フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 仕事効率化 ]
Code and Memo is a memo app for reminding and code-making. <Functional Features> 1. Memo mode Firstly, say some numbers and NATO alphabet code. At the end of an input, say the word "ENTER". The words what you've said will be saved on the top screen. Finally press "Compile" button to make inputed words into equivalent numbers. 2. Source coding mode Firstly, say some registered-commands, and say the word "ENTER" at the end of an input to save the commands on the screen. Next, press "Compile" button to make that into an Objectiv...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Simple remote control for the Freevo Media Centre (freevo.sourceforge.net).
[ エンターテインメント ]
Cast webvideos, local videos, music or pictures to a Chromecast, Apple TV or Smart TV. FROM your iPhone, iPad or iPod or NAS, DLNA/UPnP, Google Photos, Google Drive, Dropbox or a webpage TO AppleTV 4th Gen, Chromecast, Nexus Player, Amazon Fire TV, SmartTV, Sonos, Xbox 360, Xbox One or other DLNA devices. // Web Browse webpages in the app. If a streamable video is found on the page you can send it to your TV. // Pro Version The app can be used fully for 5 casts. Afterwards you need to subscribe or purchases // Videos Ple...
[ ゲーム ]
A free port of the game Open Syobon Action from http://sourceforge.net/projects/opensyobon/ This version has the ability to play with other people online. Watch or interact with others trying to beat the same level.
[ ミュージック ]
GM Keys is a MIDI capable keyboard that features 128 sounds including pianos, organs and synthesizers. The sounds are compatible with the General MIDI sound set. GM Keys supports Inter App Audio and can be used as an instrument or a generator with many popular audio hosts. Record, sequence and edit your GM Keys performances in apps like GarageBand, Cubasis, BeatMaker 2 and others. This app is authored using the Make Audio Apps editor. You can get more information and source code at http://makeaudioapps.com. This application use...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
SWeb is a very lightweight web browser on iPhone. We cannot find an easy-to-use simple web browser in App Store, so we decided to write one on our own. SWeb is of course not the best iPhone web browser, but it should be the right one for someone like us. SWeb includes those features (short version) : ** Simple and lightweight. ** QR Code Scanner to enter URL ** Bump to exchange web pages. ** Mobile-friendly page layout. ** Disabled orientation. ** Full screen. ** Basic history and bookmark support. ** Allow to disable history. ** ...
[ ミュージック ]
OSC Piano is a free OSC control surface with a simple piano interface for iPhone / iPod Touch. It supports sending Open Sound Control messages over a Wi-Fi network using UDP protocol. The application allows to remote control from software and hardware that implement the OSC protocols such as Pure Data, Max/MSP/Jitter, Max for Live, vvvc, Isadora and others. Also, you can convert OSC date to MIDI data by using OSC Piano Server on your mac. https://sourceforge.net/projects/oscpianoserver/ OSC bundles are * Note Bundle * oscP/note...
[ ユーティリティ ]
CMORE 3D Remote App is a software application that makes your iOS device act as a player for content created by CMORE 3D Editor. This is useful for rapid development and project optimization when you don't want to compile and deploy your project to an iOS device for each change and prefer to view your scenes directly on the device from inside the CMORE 3D Editor instead. CMORE 3D Remote Server is copyright (C) 2013 CIRIC Software GmbH. All rights reserved. CIRIC, the CIRIC logo, the CIRIC „C“, the CIRIC curve and combinations ther...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
AAを保管しておくAA保管庫として。 • おすきなAAを崩さずに簡単に保存できます。 • テキストを簡単に追加。縦書きでも横書きでも。 • コピー&ペースト機能 • キャンバスに貼付けられたレイヤ(テキストブロック)をドラッグして場所や重なりをアレンジ。 • AAでは使えない連続半角スペースの代わりに、全角スペースを組み合わせて最適なスペースを自動で算出して位置ずれを防止。 • MS P ゴシック16pt用のAAに最適化されています。本アプリには代替フォントとしてMonaフォントが入っています。 http://monafont.sourceforge.net/ • 書き出し先:クリップボードにコピー、AAが...
[ ビジネス ]
Clothesline Scanner is a barcode scanning app to be used in conjunction with an existing account at Clothesline Software, which offers a computerized on-line ordering services for retail and wholesale businesses through interactive website featuring the integration of information between retail and wholesale businesses with an online social network featuring vendors offering a wide variety of goods and services. Log in with the app using your existing Clothesline Software credentials. Then use the scanning tool to scan item barco...
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