フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Your favorite arcade classic has come back to life and is waiting for your challenge! This game is one of the top-rated free match three games! App free for a very limited time so download it fast!!! 立即下載並享受這個真棒遊戲。 立即下载并享受这个真棒游戏。 With 3D Touch support! Explore the new possibilities of your new apple device with the pressure sensitive screen. Enjoy this game with support for the new iOS 10. Insanely fun!!! Great free game...lots of game play with no out of pocket expenses if you don't want to spend...
[ ブック ]
「eGAzines 誌」最新一期雜誌 實體印刷版同步上架 ! 讓您一APP 在手,6本雜誌隨時閱讀 ! 1O1O / csl / SUN Mobile 客戶獨家專享「eGAzines 誌」- 讓您一APP 在手,就能瀏覽星島集團旗下之5本雜誌的足本揭頁版,包括:《JET》 、《PCM電腦廣場》、《CAZ Buyer車買家》、《Spiral游絲腕表》、《東周刊》(精華版) 的最新一期以至最近4期#之昔日期數 ! #JET及Spiral游絲腕表只提供最新一期以至最近2期之昔日期數。 「eGAzines 誌」帶給您的全新手機閱讀體驗: 1. 每星期與印刷版同期更新; 2. 足本印刷版的原稿電子版; 3. 隨時隨地瀏覽以及下載雜誌內容; 4. 一個App,睇盡5本足...
[ ゲーム ]
Your favorite arcade classic has come back to life and is waiting for your challenge! This game is one of the top-rated free match three games! App free for a very limited time so download it fast!!! 立即下載並享受這個真棒遊戲。 立即下载并享受这个真棒游戏。 With 3D Touch support! Explore the new possibilities of your new iPhone 7 with awesome graphics and pressure sensitive screen. Enjoy this game with support for the new iOS 10. Insanely fun!!! Great free game...lots of game play with no out of pocket expenses if you don't ...
[ ゲーム ]
Your favorite arcade classic has come back to life and is waiting for your challenge! This game is one of the top-rated free match three games! App free for a very limited time so download it fast!!! 立即下載並享受這個真棒遊戲。 立即下载并享受这个真棒游戏。 With 3D Touch support! Explore the new possibilities of your new iPhone 7 with awesome graphics and pressure sensitive screen. Enjoy this game with support for the new iOS 10. Insanely fun!!! Great free game...lots of game play with no out of pocket expenses if you don't ...
[ ゲーム ]
Your favorite arcade classic has come back to life and is waiting for your challenge! This game is one of the top-rated free match three games! App free for a very limited time so download it fast!!! 立即下載並享受這個真棒遊戲。 立即下载并享受这个真棒游戏。 With 3D Touch support! Explore the new possibilities of your new apple device with the pressure sensitive screen. Enjoy this game with support for the new iOS 10. Insanely fun!!! Great free game...lots of game play with no out of pocket expenses if you don't want to spend...
[ 教育 ]
Concrete Engineering Calculator contains 56 Calculators for different Concrete and Civil Engineering parameters with Formulas. Handy App with each and every details about Concrete and its characteristics.Available in Metric (SI) and Imperial Units (USCS) • Water/Cementitious Materials Ratio • Job Mix Concrete Volume • Modulus of Elasticity • Tensile Strength • Compressive Stress - Beam • Stress in Reinforcement - Beam • Cross-sectional Area of Tensile Reinforcing - Beam • Cross-sectional Area of Compressive Reinforcing - Beam • ...
[ 教育 ]
Concrete Engineering Calculator is a user-friendly app with 56 calculators for concrete and civil engineering parameters. Key Features: • 56 calculators covering beams, columns, slabs, walls, and more • Supports both Metric (SI) and Imperial (USCS) units • Includes detailed formulas for all calculations Beam Calculations: • Water/Cementitious Materials Ratio • Modulus of Elasticity • Tensile Strength • Compressive Stress (Beam) (Available via in-app purchase) • Stress in Reinforcement • Cross-sectional Area (Tensile & C...
[ ブック ]
【游絲年鑑】 沒去表展不打緊、沒去品牌展覽會也不用惆悵,在《游絲年鑑》裡,會有齊2013至2019年度最新腕表,也有品牌全面資訊,加上大中華區表壇達人專訪,以及「Spiral Awards」得獎名單,基本上本年表壇發生的人和事,一書在手便能掌握。 《游絲年鑑》由《Spiral》及《JET》聯合編撰,是每年一度的表迷天書。 【訂閱說明】 l 只需附出HK$68年費, 便可在一年內隨時收看《游絲年鑑》 l 本服務將使用iTunes賬戶付款訂閱 l 訂閱使用自動續期方式,閣下可以在用戶的帳戶設置關閉自動續期,此操作需要至少24小時 l 訂閱期間用戶將不允許取消已訂閱的計劃 【技術支...
[ ゲーム ]
Extremely addictive game. This is the most played match three game. Your favorite arcade classic haYour favorite arcade classic has come back to life and is waiting for your challenge! This game is one of the top-rated free match three games! App free for a very limited time so download it fast!!! 立即下載並享受這個真棒遊戲。 立即下载并享受这个真棒游戏。 With 3D Touch support! Explore the new possibilities of your new apple device with the pressure sensitive screen. Enjoy this game with support for the new iOS 10. Insanely ...
[ ゲーム ]
Create unique spiral images with the power of gravity and gyroscopic motion! Simply drag and drop a gravity point for the center of your spiral, then drag and drop draw points around it, and hit play. Add more draw points, change the draw color, or even select a new line type for more variety. And if you want to get extra creative, try adding more gravity points for chaotic and unpredictable images! You can also layer multiple spirals, and even undo if you want to try something else. And when you're done, save a photo of your draw...
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