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[ 教育 ]
我們將以實際且常用的SQL指令語法,透過SQLite畫面範例介紹給大家,一步步進入SQL的世界,讓你從完全不懂,到能學會使用SQL語法操作資料庫。 1.SQL是讓你操作資料的通行證,讓你快速查詢資料,分析統計報表都少不了它。 2.SQL是通用指令語法,讓你周遊目前市面上有許多資料庫,如HTML 5的Web SQL Database、SQLite、Mysql、Access、MSSQL、Oracle、DB2等。 3.匯集常用的SQL語法,讓你進階SQL能力。
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Pocket Data is an RDBMS, a relational database management system, powered by SQLite. - Create your own apps, however many - First one is FREE of charge - Each app comprises tables, queries and reports - Learn from the 9 app templates - Use text, integer, decimal, date, bool, ref. tables - Text is stored in UTF-8, not Unicode - Integers and decimals are properly localised - Browse and search data intuitively - Switch from list to records, and vice versa - Enter data easily - Use textfields, selection lists, date pickers, etc - Cr...
[ ブック ]
SQLite is a famous embedded and memory database. This manual will help you to learn it. This manual compiled by iihero. SQLite Manual built with iChm. iCHM is an open source project. Features : 1. Fit-to-width mode for non-fixed-width page 2. Full screen mode 3. View in landscape mode 4. Navigate through Table of Content 5. Navigate or search through Index 6. Font size manipulation 7. Text encoding switching
[ 仕事効率化 ]
バックアップと復元の方法 1.iphoneをitunesに接続。 2.iphoneのAppタグを選択し、画面左下のアプリ一覧から時間管理を選択。 3.一覧の中から、mbo.sqliteファイルをバックアップ。 4.既存の時間管理アプリをアンインストール後、再度、時間管理をダウンロード。 5.itunesから一端iphoneを取り出し、再び、itunesにiphoneを接続。 6.再ダウンロードした時間管理のアプリのファイル内のmbo.sqliteファイルを、アップデートしたものに置き換える。 どんな分野でも専門家に成りたければおよそ一万時間(毎日3時間ずつ10年)を投資しなければならないといわれています。 目標を持...
[ 開発ツール ]
Develop and run PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS locally on your iPad or iPhone (or an Apple Silicon Mac), without requiring an internet connection. Run Apps as complex as WordPress or phpMyAdmin right on your device. Freely choose your workspace location on your device, either inside DraftCode, or in the folder of a Git Client like WorkingCopy, on iCloud or other services that offer selectable folder locations. Access your PHP Web App from other Apps on your iPad while in Split Screen mode, for example Mobile Safari or Brave. Draft...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Do. Beautiful and easy task management. Do is designed to be the easiest to use powerful task manager with a clean interface. It focusses on quick task input to speed up your workflow. Whether you use it as a simple todo list or GTD-management tool, Do can provide in both user preferences. "Overall, Do lives up to what it claims to be: a simple and useful task management app. With a clean interface and multiple features, you’re sure to be productive using Do." - AppAdvice, ★★★★ "Do is a definite DO from us." - ReviewMe FEATURE...
[ 開発ツール ]
SQLed is your database manager on the go. Manage your SQLite databases on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. Features include: 1. Organize your work into projects 2. Manage SQLite databases for each project 3. Create, Edit, Delete tables, views, indexes and triggers. 4. Generate DDL scripts for your databases. 5. Generate DDL scripts for your tables, views, indexes and triggers. 6. Print DDL scripts. 7. Execute SQL queries with the SQL editor which includes notifications for error messages (based on a design provided by Jon Edlund),...
[ ブック ]
✞ 개역개정, 새찬송가, CCM 악보, 개역한글, 쉬운성경, 바른성경, KJV한글흠정역, NIV, 메튜헨리 주석, 호크마 주석... 이 모든 콘텐츠를 한 곳에 담는 오픈바이블 플러스 입니다. 오픈바이블 플러스는 성경, 찬송가, 오디오 성경, 찬송가 음원을 개별로 구매할 수 있어 나만의 크리스찬 콘텐츠 앱으로 만들어 갈 수 있습니다. 추가 업데이트를 통해 주석, 신앙서적, 큐티집 등 다양한 크리스챤 콘텐츠가 추가될 예정이며, 어플 사용법에 대한 사용설명서는 '설정 - 상세설정 - 사용설명서'에 있으니 참고하시기 바랍니다. ✚ 기본제공 콘텐츠 ∙ 한글성경 : 개역한글 ∙ ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Features of iFile - Integrated File Browser with support for Creation, deletion, copy, cut (move), paste or zipping of multiple files or directories at once - Renaming of files or directories - Bookmarking of files and folders - Searching files hierarchically - Emailing of one or more files with Apple MobileMail - Editing of text files, HTML files and property list files - Editing of file attributes (name, owner, group, permission, modification date) - File passing to other AppStore apps - Opening of files of various file types fr...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Explore binaural frequencies, record your audio sessions Here are some possible applications : - Calibration and testing of sound equipment or loudspeakers. - Acoustic testing and equalization. - Hearing tests (preferably under medical supervision). - Binaural beats therapy (preferably under medical supervision. https://blog.mindvalley.com/how-to-use-binaural-beats/ ). - Creation of audio samples. - Demonstration of audio principles to students. And many more. Here is a comprehensive description of the app : Binaural frequency...
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