フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
FREE FOR DOWNLOAD ON THE IPHONE/IPOD TOUCH HUNT OR BE HUNTED! Enjoy the thrill of the hunt? The adrenaline. The fresh air. The "bang bang" and acrid scent of gunpowder from the smoking barrel of you rifle. If all this appeals to you, then this is the app for you! Bust out your shotgun and take an safari expedition to the African savannah, where zebras flock, bloodthirsty jackals roam and, of course, lions reign king. Have endless fun hunting through the jungle while in the comfort of your own home as you try to bag the ultima...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Safariで閲覧中のWebページを1タップでまるごと翻訳できるようになります。 使い方は簡単! 1. Safariで翻訳したいページを開く 2. PageTranslateのアイコンをタップ これだけです! もしPageTranslateのアイコンが表示されない場合は、以下の設定を行ってください。 1. Safariの画面下部の共有ボタンをタップ 2. アイコンが並んでいる下の列の一番右に、Moreと書かれたボタンがあるのでそれをタップ 3. リスト中のPageTranslateという項目のスイッチをオンにする
[ 仕事効率化 ]
使い方 1,画面左上の設定マークをタップ 2,Safari 3,コンテンツブロッカー 4,Weblockerオン その他 再度Safariを使う場合はWeblockerオフにしてください。 プライベートタブでもブロックは有効になります。
[ 仕事効率化 ]
This is the only adblock app you need on iOS devices, it is simple to use, powerful tool to block banner ads, interstitial ads and video ads. It works with not only Safari browser, but also all other apps; not only on WI-FI network, but also cellular network. Get rid of 99% ads, protect your privacy, and save your data usage. We want to make the internet green again. Adbye. #Adblock requires to set a fake vpn to block ads, no traffic will be routed to any vpn server. You can check this by check the ip of you iPhone on goo...
[ 教育 ]
Introducing kids to coding early is seen as vitally important by parents, educators, and tech leaders. Give your child a head start in learning how to code with Hopster Coding Safari. We have created this animal themed pre-coding logic game to help kids learn the fundamentals of coding. Children are presented with a series of logic problems to solve, getting different animals to where they need to be. What your child will learn from Hopster Coding Safari: - The fundamentals of computational thinking - Foundations of coding - Pr...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Safari用FontFlexをご紹介します - ウェブアクセシビリティを高める FontFlexは、画期的なSafari拡張機能であり、すべてのユーザーのウェブアクセシビリティを向上させることに専念しています。この拡張機能を使うことで、ウェブページの閲覧体験がシームレスに向上し、テキストフォントやサイズを好みに合わせてパーソナライズすることができます。これは単なるカスタマイズではなく、ウェブを普遍的にアクセス可能にすることについてです。 **読みやすさの向上** FontFlexはウェブコンテンツの読みやすさを向上させます。この革新的な拡張機能を使用すると、選択したフォン...
[ 教育 ]
SKY & TELESCOPE HOT PRODUCT 2014! Satellite Safari is your tour guide to the universe of satellites that humanity has launched into orbit around our home planet. According to The Mac Observer: "I regard this app as authoritative ... Amateur astronomers, wanting to get a photo of the ISS, could use it to plan the pass. Government and military people could use it for all kinds of planning operations. And teachers, students and even casual users just wanting to learn more about particular satellites could learn a lot ... It would be...
[ ユーティリティ ]
これ一つで快適な高速ブラウジングをお楽しみいただけます。 日本向けのサイトを特によく見る方にオススメします! ・通信量の節約 ・ Safariの広告をブロック ・トラッキングを拒否 弊社のシステムによる自動更新機能で常に最新の状態に保てます。 使い方:設定->Safari->コンテンツブロッカー->爆速WebをONにして下さい。
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Say goodbye to ads on your phone! SkyBlue Ad Blocker is the most powerful ad blocker for Safari. It allows you to block obtrusive ads, sneaky trackers, and annoying elements on sites. With SkyBlue, you're safe online and nothing will distract you from enjoying websites. Say goodbye to: • ads and banners • YouTube video ads • autoplay videos • fake "x" buttons • scrolling banners • timed popups • redirects to "xxx" websites • unwanted data collection • cookie notices Enjoy better Safari: • on average 2x faster web browsi...
[ ゲーム ]
* 5 Stars Recommended by Tencent Games Play 'Safari Chess' which is also commonly known as 'Animals/Jungle Chess' with anyone from all around the world. Play the multiplayer mode online with friends or try the single player mode to challenge and ultimately defeat the Dragon Master. Smooth and appealing graphics, animation suitable for all age groups. With great sound finish to the game, it is definitely a highly polished game and worth checking out. Features: • Single player with multiple difficulty AI levels suitable from begi...
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「iPhone & iPad アプリランキング」は、最新かつ詳細なアプリ情報をご紹介しているサイトです。 お探しのアプリに出会えるように様々な切り口でページをご用意しております。

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