フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 旅行 ]
Edizioni Magnamare is a publishing house specializing in nautical science. Since 1999, it has published the 777 Pilot Book series, thanks to the incredible work carried out by its travelling team. The guide is updated after regular exploration of all moorings, from harbours to mooring buoys. The sea is experienced at first hand, in order to understand all the difficulties that every mariner has to face. The 777 Pilot Book Series have been prepared in the tradition of the ancient portolans (pilot charts), that used to include charts...
[ ゲーム ]
Can you survive the wasteland? Surrounded by destruction. Battling zombies and monsters at every turn in your quest for domination. Your very survival amid the fallout of this post-apocalypse wasteland depends on your prepper skills: build shelter, battle zombies, and most importantly, tap! This spine-chilling adventure takes you on a journey through 16 exotic cities. You’ll incrementally build your skills and upgrade your weapons while battling titans at every turn. THE APOCALYPSE IS UPON US! YOUR DOOMSDAY ADVENTURE AWAITS ● T...
[ 旅行 ]
Edizioni Magnamare is a publishing house specializing in nautical science. Since 1999, it has published the 777 Pilot Book series, thanks to the incredible work carried out by its travelling team. The guide is updated after regular exploration of all moorings, from harbours to mooring buoys. The sea is experienced at first hand, in order to understand all the difficulties that every mariner has to face. The 777 Pilot Book Series have been prepared in the tradition of the ancient portolans (pilot charts), that used to include charts...
[ 旅行 ]
Edizioni Magnamare is a publishing house specializing in nautical science. Since 1999, it has published the 777 Pilot Book series, thanks to the incredible work carried out by its travelling team. The guide is updated after regular exploration of all moorings, from harbours to mooring buoys. The sea is experienced at first hand, in order to understand all the difficulties that every mariner has to face. The 777 Pilot Book Series have been prepared in the tradition of the ancient portolans (pilot charts), that used to include charts...
[ ゲーム ]
RealmCraft is a sandbox construction game with 3D procedurally generated world. Create and break apart various kinds of blocks, explore the environment in minecraft style, gather resources, craft weapons, build shelter and take part in combat with dangerous opponents. The game offers two modes – Survival and Creative. In Survival players have to collect resources, construct buildings, fight against enemies, manage hunger and explore the word to survive and prosper. In Creative mode you focus on breaking new grounds of creation by b...
[ 旅行 ]
Edizioni Magnamare is a publishing house specializing in nautical science. Since 1999, it has published the 777 Pilot Book series, thanks to the incredible work carried out by its travelling team. The guide is updated after regular exploration of all moorings, from harbours to mooring buoys. The sea is experienced at first hand, in order to understand all the difficulties that every mariner has to face. The 777 Pilot Book Series have been prepared in the tradition of the ancient portolans (pilot charts), that used to include charts...
[ メディカル ]
ImagiRation brings you a series of Speech and Language Therapy apps: Speech Therapy Step 1 – Preverbal exercises Speech Therapy Step 2 – Learn to sequence sounds Speech Therapy Step 3 – Learn to say 500+ words Speech Therapy Step 4 – Learn to say complex words Speech Therapy Step 5 – Record your own model words and exercise articulation MITA Language Therapy – the only clinically-validated language therapy application that was downloaded by nearly 3 million families. ================================== Speech Therapy Step 1 is ...
[ ゲーム ]
For dark reasons you find yourself alone, in the middle of an Egyptian desert. You try to find your way when suddenly a sandstorm breaks out. You must quickly find a shelter. In the distance you see some ancestral remains of the old empire. Despite the sand that whips your eyes you manage to reach this shelter, but the door closes violently behind you and hangs, you find yourself in total darkness. Gruesome grunts are heard, and you have no idea where the exit is. When suddenly a voice is heard, this strange character offers help, ...
[ 旅行 ]
Edizioni Magnamare is a publishing house specializing in nautical science. Since 1999, it has published the 777 Pilot Book series, thanks to the incredible work carried out by its travelling team. The guide is updated after regular exploration of all moorings, from harbours to mooring buoys. The sea is experienced at first hand, in order to understand all the difficulties that every mariner has to face. The 777 Pilot Book Series have been prepared in the tradition of the ancient portolans (pilot charts), that used to include charts...
[ ユーティリティ ]
The DogDog app makes helping shelter pets easy and convenient with every web search you make. By simply using our search engine, you contribute to supporting animals in need through our partnership with the Cesar Millan Foundation. How it Works: DogDog functions just like other search engines, but with a unique purpose. We use part of the ad revenue generated from your searches to support animal welfare through our partnership with the Cesar Millan Foundation. Together, we're making a bigger impact in improving the lives of ani...
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