フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ エンターテインメント ]
A "Smile" on every screen! Capture a child's interest and put a smile on their face while improving and strengthening their rapidly evolving cognitive skills. Watch as they proudly search to discover and find many things through charming, colorfully illustrated panoramic scenes. Search & Smile features: - 100 levels across 5 environments - 3D animation without glasses - just tilt your device - Support for multiple languages To solve a Search & Smile puzzle examine each scene for the clues listed on the left side of the screen a...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
No more sad photos. Smile Cam takes photo only when everybody on a camera preview smiles. It uses sophisticated smile detection algorithms for each detected face. After photo is taken you have to decide if you want to save it in Camera Roll. Features: - Sophisticated face detection and smile detection algorithm - Wait until all faces are smiling - View, then Save or Cancel taken photo - Front and Back camera support - Tap to set Focus/Exposure point, double tap to reset - Saving in Camera Roll - Flash On/Off/Auto - Grid On/Off
[ スポーツ ]
日本アイスホッケー連盟が提供する、女子アイスホッケー日本代表(SMILE JAPAN)が挑む、第23回オリンピック冬季競技大会(2018/平昌)最終予選の観戦を支援するアプリです。 大会期間は2月9日から2月12日となり、場所は北海道の苫小牧市にある白鳥王子アイスアリーナで行われます。 大会の出場国の紹介や、日本人選手の紹介ページが記載されて おり、アイスホッケーが身近に感じられます。 また日本アイスホッケー連盟のSNSアカウントと連動し、選手 たちの生の声や、動画が閲覧できます。 大会当日は現地アリーナ内であれば、スマートフォンから リアルタイム中継が閲覧可能...
[ ゲーム ]
Juicy Smile is a innovative and cutting edge game that has no analogs on the market. It's all about crashing the fruits using your smile. It's based on face gestures recognition algorithms. Features: - unique and innovative game play; - controlling is just your smile recognition, so you have no choice and have to be smiling :) - atmospheric, light, fast and user friendly for easy using; - sharing your funny smiling face in win and loose moments with your friends on the social networks; This game will make you smiling without any...
[ エンターテインメント ]
「CARIBOON SMILE CAMERA」は、 南国キブーンなスマイル写真が撮影できるカメラアプリです。 最高評価「CARIBOON!」を目指して、 とっておきのスマイルを写真に残そう! 【CARIBOON SMILE CAMERAの遊び方】 ①「Mr.CRB」「アフロ」「ドレッド」の3種類から、   ゴキゲンなヘアースタイルを選ぼう! ②顔のフェイスラインを枠線に合わせたら、 とびっきりのスマイルで撮影スタート! ③キミのスマイル度に合わせて、 髪型や背景がどんどん変化するよ。 最高評価「CARIBOON!」を目指すほか、 友達とランキングで競うことも楽しめる! 「CARIBOON SMILE CAMERA」で南国化...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Smile and brighten your day! Smile Season uses your TrueDepth camera to detect your smiles. Note: requires an iPhone X series device or iPad with a TrueDepth camera. Research suggests smiling (whether real or fake) can lift your mood, lower your stress, and make you happier. Each day, smile for several seconds and feel better. Features: * Detect your smile, neutral face, or frown instantly * Real-time AR face outline & smile status text * Progress bar to track daily smile completion * Track current number of smile streak days ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Aligner Smile Tracker helps you on your journey to that perfect Smile, and provide you with useful tools to getting the best use of your aligner braces. FEATURES Aligner Tracker Track your wear time, time you brace is out, how many days till your next aligner, and how many days till your perfect smile. Calendar Our smart calendar keeps a log of everyday of your aligner usage, and keeps a record of daily selfies and teeth selfies. Gallery With our smart gallery, you track your selfies and teeth selfies, allowing you to see p...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Scopri il nostro menù, i prodotti, i servizi, resta costantemente informato su offerte ed eventi, accumula punti fedeltà. Smile Coffee & Food è Caffetteria: usiamo chicchi certificati, attentamente selezionati per qualità, sostenibilità e tracciabilità. Tè: le pregiate miscele, costituite da vere foglie di tè, ti permettono di servire un freschissimo tè ghiacciato. Crepes: difficile scegliere tra le tante e invitanti crepes proposte. Una più buona dell’altra! Insalate: solo ingredienti freschissimi e selezionati per insalate s...
[ メディカル ]
The Smile Train Virtual Surgery Simulator An interactive way of learning cleft surgical techniques Smile Train, the world's largest cleft charity, has partnered with BioDigital to launch the first web-based, 3D, interactive surgical explorer for cleft care. The Smile Train Virtual Surgery Simulator provides surgeons around the world with next generation surgical training technology for learning surgical techniques in cleft lip and palate repair. Through leveraging state-of-the-art technology, Smile Train and BioDigital aim to ch...
[ メディカル ]
Smile+ allows to create the perfect smile of your patient in less than 2 minutes. It is the only smile design that integrates perfectly into your daily practice.
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