フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 仕事効率化 ]
WiFi CARE為SmarTone 家居Wi-Fi客戶必備嘅手機應用程式。透過WiFi CARE即可輕鬆管理及設定你的家居網絡終端機。 •家居無線網絡設定 隨時隨地不同頻譜設定SSID、密碼及使用狀態,並可一鍵分享家居Wi-Fi網絡 ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Connect via Bluetooth with your Phantom1, SmartOne or Iota and let the app control all functions your desk is capable of. Choose the most comfortable height for your desk, set the right lighting with your LED lights, check the room’s air quality, or in the case of the Phantom1 and SmartOne models, use the app to control your Bluetooth speakers or lock your drawer. Let’s not forget about the Health and fitness module, there to remind us to move around a bit to feel refreshed and productive. Access the ever-growing number of exerci...
[ ライフスタイル ]
In SmartOne Community app, You can use... - Device controls (lights, heating, main switches, ventilation, etc.) - Security settings (away mode, home security, CCTV, etc.) - Call receiving(porch, lobby, etc.) - Complex Service(Visitor verification, Notification, Usage of Energy)
[ ライフスタイル ]
請詳細閱讀內容後才購買, 免贈惡評! 謝謝~~~ @◡@ 本軟件未有提供任何免費優惠, 但客戶購買後, 我們會提供無限次免費升級服務, 不限次數, 不限年期. 為公平起見, 本軟件不會調低定價, 以免高價買入者損手, 不便之處, 敬請原諒! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + 【薯片方便咗】進佔: + Top #1 in HK Paid Lifestyle app (21/11) + + 【睇路傳呼機】進佔: + Top #1 in HK Paid Lifestyle app (15/4) + + 多謝大家支持! O◡O + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 網絡穩定性可能會影響用戶體驗。 X-Power用戶注意: 若有load唔倒嘅情況, 請到Safari確定視訊源是否正常...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Data Guard is a companion app to a similarly named service provided to end users. This app helps to access and manage the service through a graphical user interface. Data Guard Activation Instructions: 1. Download the app from the App Store 2. Open the app and follow the easy activation instructions 3. You are ready to go!
[ ライフスタイル ]
“激”App為 ValueGB儲值咭用戶專門設立嘅管理平台,用最簡單嘅方法就可以管理“激”咭,隨時隨地一Click就得,分分鐘攞到全城至激優惠! 您可以隨時隨地直接申請服務; 用電子錢包增值賺取額外獎賞; Check SIM咭餘額、使用記錄等。真係坐定定係屋企都搞得掂,享受24/7嘅方便! 隨時增值 -無論任何時候都可以經電子錢包增值及賺取額外獎賞 用量管理 -實時查看SIM咭餘額、數據/通話使用量、使用記錄等 數據及服務 -可按自己需要直接申請不同嘅數據及通話組合 快啲下載ValueGB App嗱嗱聲開始至激體驗!
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
The Activ8rlives Lung Health (SENSOR II) App for iPads was developed in support of those with long-term respiratory conditions or anyone who wishes to record and track a range of pulmonary and cardiovascular health parameters. Now incorporates BuddyBand2 and the SmartOne Peak Flow/FEV1 monitor. Activ8rlives Lung Health App differs from the Activ8rlives Lung Research App in that Activ8rlives Lung Health is unblinded, i.e. you will be able to see your longitudinal (recorded) data over time and share it with your healthcare team if ...
[ 旅行 ]
Enjoy the brand new seamless smart hospitality experience of ALVA HOTEL BY ROYAL. You can access to check-in and out, obtain mobile room key, browse attractive deals, hotel information and more via this single mobile app. Key features: • Smart Room Key • Check-in & out • Instant Room Reservation • Booking Records and Billing • Rooms and Dining Promotions • Royal Fans Exclusive Offers • Hotel Restaurant Table Reservations • Location & Transportation information • Hotel Facilities information • Contact Us
[ スポーツ ]
Get the latest English Premier League predictions, reviews, gossip, business angles and analysis, as well as updates on EPL clubs, all from an English football fanatic. Weekly articles available in English and Chinese. Videos in Cantonese only.
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Prefeo Smart One is a smart application.Including motion sensor and application, using intelligent software and hardware technology, accurate records in the badminton racket with human motion data, Using the original gesture recognition algorithms and big data analytics to help users insight into more enjoyment, Via bluetooth wireless transmission technology, low power consumption and professional to the friends of the ball players can enjoy "intelligent badminton movement" new sport experience. • New Experience intelligent badmint...
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