フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Sailing OutFront from Map My Tracks turns your iPhone into a high performance sports computer that's amazingly easy, fun and motivating to use when sailing. It's the only app you'll ever need for all your club sailing. OutFront accurately tracks speed, distance, time and gives you the information to better understand your races. With OutFront from Map My Tracks you can: TRACK YOUR SAILING Measure your performance and track your speed, pace, heart rate, calories burned, duration, elevation gain/loss and much more for each acti...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Sailing Life Magazine explores the cruising attitudes and boating adventures of sailors around the world. Get the latest relevant and interesting stories, pictures, and video of recreational and liveaboard cruisers around the globe right on your iPad or smartphone. Sailing Life Magazine is now a Free Subscription: Please go to www.sailinglifemag.com for more information
[ スポーツ ]
The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) govern the sport on the water. They are revised and published every four years by the International Sailing Federation. The current edition is The Racing Rules of Sailing 2013-2016. The Racing Rules of Sailing is available for purchase through the ISAF Secretariat and the Apple App Store. Also available on the ISAF website are details of Racing Rule changes authorized by ISAF under Rule 86.2, National Prescriptions and ISAFs Policy on the Reproduction of The Racing Rules. As a result of actions...
[ ニュース ]
Sailing & Travel Magazine è la prima rivista italiana interattiva dedicata esclusivamente al mondo del mare, dei viaggi e della vela, attraverso guide e reportage di turismo (su isole, arcipelaghi, città d'acqua e itinerari nautici), e approfondimenti dal mondo delle regate, per offrire con cadenza mensile oltre 100 pagine a numero di contenuti esclusivi realizzati dai migliori inviati e giornalisti italiani. Fondato da Niccolò Pagani, l'e-magazine rappresenta il fulcro di un vero e proprio sistema multimediale in grado di offrire,...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Odyssea is a modern app for tracking coastal cruises and races and sharing real-time progress with friends and family. Main features: 1. Automatically track your routes on your iPhone or iPad, even without Internet connection. 2. Monitor your real-time progress using a beautiful modern dashboard. At any moment you can see your: - Exact position with GPS coordinates - Heading in degrees and cardinal directions - Speed over ground, top speed and average speed registered in knots - Distance made good since the beginning of the trip...
[ スポーツ ]
Whether rookie or experienced regatta sailor, everyone interested in the sport of sailing can find a selection of the four most important tips needed to steer your boat with the "Right of Way" against other boats powered by the wind. It is always good to know the rules a little better than the boats around you, and these video clips will help give you that advantage. The animations are presented as video clips, and comments can be printed out (pdf) as an extension to the tips and their simulated scenes, which you should watch on yo...
[ ビジネス ]
Clinton Lake Sailing Association is located next to Clinton Lake Marina, 45 minutes west of Champaign-Urbana, 45 minutes south of Bloomington-Normal and 30 minutes north of Decatur. The club has a ramp, dock, pavilion with grill and fire pit, porta potty and dry sailing area. Sailors also can rent a slip or mooring from the marina. We are a community of active sailors and our official season is from late May to early October. We have regular club racing on the weekends, and social events, such as moonlight sailing, dock walks, dinn...
[ スポーツ ]
Many sailors are discussing the trim of a yacht very often. There are several opinions and nobody knows the best approach for a yacht, not for a sailing boat and not for a racing boat. 

This App is advising and recommending the best trim for your sailing boat. You just have to input the current situation in terms of wind, course and height of waves. By switching to the next page, the table show the details about the trim of the rigg. Use case: The plus and minus buttons let you change the strength of the wind, the hight of the w...
[ スポーツ ]
Sailing Today is the essential monthly magazine for thousands of active cruising sailors whose love of sailing takes them around the British Isles, across the Channel or further, to the blue waters of the wider world. Featuring new and used boat tests, interviews with cruising enthusiasts and expert assessments of the latest equipment, Sailing Today is the first choice for any cruising sailor in search of really relevant information on how to sail better. *Back issues and future issues are available for purchase within the App. F...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Het Sneekermeer op de iPhone? Met de Sailing Point VaarApp heb je alle informatie over watersport en recreatie op en rond het Sneekermeer in je zak! Handige informatie over bedrijven en locaties, zoals zwemstrandjes, aanlegsteigers, restaurants, duiklocaties, openbare eilanden, toiletten en watersportwinkels vind je makkelijk via de handige filter. Daarbij kun je ook diverse routes op de plas en in de omgeving tonen, opgedeeld in sloeproutes, kanoroutes, fietsroutes en wandelroutes. Bekijk voor je in de boot stapt wat de mogel...
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