フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ エンターテインメント ]
2006年1月に放映された人気アニメ「Fate/stay night フェイト・ステイナイト」のクイズアプリです。 「Fate/stay night フェイト・ステイナイト」 に登場するキャラクターごとのクイズになります。 名ゼリフやマニアックなシーンをクイズにしています。 「Fate/stay night フェイト・ステイナイト」をもっと知りたい。 深く知りたい人にオススメです。 ▼クイズの内容▼ ・基本情報 ・衛宮 士郎 ・聖杯戦争 ・遠坂 凛 ・セイバー ・アーチャー ▼あらすじ▼ 日本のとある地方都市「冬木市」に数十年に一度現れるとされる、持ち主のあらゆる願いを叶える「聖杯」。7人の魔術師...
[ ゲーム ]
自分のインテリアデザインHGTVショーを運営するのがどんな感じか知りたいと思ったことはありませんか?最新のホームデザインゲームであるPinterestのインテリアデザインに触発された3Dグラフィックスと創造的な美的デザインを備えた最高のホームデコレーションゲームで、これを実現できます。家具の選択肢は、アシュリーとイケアの家庭用家具と装飾店から来ました。 プロのインテリアデザイナーLucasと不動産の大物Taylorと協力して、インテリアデザインのエキスパートになりましょう。スタイリッシュなパターンを適用した部屋の改装。あなたの家の設計の旅を開始し、あなたの...
[ 旅行 ]
楽天の宿泊施設ブランド「Rakuten STAY(楽天ステイ)」の公式アプリが登場! 楽天ステイ公式アプリならアプリ予約割引でおトクに泊まれる!もちろん、楽天ポイントも貯まる!使える! 【Rakuten STAY(楽天ステイ)とは】 楽天ステイが企画・開発、不動産取得、建設、開業から運営まで一括して行っています。 自然と調和し、広いプライベート空間を備えた一棟貸し切りの「VILLA」シリーズや、 開放感あふれる上質な客室で暮らすように過ごすことができる「TERRACE」シリーズ、 観光やビジネスの拠点としても利用しやすいマンションタイプなど、多種多様な宿泊施設を全国40カ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Stay focused lets you get things done by breaking up individual event among discrete intervals, separated by short breaks. It helps you stay focused in work and study to makes your time more productive and joyful. FOUCS TIMER • Base on Pomodoro Technique, for work and study. • 25-minutes fully concentrated periods, separated by 5-minutes short breaks • Long Break mode. Trigger a long break every four concentrated periods • Allows customising the length of focuses and breaks • Includes Apple Watch Pomodoro Technique is an easy-to-...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Welcome to Focus Town! How many hours do you spend on your phone every day? How many hours are wasted when you are supposed to do something more important? And how many unnecessary extra hours do you need to take to finish the important things? We all understand the importance of staying focused; however, it is just so hard to stop scrolling... Focus Town is an incredible timer app that dedicates to help you stay focused and keep all of the distractions away. Whenever you feel the urge to stay focused, stay away from everything, ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Do you find yourself really tired when driving home? Wish you had someone talking to you and keeping you awake? Stay Awake Pro is the ultimate drowsiness fighting tool! Designed for drivers with fatigue who need to get home safely, this app helps you stay awake, focused and alert so that you can arrive home safe and sound. It's simple to use and it lets you choose from two modes that help prevent you from falling asleep. Features: - Choose from two modes: - Interactive touch mode to keep you moving. - Voice controlled inte...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Millions of people suffer from alcoholism addiction. Quit Drinking – Stay Sober helps by sending daily reminders for quit drinking. Quit Drinking – Stay Sober helps you to stop drinking alcohol. It contains many inspirational features that helps you to stay away from alcohol and stay sober. Track the hours, minutes, and even seconds of your sobriety. You can also see the total number of days you’ve been sober. You just need to provide quit drinking date and time, money spent weekly & drinks per week and you will get sober statist...
[ 教育 ]
'Stay safe' game is developed by Dubai Police in the implementation of Dubai Police’s belief in the importance of serving and caring for society. The game aims to contribute to raising awareness and educating the public in all its categories of positive behaviors that must be adhered to and some Negative behaviors that must be avoided to maintain public safety. Play a game 'Stay safe' to strengthen your skills in communicating with the community in safe conditions. Learn behaviors with content created by professionals. Reduce time ...
[ 教育 ]
Stay Play Grow helps parents and caregivers of children 0-5 stay happy, healthy, and safe. Discover simple ways to play and learn with children at home. Connect to resources to manage stress, find food and diapers near you, and more. This is a one-stop-shop to keep you and your family safe and supported. Resources available in English and Spanish. This app was developed by the Early Learning Lab with support from the Nicholson Foundation and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
[ ビジネス ]
MyESA App is a free mobile communication and messaging app available for active, designated Extended Stay America associates who choose to register and use it. MyESA App helps the Company to facilitate and encourage two-way communications and deliver content to users. MyESA App features & functionality: - Follow the latest ESA news, events, Leadership messages, and other content relevant and of interest to you. - Browse select content submitted by ESA users and share feedback through polls and likes. - Submit your own ideas fo...
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