フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ブック ]
We just added "The Rainbow Deer" and “The Rainbow Deer Games!!!!” “The Rainbow Deer” is a classic Chinese tale to warn against greed and to demonstrate gratefulness. Story Summary: A kind and beautiful magical deer saved a drowning hunter who swore he would never tell anyone where the deer lived. However, the hunter betrayed the deer in order to get a large reward from the King. What was worse, he pretended to drown in the same river again to tempt the deer to appear. Regardless the warnings from her friend, the kind deer ran ...
[ ゲーム ]
It's conversation of Cockroach's Leader - Rocky during the military ceremony ... "We are small, but strong They selfish, ugly and arrogant They're murderer!! We fight to survive !! Attack ! Attack ! Attack !!! "
[ エンターテインメント ]
Introducing a new story “Shall we date?: Magic Sword”  Ladies! Are you ready to set out on an adventurous journey with brave and handsome knights? 1.Story introduction This story is all about, you were assigned to look after the Excalibur sword, the sword has been around for decades, passed down from generations to generations until it was stolen...by the legendary King Arthur with his mysterious behavior.  You vow to get it back. Now you (player) also a fighter and three brave knights set out on a journey to get the sword back....
[ エンターテインメント ]
Be UNIQUE! Wanna know how you would look like if you were a fruit like in annoying orange? Find out instantly with FruitFace! What would you look like if you were an apple? And what about your friends? Find out with FruitFace, a fun way to instantly fruit your faces on your iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad. Use FruitFace on family, friends or colleagues photos and share them via email, FaceBook, Twitter, MMS, Instagram... FruitFace is simple, fun, flexible and lets you discover your inner fruit. ******How it works****** You take a pict...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
PCOS Diva is a must-have app for women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) who want to reclaim their femininity, fertility, health and happiness and thrive with PCOS. This app is developed by Amy Medling, Certified Health Coach and founder of PCOSDiva.com, the #1 site that helps women with PCOS manage their symptoms naturally through diet and lifestyle change. “I have tons more energy, my moods have improved, I sleep better and even have lost weight!” –Carrie “PCOS Diva taught me a lot about nourishing the body with food, b...
[ ゲーム ]
Commando Clans brings you the last war to free humanity from the powers that are limiting the development of this world. Play online in this massive multiplayer war simulation that will keep you playing for hours! /// Game Features - Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) RPG Game - Battle REAL players in REAL time - Send messages to your friends - Build your personal army, with Aircraft, Battle Ships and Ground Infantry - Fully upgradable skills. Shield, Energy, Attack and Ammo - Battle your friends and see whose army is stron...
[ 教育 ]
------不一樣的故事讀本,不一樣的學習效果!英語初學者最佳外語讀物,就是這一套!------ 賴世雄老師精采講解,用經典童話故事輕鬆學英文! 《賴世雄說故事(中級五合一)》收錄了五則家喻戶曉的經典童話: ● 醜小鴨 The Ugly Duckling ● 快樂王子 The Happy Prince ● 自私的巨人 The Selfish Giant ● 長髮姑娘 Rapunzel ● 青蛙王子 The Princess and the Frog 除了精美插圖搭配故事情節外,所有字彙與句型皆經由賴世雄老師規範,適合英語初學者與國小中年級小朋友,中英對照更適宜親子共讀。就讓《賴世雄說故事(中級五合一)》陪伴孩子,英語閱讀更上一層樓! ◎產品特色...
[ ゲーム ]
"Fruit that can run? Yup, and it's excellent fun too. Super Kiwi Castle Run offers plenty to keep the player coming back for more." 148apps.com "What you are about to see is so great that even Popeye is toying with the idea of abandoning spinach for kiwi. [...] Super Kiwi Castle Run’s simplicity is a beauty on its own." GameOgraphics.com ***************** Hear ye, hear ye, good people of the realm: Super Kiwi Castle Run is the ultimate medieval adventure game! Welcome to the knightly adventure Super Kiwi Castle Run! Before ...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
You’ve seen a movie and don’t know which it was? Start searching for movies easy and free – no registration required. This App is on a Give-and-Take basis, so don't be to selfish and help other people to find a movie again.
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
You’ve heard a song you really liked, but you don’t know the interpreter nor the title? We offer you an easy and fast way to look for this particular song. Download our free app now and post a search in order to find your song. In the meantime you may want to help others to find their songs. Please, don’t be selfish! Help others to find their songs, too. This App is on a give-and-take basis.
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