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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
歡迎下載SPACE YOGA App,啟動你的每日瑜珈練習,輕鬆規劃工作、運動與生活平衡的最佳時間表。 登入會員帳號之後,你將能在彈指行動間,掌握兩館課表,預約/取消課程、設定行事曆提醒,並能檢視已預約課程,還能分享給好友,一起來上課! App內建會員帳號條碼,讓你不僅能簽到上課,也能出示給SPACE YOGA合作店家,享受專屬優惠。 你也將最快得知最新活動/優惠/公告訊息,重要資訊不錯過。   * 預約/取消/候補/No Show/Late Cancel規定將依照SPACE YOGA會籍使用規章與禮儀需知 SPACE YOGA App is a simple, easy to use planner, perfect for overseeing your daily yoga pract...
[ ミュージック ]
SPACE SHOWER SWEET LOVE SHOWER 2011のオフィシャルアプリ登場。 出演者情報、タイムテーブル、会場マップやアクセス方法に加えイベント当日の速報レポートやツイッターの情報を確認できます。 ■TIME TABLE ■ARTIST LINE UP ■AREA MAP ■LIVE REPORT ■ACCESS MAP 他 【SPACE SHOWER SWEET LOVE SHOWER 2011】 ◆開催日程:2011年8月27日(土)、28日(日) ◆会場:山梨県 山中湖交流プラザ きらら ※出演者等の情報は変更になる場合があります。最新の情報はオフィシャルサイトをご確認ください。
[ 旅行 ]
Take your Space Needle experience to the next level. The Space Needle Official app is your companion as you explore everything there is to do at Seattle’s newly-renovated icon. View us in 4D with Augmented Reality models or use the Pano feature to learn about all Seattle has to offer. As always, whether it’s the perfect Skyhigh Selfie or a daring photo on #TheLoupe, the world’s first and only rotating glass floor, all of your digital photos are complimentary and can be downloaded directly to your mobile device.
[ ビジネス ]
SPACE is the world's leading trade Show all livestock professionals: cattle (dairy and meat), poultry, pigs, rabbits, sheep, goats and aquaculture. It will be held from Tuesday 12 to Thursday 14 September 2023 at the Parc-Expo in Rennes, France. It will be the optimum Business meeting time of the year and will gather more than 1,200 exhibitors representing all the livestock farming sectors (feed and animal nutrition, genetics, livestock equipment, health, energy, milking, ...) and 90,000 professional visitors from 120 countries. T...
[ 天気 ]
This valuable App allows you to visualize multiple domains of space weather in the palm of your hand in near real-time. Space weather is the dynamical way in which the Sun affects the near-Earth space environment and our technological systems. Disturbances are cause by solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and these impact high frequency (HF) radio communications, GPS navigation accuracy, power line transmissions, cell phones, and satellite orbits. Space weather even creates the aurora. For example, say that a flare occu...
[ ビジネス ]
Internal Maintenance Application for Space2B at the Maltings. It allows management and maintenance teams to take control of the space and communicate effectively.
[ 教育 ]
3-2-1 Lift Off! Help your child’s learning “blast off” with the assistance of some friendly, space alien explorers in Alphabet Letter & Number Sequencing- Space Aliens! KidSpring Studio’s latest hit, is a fun and educational app that was designed in conjunction with parents, school teachers, and educational psychologists to improve early childhood and kindergarten development skills, focusing on alphabet letter and number (ABC and 123) sequencing. Your child’s mission is to help a wild variety of space aliens explore the galaxy v...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Ti presentiamo la nuova app di The Space Cinema. Trova il cinema più vicino a te, scegli il film che preferisci o usa la nuova sezione Consigliati per te e acquista in maniera facile, veloce e sicura con un semplice click. Ricevi subito i tuoi biglietti digitali nella nuovissima sezione dedicata ed entra subito in sala: le lunghe code in biglietteria saranno solamente un lontano ricordo! Esplora: - Scegli il tuo cinema preferito o fatti suggerire quello più vicino in base alla tua posizione attuale - Naviga sul nuovo Menu e sul...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
SpaceCycle是集合运动、音乐、科技的新型运动体验中心。以音乐为灵魂,通过音乐引领为每一天注入音乐的感动和正向能量,用运动打开身心灵的无限空间,创造远远超越身体感受的运动体验。 SpaceCycle创造出一个「时尚 X 社交 X 健身 X 科技」的全新概念空间,全天候提供Space Cycle、Space Barre、Space Yoga和Space Moves四类课程。 SpaceCycle is a new music fitness concept, which takes it to another level, individually sculpted playlists, sounds, and lighting, gives your mind and body a full transformation, which will push you beyond your limits. SpaceCy...
[ 教育 ]
Function Space app is the best way to learn and discuss science, with a community of science learners and experts from over 190 countries. You have a science problem or query, this app can answer it for you. We provide you with free access to thousands of discussions, insightful articles, and an opportunity to interact with the best minds across the world. Our iOS app is the easiest way to solve your doubts related to physics, mathematics and computer science, on the go. You can customize the content and select your learning level...
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