フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ファイナンス ]
【重要なお知らせ】誠に勝手ながら、2019年3月28日をもちまして『さっと割り勘 すぐ送金 from Yahoo!ウォレット』アプリの提供とサポートを終了いたします。 詳しくは、Yahoo!ウォレットのお知らせページをご確認ください。 https://wallet.yahoo.co.jp/notice/archives/20190215.html ------------------------------------------------------- お金を集める時のわずらわしさをYahoo!ウォレットが解決します! ・LINEやFacebookのグループ、QRコードで多人数での集金もかんたん ・アプリと銀行口座があれば24時間いつでもどこでも送金 ・受け取ったらヤフオク!、Yahoo!ショ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Add Apple Watch & Siri/Shortcut support to your Tesla vehicle - Very reliable Siri & Shortcuts support that works even if the car is asleep. Control and get your car stats on the watch or phone without opening the app. You can combine/schedule/automate commands based on triggers/conditions such as when you're driving, if your charging cable isn't plugged in, when you're sleeping, when you're about to go to work, when you're connected to certain Bluetooth or WiFi connections, when you tap a NFC tag, when your alarm goes off, or a ce...
[ 教育 ]
번역왕은 다재다능한 번역 도구다. 사진 번역, 음성 번역, 대화 번역, 영어, 일본어 및 기타 104개 언어 번역기. 특징: Papago, Google, Bing 플랫폼 통합! 단순하고 강력한, 오직 번역만을 위한, 복잡하고 쓸모없는 기능들을 제거하라! 번역 전문가! 여러분이 새로운 장소로 여행을 가거나 새로운 언어를 배우기 시작하려고 노력하든, "번역왕" 덕분에, 그 언어는 더 이상 의사소통의 장벽이 되지 않는다. • 음성 변환 번역하기 위해 말해라. 번역하고 싶은 것을 찍어 앱이 번역을 읽게 하거나 화면에서 읽게 한다. 번역왕은 당신이 자신 있게 새로운 언어를 말할 수 있게 ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
SIMPLE, EASY & FAST CALORIE COUNTING Calory is your ultimate calorie counter and a quick way to count, track & tally your calories during the day. WHY COUNT CALORIES? Everyone has a personalized number of calories they should eat every day based on factors including their weight, height, activity levels, and weight loss/maintenance/gain goals. It’s hard to track calorie intake, though, not least because it’s easy to forget everything you eat during a busy day. Recording your calories as you eat gives you a clearer picture of the...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
すべてのプランに! 予約やTo Doリスト、会議、締め切り、誕生日、デートなど、Calendar 366で時間を最大限に有効活用しましょう! カレンダーでできることは何でもお任せください。Calendar 366ならさらに便利です。すべての機能が、簡単かつ直感的に調節できます。 歯医者の予約は友達の結婚式とわけが違います。カレンダーはその違いを把握しておくべきですね。 大事なことはどのように、どのくらいの頻度でリマインドしてほしいですか? 好みと優先順位に会ったカレンダーを作りましょう。 個々の画面表示 好みに応じて、年、月、週、日、アジェンダを明るいレッドからダ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Achieve your goals faster than ever. • Apple's 2023 Apple Watch App of the Year. • Apple's 2024 Apple Design Awards Finalist. • #1 Health & Fitness app in over 30 countries. FORBES: "Best Apple Watch Apps for Health and Fitness" Looking for an app to help you work out? SmartGym offers a beautiful, elegant and easy way. With an amazing and advanced algorithm that creates personalized training plans to help you achieve all your goals faster! It's like having a Personal Trainer and a Motivator in your pocket or wrist. No matter wh...
[ 天気 ]
Best of 2018, Top Free Apps Accurate and easy-to-use, you’ll always have the weather forecast at your fingertips with access to the most in-depth weather news and video. Stay ahead of storms with notifications alerting you as storms approach your saved locations, and watch the weather system with our satellite and weather radar maps. Key features: - Detailed weather forecasts including current observations and temperatures, short term (36 hours), long term (14 days) and hourly forecasts. These forecasts are updated every 15 mi...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
**Featured as Best of 2020 by the App Store & 2019 Webby Award Winner for Best Lifestyle App** Founded by two women of color on a mission to make taking care of your mental health easier, more representative, and more accessible, Shine is your space for daily self-care. Start 2022 with Shine for better mornings, brighter days, and the truest you. Your annual mental wellness program with Shine includes: **DAILY MEDITATIONS** Create an easy morning ritual with daily meditations and gratitude check-ins. Unlock your full menta...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
すべてのプランに! "My Must-Have iOS Apps" - Federico Viticci (macstories.net) "Conquer your calendar" - The Daily List (App Store) "Our Favourite Apple Watch Apps" - Editor's Choice (App Store) 予約やTo Doリスト、会議、締め切り、誕生日、デートなど、Calendar 366で時間を最大限に有効活用しましょう! カレンダーでできることは何でもお任せください。Calendar 366ならさらに便利です。すべての機能が、簡単かつ直感的に調節できます。 歯医者の予約は友達の結婚式とわけが違います。カレンダーはその違いを把握しておくべきですね。 大事なことはどのよ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
CLIP+はシンプルながらパワフルなクリップボード・マネージャーで、iOS向けに最適化されました。どんなアプリからでもテキストをコピーして、CLIP+に保存し、通知センターから素早くアクセスして、どんなアプリにも貼り付けることができます。 いつでもどんなアプリからでも、コピーされたテキストすべてにアクセスできるようになりました。 異なるタイプのコンテンツを自動的に認識します。電話番号をコピーすれば、アプリから直接電話をかけることができます。URLをコピーすれば、アイコンをタップするだけでそのサイトへ進みます。Eメールアドレスをコピーすれば、アイコン...
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