フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 仕事効率化 ]
Have you ever been concerned about online privacy? Would you mind someone reading your mail? If your answer is "Yes" then SenseMail is for you! Protect your communications with this state-of-the-art application. SenseMail is easy to use, a secure e-mail client for your favorite email providers. We thought of every possible threat to your data when we created this app. SenseMail protects your privacy from the application launch to reading your messages. No data leaves your device or is stored unprotected. SenseMail uses industry-st...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Encryption became a common thing with the availability and spread of information we’re facing today, encryption of various kinds has to be employed if we want to ensure any level of information confidentiality. Hashing is a method of checking the integrity of encrypted content and lets us detect any and all modifications done to it. Features: • Instance check with type MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA 1, SHA 224, SHA 256, SHA 386, SHA 512, Base 64, ROT13. • Copy Paste Result. • User friendly Interface and Navigation. MD5 Complete an MD5 output...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
======================================= This app has been transferred to Certchip. We hope you enjoy the new version of this app. Please visit our website at the following link address. https://otpkey.com/#/apptransfer ======================================= OTPKEY adds a multi factor layer of security for your online accounts. Many services and IT products support One Time Password authentication to protect your account. These passwords can be generated even when your device is in offline mode. OTPKEY works with many of the ...
[ 開発ツール ]
SecurityKit is a tool that offers a number of different features such as: Encoding: - Hex - URL - Base32 - Base64 Hashing: - MD5 - SHA-1 - SHA-256 - SHA-384 - SHA-512 RSA: - Generate Key Pair - Encrypt - Decrypt - OAEP, PKCS1, PKCS1MD2, PKCS1MD5, PKCS1SHA1, PKCS1SHA224, PKCS1SHA256, PKCS1SHA384, PKCS1SHA512, sigRaw
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Independent of any governments, corporations, and developers. Distributed network infrastructure with open-source code. ANONYMOUS. Neither phone numbers nor emails are required. App has no access to the contact list or geotags, IPs are hidden from chatters. DECENTRALIZED. The ADAMANT blockchain system belongs to its users. Nobody can control, block, deactivate, restrict or censor accounts. Users take full responsibility for their content, messages, media, and goals and intentions of using the messenger. SECURE. All the messages...
[ ユーティリティ ]
What is MD5? MD5 is a message-digest algorithm. It's used to compute a hash value in cryptography. So what's an hash function then? Simply put, a hash function takes a block of data and returns a fixed-size bit string (hash value). The data used by hash functions is referred to as a "message", while the computed hash value is referred to as the "message digest". When to use MD5? MD5, like other hash functions, is used in digital signatures, message authentication codes, to index data in hash tables, for finger-printing, to detect ...
[ ファイナンス ]
話題のブロックチェーンの知識を、30秒クイズで学びましょう! ブロックチェーンは世界を変えるのか!? この波に乗り遅れるな!! 楽しく、簡単に、有効な技術を身に着けよう! ブロックチェーン・シミュレータ内蔵! - 簡単操作 - 多岐にわたる出題 - 問題数100問以上! - 配信最新ニュースに対応したクイズ - ブロックチェーン・シミュレータ内蔵 - わかりやすいユーザー・インターフェース - 直感的なアニメーション - iOS9.3以上の広範囲なデバイス対応 - iPod, iPhone, iPad - 各種設定 Dark/Liteテーマ - 独自の成績証明書 - 簡単操作 30秒リミットの出題に、 4択のボタンを...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Simple ROT13 Premium is an utility allowing to cipher or hash a text using ROT13 or L33T ROT13 algorithm, and much more. Available algorithms are : - MD2 - MD4 - MD5 - ROT13 - ROT13 (L33T) - ROT47 - SHA-1 - SHA-224 - SHA-256 - SHA-384 - SHA-512 ROT13 is a simple cipher which shift each letter from the text to cipher of 13 characters. L33T ROT13 replace vowels with digits, and is a one-way ciphering algorithm. ROT47 works the same manner than ROT13, but uses more characters (letters, digits, special characters). MDx and SHA-x ...
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