フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
十年经典,热血重燃! 原汁原味的经典。华丽的特效,丰富多彩的体验,全新玩法,打破传统的游戏模式。 九宫格拼图虽然看起来简单,但常常反而因为太大意而导致就是一格图拼不回去。 游戏开始会有几秒钟的原图参考时间,之后会打乱顺序。 一旦将拼图完成就算过关咯!虽然拼图看起来复杂但其实很简单,只要移动前多对照一下找出规则,很快就可以完成了!
[ ライフスタイル ]
服務包括擇日取事、命理運程、流年禍福、陽宅風水、陰宅墓穴、 室內設計、公司定號、樓盤規劃、課程/講座、改名、玄學、流年算命、風水命理、擇日、八字、紫微 、占卜、星相等等。 李丞責博士簡介: 十九歲已有全世界最年輕風水師之美譽,至今已成為香港著名玄學 風水專家。 源於祖孫三代真傳玄學風水,經驗皆為百年累積。其父為高州名師李發文,十四歲時開始承父業,隨父親廣遊名山大川,尋龍點穴。 李丞責博士從事玄學 30 年裏,曾出版玄學雜誌, 不間斷主持專欄、書作、電台、電視、電影。準確預測世界大事, 深受熱捧。 - 北京師範大學天文學系博士 - 中國周易研究所高級...
[ ユーティリティ ]
“蓝牙挂钟”app透过蓝牙4.0技术无线连接和设置挂钟,简化以往手动设置的过程和带給用家更多功能。 挂钟功能介绍: •同步时间 App會同步手机和挂钟时间,再也不需要手动调较。 •闹钟 设有6个闹钟,可选择闹钟铃声,音量,长度和响闹周期。 •整点报时 每小时整点人声报时功能,可设定报时音量和开始结束时间。 •环境气温资讯 为您提供即时环境温湿度,居家生活提示。 •纪念日 设定最多12个日期,到达时挂钟显示屏会闪烁提示。 *本軟體需搭配實機 “蓝牙挂钟”使用。 Contact us: If you have any enquiries, please contact marco@carrin.com.hk
[ ユーティリティ ]
[ ゲーム ]
武林 ======== 《闖蕩神州,天下我有》 ~ 在遼闊的中華大地上,有近百個不同地點等你來探索! ~ 長安,蘇州數十座千古名城! ~ 少林,武當,近百個不同幫派! ~ 劍塚!藏經閣!大內皇宮!秘境!山洞!森林!山寨!寶塔! ~ 東川!南海!西域!北冥! ~ 你想得出的武林聖地,都在你面前展現! ~ 傳說中的武林高手,在你面前等你挑戰! ~ 最強的武功秘笈,任你取得! ~ 武林盟主還是武林蝦米,等你來自己作主! 《半即時集氣系統,回合制戰棋戰鬥》 ~ 半即時集氣系統! ~ 戰鬥以戰棋+集氣形式進行! ~ 集滿氣就能行動! ~ 戰鬥中會遇上各種流派! ~ 先手壓制流!連擊流!反擊流!殺氣流!狀態流!復活流!自殺流!回氣流!...
[ 旅行 ]
RouteDraw is a utility mobile app suitable for short trip route planning, supporting route drawing, route length/gain/loss calculation, time estimation, GPS positioning, compass, track logging, deviation alert, offline maps, and etc. Of course, the main function is route drawing, you can draw a route along a way easily by moving your finger over the map. RouteDraw should be very useful to you, if you like to plan your route before your trip. Based on the Mapbox mapping services, the route drawing function should work on all places...
[ ユーティリティ ]
J-TH is a thermo-hygrometer that plugs into audio jack of your iPhone/iPad. Features: -Plug and Play! No setup required -Temperature range from -30 to 70 degree C (-22 to 158 degree F) -Humidity range from 0% to 100% -Real-time Temperature and Humidity measurement -Comfort Information for reference -Dew Point and Heat Index calculation -No battery required How to use: 1. Open "J-TH" app. 2. Firmly plug the J-TH into the audio jack of iPhone/iPad and turn the headphone volume to maximum.The temperature and humidity reading shal...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Sync date, time, alarms and more settings of your wall clock remotely via Bluetooth Low Energy. No more hassle to adjust setting of wall clock manually. Features: -Time and Date Accurate time and date send from iPhone/iPad to wall clock. -Alarms Six alarms with different repeats, sound and volume. -Hourly Speaking Hourly time speaking, volume, start and end time can be adjusted . -Environment Indoor temperature/humidity and outdoor sensor temperature are both displayed on the wall clock and app. -Date Reminder Maximum 12 date...
[ ショッピング ]
[ 旅行 ]
Hiking Trail HK is a Hong Kong hiking mobile app, providing offline map and over 100 hiking trails in HK, and supporting route drawing, route sharing, route length/gain/loss calculation, time estimation, GPS location, compass, track logging, deviation alert, and etc. Before hiking, you can use the route drawing function to plan the route, and use the elevation profile to infer its difficulty, and estimate the time needed. During hiking, offline map is always available even if there is no data connection, and route deviation alert ...
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