool with many comprehensive images related to this phenomenon? If so, the Miniatlas Psychiatry is here to help you in your daily practice. Psychiatric disorders are a common cause for consultation in primary health care centers. Your patient might come in to see you for reasons as diverse as the persistent anxiety that is interferin...
[ ニュース ]
American Atheists is America’s premier nonprofit organization by and for atheists. Our quarterly magazine is packed with news, articles, and essays not found on the website. Here you’ll find in-depth stories about our current legal battles, celebrity interviews, book excerpts and reviews, and articles about all aspects of atheism, including the challenge of coming out as a nonbeliever. Besides the total separation of church and state, American Atheists fights for the civil rights on nonbelievers, including the right to exist openly...
[ ビジネス ]
NOTE: This Lite app contains sample clips from the full version of "Live Full and Die Empty" with Les Brown. Buy the full version to obtain the complete 78 minute recording of a live seminar that would normally cost HUNDREDS OF $$'s to attend! THE FULL VERSION INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING… Les Brown is an explosive motivational speaker, and this performance is one of his best ever! He brings a passion to the platform that is unparalleled by any other motivational speaker, and it is 100% from the heart. In this compelling motivational...
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