フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
Line2 is the most affordable, reliable & simple way to set up a second phone number and connect anywhere! Get a second line & access unlimited calls, text & voicemail features. It’s time for a better way to communicate - Line2 is your solution.
Your personal phone number should stay personal. Line2 makes it simple to screen and block calls to maintain your privacy with robust features that help you say goodbye to annoying spam calls. Keep your second number safe with Line2’s premier communications system that allows you to receive...
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[ ゲーム ]
The endpoint of all strategic games! Enjoy historic battles with your phone!
Invasion of Normandy, Winter War, Battle of Leningrad…
Famous battles of World War II right on my phone!
The endpoint of all smartphone strategy games, ‘second World War’!!!
Now, the history of the world lies in your hands!
- Game Description -
second World War is a highly addictive strategy game with the goal of winning the historic battles of World War II.
- Game Characteristics -
Go beyond the simple finger-moving action of previous genres a...
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[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Leap Secondは,必要な機能が全て入った動画日記アプリです。動画を取り込んでカットしてつなげて,なにげない日常を捉えた1秒の動画を作成できます。好きな思い出をLeap Secondに残して,日々の出来事を友人や家族と気軽にシェアしましょう。毎日の記録を楽しく振り返りましょう!
Leap Secondには,動画日記を簡単に素早く作れる便利な機能が揃っています。
- カレンダー表示:動画は自動的にLeap Secondのカレンダーに反映されるので,データの整理がとっても簡単。
- マルチメディア対応:Leap Secondは,縦横両方の向きのビデオ,写真,Live Photoに対応しています。
- 一緒に制作:...
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[ ビジネス ]
SMART SECONDは、三井住友ファイナンス&リースが提供する、取扱店様専用の公式アプリです。
Speed!Simple!Smart!を合言葉に、当社のWeb審査・契約・販売支援ポータル「SECOND PLUS」の審査申込、審査結果照会の機能を、そのままスマホ、タブレットへ。
・読んで役立つ More Than Finance
※touch IDまたはFace ID対応で簡単ログインが可能です
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[ 教育 ]
21 fun and educational games to help your child learn 2nd Grade lessons! Teach Second Grade lessons like multiplication, money, time, punctuation, STEM, science, spelling, suffixes, the human body, states of matter, cardinal directions and more. Whether they are just starting Second Grade, or need to review and master the subjects, this is a perfect learning tool for kids aged 6-9. Math, language, science, STEM, and critical thinking skills are all tested and practiced in these games.
All 21 lessons and activities are designed usi...
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[ ビジネス ]
Get a second phone number for making calls and texting! Instant and cheap 2nd phone line, without needing a new sim card! This is the easiest and fastest way to get a second phone number!
Choose a different phone number for calling and text messaging without using your original phone number. Great for businesses and entrepreneurs or people wanting improved privacy - when you call or text through the app, people see your new phone number, so your personal number stays private.
Your second phone number subscription includes bonus ...
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[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
== Easily bypass SMS verification codes and create as many web/app accounts as you need using our SMS Verification Code Helper.
== Experience our new local US cell phone plan! Get a reliable US number with flexible eSIM or SIM options, perfect for receiving verification codes across multiple platforms worldwide.
== Call anyone globally using your virtual temporary number. Whether you're running a business or traveling the world, enjoy uninterrupted connectivity! Make affordable international calls and manage contacts with a second...
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[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Create your personal video diary. Super simple. Super fast.
Do you like to take a trip down memory lane from time to time?
1 Second Daily Cam lets you record a second of every day of your life and creates your personal video diary out of it.
Experience moments of the past or enjoy a stream of days gone bye.
A calendar holds every second you took so you can easily go back and just watch or replace a second.
You can create movies by choosing custom periods, last month or your whole history of seconds.
This is app has been rebui...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
CallHelp helps you feel in control of your device again:
1. Get a second phone number.
Use different numbers for different purposes. A second phone number is a great way to separate work and personal life! The contractor who is called all the time, even after hours? Get your second number and stop annoying calls! Are you an avid dating person and don't want to be bothered by people who don't recognize your privacy? And also endless sites that require you to enter a phone number to register or get something. CallHelp eliminates th...
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[ ビジネス ]
APP details
Ring4 lets you generate a second phone number to call and text for personal use. More than just a second phone line or eSIM, Ring4 also comes with video conference, voicemails transcripts, call recording, robot-call blocking, international calls, area code selection and more.
Get a mobile phone line in the U.S., Canada, and the United Kingdom.
Dial or receive calls locally and overseas with no roaming charges! Access features like wifi calling, call recording, call transcripts, texting, emoji messages and anti-spam.
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