フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Do you love SEGA's games so much that their sad demise as a hardware manufacturer just makes you break down in uncontrollable floods of tears and beat your fists on a desk, sobbing for what once was? Does the smug face of that awful shell-popping plumber and his gangly brother just rip your heart out and devour it whole? Do you sate that internal turmoil by picking up every damned SEGA game you can from eBay, and piling them high on shelves, to hoard, stare defiantly at, rifle through, and keep forever more? Will you pass them on ...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
*** Annual subscription on sale for a limited time only *** Are you an "old school" or modern gamer and/or collector? Do you shop garage sales, flea markets, eBay? Want to know if you are getting ripped off by your local game store? You owe it to yourself to know what your games are worth. The Video Game Price Guide contains over 20,000 video game titles and lists prices for complete and incomplete games and systems. The Game Price Guide database is maintained by Video Game Trader, a magazine devoted to video games, with some dat...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Give your photos a retro game look! Do you ever pine for the nostalgic aesthetics from your old Apple IIe, Nintendo Gameboy or Sega Genesis? Want to see the world as if pixellated through your Commodore 64 or Atari 2600? ConsoleCam lets you see your photos as they would look on over 90 vintage consoles and computers with hundreds of variations. See what your puppy would look like on a ColecoVision, or your friend's face on a Macintosh 128k, then easily share or save the results. ConsoleCam faithfully converts your pictures into...
[ ゲーム ]
The Video Game Console Guide is a reference that features all of the best video game consoles! The consoles that influenced video gaming as we know it. A great reference for the retro gamers or as I like to call myself the "Old School Gamer". The app includes data points like: release date, discontinued date, units sold, description, and CPU. *NES *SNES *GameCube *N64 *Wii *Xbox *Xbox 360 *PS1 *PS2 *PS3 *Sega Genesis *Sega Saturn *Sega DreamCast *Neo Geo *Atari 2600 *Atari 5200 *Atari 7800 *Atari Jaguar *TurboGrafx-16 *PC-FX *C...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Finde Cheats, Tipps und Tricks für deine lieblings PC- und Video Games! Werde fündig in über 130'000 Einträgen und täglich kommen neue dazu! Systeme: Android, C64, DreamCast, Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, Game Gear, Game Cube, iOS, Jaguar, Lynx, Macintosh, Master System, Mega Drive / Sega Genesis, N-Gage, Neo Geo, Neo Geo Pocket, NES, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 64, Nintendo DS, PC, Play Station 1 - 4, Play Station Portable, Play Station Vita, Sega Saturn, SNES, Virtual Boy, Wii, Wii U, Wonderswan, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One HINWEIS: Die...
[ ゲーム ]
SEGAとBBC EARTHの共同プロジェクト"Orbi"の公式「あそべる」アプリシリーズ第2弾 『Orbi クイズで図鑑をつくろう!』登場! 「クイズで図鑑をつくろう!」は、大自然や生きもののクイズに答えて、どんどん図鑑を増やしていくゲームです! 地上最速の動物は?海中最速の生きものは?では、鳥の中で一番速いのは? などの、あっと驚き!の知識が身につきます。 ===ゲーム紹介=== ▼君は解けるかな!? -「クイズ」モード たくさんあるクイズの中から8問が出題されます。 クイズはすべて4択問題。全問正解をめざしてがんばろう! 「クイズ」のあとは「おさらい」で、もっと詳し...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Dead or Alive 5 is a fighting game in the Dead or Alive series, developed by Team Ninja in partership with Sega AM2 and released by Koei Tecmo simultaneously for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2012. It is the first Dead or Alive game to have a multi-platform release since Dead or Alive 2 as well as the series' first installment that was released for the PlayStation 3. Dead or Alive 5 features guest characters from Sega's Virtua Fighter fighting game series and several new gameplay mechanics, as well as improved graphics and a mo...
[ 雑誌/新聞 ]
Mega Visions is the world’s first cutting-edge, interactive, digital SEGA and Atlus magazine dedicated to delivering top-notch coverage from present to past designed for all your devices. Each issue is filled with videos and audio interviews from your favorite SEGA developers and studios, interactive multimedia elements, classic retrospectives, reviews for new and old SEGA and Atlus games and much more. ---------------------------------------------- This is a free app download. Within the app users can purchase the current issue ...
[ ゲーム ]
■究極のNET麻雀『MJ』登場! 圧倒的な臨場感と他の追随を許さない熱い対局演出で人気のアーケード麻雀の最高峰がスマホ・PCで遊べます。 ■基本無料 課金無しで本格対人麻雀が遊べます。 ■初心者でも大丈夫 トレーニングモードで麻雀の基本ルールから学べるから、麻雀知らなくても大丈夫! ■実況・解説付! アーケードで好評のリアルタイム実況・解説が対局を盛り上げます。 ■カンタン操作とアシスト機能で快適麻雀! 直感的な操作性で、誰でもすぐ遊べます。 「テンパイ時の捨牌」や「シャンテン数」「待ち牌」「安全牌」「切ればテンパイに近づく打牌候補」まで教えてく...
[ ゲーム ]
セガが贈るモバイル最強の競走馬育成シミュレーションゲーム ◆最強オーナーを決める一戦『オーナーズCUP』が新登場!◆ ルールはとても簡単で、平日(月~金)は馬デッキを組んで、予選レースにエントリーするだけ!あとは決められた時間になると自動でレースが開催されます。 そして斬新なのが、予選結果で決勝ラウンド(土・日)進出が毎日決定すること!通常のトーナメント戦は1回戦・・・3回戦と勝ち進まなければ決勝ラウンドには出られませんし、予選敗退するとその先は楽しめません。しかし、オーナーズCUPでは、もし負けてしまっても毎日予選に挑戦でき、1日ごとに決勝ラ...
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