フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ エンターテインメント ]
Code Jungle is back! This time the Forest Family sets out on a safari to explore new ways that programs affect life in the Code Jungle. And there is a whole new family of safari friends to learn from: Giraffe teaches data structures, Sata the cheetah teaches patterns and computer peripherals, and the Elephant herd shows us how to store data in memory. Code Jungle 2: Software Safari is an interactive story app with built in activities that introduce computer programming through a wild jungle adventure! As you move through the st...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
take a master class inPanel Beating with this superb collection of 214 tutorial and informative video guides. Learn many techniques from experts with a lifetimes expeience! Lessons include: Collision Damage Repairs-How To Repair Your Damaged Vehicle-From Start To Finish-Part 1 Auto Collision-How To Repair A Dent Properly Part 1 Paintless Dent Removal Made Easy-Auto Paint And Body EUROTEC PRODUKTS - Traditional dent pulling techniques Lascare - Miracle AiroPower Car Panel Repair by 3M Bodyshop Step 1 Car Primer Sanding by 3M Step ...
[ 雑誌/新聞 ]
Vidi - najpopularniji i najčitaniji regionalni ICT časopis, koji donosi hardverske testove, novosti, recenzije i trendove s područja informatike, elektronike te njihove praktične primjene. Vidi je prvi ICT časopis u regiji koji je izašao na iPad platformi, čije je izdanje sada prošireno i na ostale mobilne platforme. Osim časopisa u aplikaciji pratite i najnovije vijesti sa naših portala www.vidilab.com www.vidi.hr www.mobil.hr www.vidiauto.com www.itbizcrunch.com te s našeg YouTube kanala www.youtube.com/vidilab Aplikacija sadrž...
[ ビジネス ]
Wash Veš je aplikacija koja Vam olakšava naporne odlaske u hemijsku čistionu ili pranje Veša u kući tako što mi to uradimo za vas! Kroz jednostavan meni izaberite veš koji želite da Vam operemo te na kraju  izaberite termin kada možemo doći da preuzmemo isti. Bez brige da li će vani da padne kiša ili da će smog da isprlja Vaš friško oprani veš, vrijeme koje trošite na pranje i peglanje sada iskoristite za sebe. U dogovorenom terminu čemo dostaviti čist veš na Vašu adresu! Team Wash Veša je tu za Vas 7 dana u sedmici 24 sata dne...
[ ニュース ]
Lies los! – Der Zeitungsstand in der Tasche: Im Austria-Kiosk kannst du bequem einzelne Artikel oder ganze Ausgaben von Zeitungen, Magazinen und Fachmedien abrufen und lesen. Die Registrierung ist kostenlos – schau dich um, stöbere hinein und bezahle nur, was du wirklich lesen willst! Die App bietet Lesestoff in drei Bereichen: Empfehlungen: Hier findest du ganz persönlich auf deine Interessen abgestimmte Artikel. Trending: Damit du nichts verpasst, werden hier automatisch jene Artikel angezeigt, die derzeit im Web am häufigste...
[ メディカル ]
Are you ready to learn exactly what you need to know to pass the NCLEX RN exam? Right now, discover how NCLEX RN Proficiency is more than just a practice question bank. NCLEX RN Proficiency was created by several nursing experts who designed each question to be as difficult as the NCLEX so you will be prepared and feel at ease on your exam day. In addition, it is a transformative experience that you can do on your own, at your own pace, and from anywhere in the world. Features: - 2000+ NCLEX-RN style questions designed to teach yo...
[ 天気 ]
Aplikacija koristi podatke sa sajtova (www.hidmet.gov.rs i www.meteoalarm.rs) Republičkog hidrometeorološkog zavoda Srbije (RHMZ), kao i podatke za prognozu sa portala openweathermap.org. Aplikacija preuzima podatke sa sajta RHMZ kao i sa OWM na svakih sat vremena samo kada je startovana. Nema potrebe za češćim preuzimanjem podataka, zato što RHMZ ažurira podatke jednom u sat vremena. Preuzimanje podataka se dešava na svakih 15 minuta iza tačnog sata (na primer u 10:15h, 11:15h, 12:15h, 13:15h, itd). Podaci se ne preuzimaju kada ap...
[ ファイナンス ]
NLB mKlik omogućava vam da obavljate sve finansijske transakcije putem vašeg mobilnog uređaja u bilo koje vreme i na bilo kom mestu na brz, jednostavan i siguran način. Usluge su dostupne 24 sata, sedam dana u nedelji. Sve što vam je potrebno je mobilni uređaj i internet konekcija. NLB mKlik vam nudi sledeće opcije: • Provera stanja i prometa na računima i platnim karticama • Slanje izvoda sa računa za dinarske i devizne račune na registrovanu email adresu • Obavljanje plaćanja i transfer novca uz mogućnost slanja potvrde o pl...
[ 教育 ]
Pass your exam, build confidence, and advance your career with My Nursing Mastery. From the makers of NCLEX Mastery, My Nursing Mastery features 3,000+ exam-like questions, 1,500 clinical topics, advanced search, and more. All at a price that fits your budget! The best part? Whether you are on an RN or PN track, a membership to My Nursing Mastery will support you in school, on the NCLEX, and beyond. PREPPING FOR YOUR NCLEX? Gain the confidence you need to pass the NCLEX-RN® or NCLEX-PN®! Start a membership and receive: • 3,000+ ...
[ ビジネス ]
Bütün incesenet sevenler üçün açıq olan QALEREYA !!! Genc ressamlar bir çox hallarda öz sergilerini keçirmekde çetinlik çekirler. Maliyye ve diger problemler olur. Biz bu proqramla bu cür problemleri BİRDEFELİK HELL EDİRİK!!! Bizim qalereyada istenilen ressam öz eserlerini nümayiş etdire ve sata biler. Bunun üçün ressam qeydiyyatdan keçmeli ve öz eserlerini Qalereya-nın bazasına daxil etmelidir. Qalereya-da QEYDIYYAT ve ISTIFADE PULSUZDUR!!! Resm eserini almaq isteyen şexsler ressamın qeydiyyat zamanı gösterdiyi email ünvanı vas...
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