フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ミュージック ]
7 Series,12 CD,300 Song kinds really love to sing. ZB Player,Simple is beautiful [CD 1] Children's Songs Of Inspiration [CD 2] Kids Party Songs [CD 3] Songs For Mom And Me [CD 4] DJ's Choice - Kids Fun - Games, Songs and Sing-A-Longs [CD 5] DJ's Choice - Kids Pop Christmas Songs [CD 6] Songs Kids Really Love To Sing:17 Playtime Songs [CD 7] Songs Kids Really Love To Sing:17 Christmas Songs [CD 8] Songs Kids Really Love To Sing:17 Bible Songs [CD 9] 118 Songs Kids Love To Sing CD 1 [CD10] 118 Songs Kids Love To S...
[ 教育 ]
我们为什么给孩子们提供英语歌谣? 幼儿阶段是第二语言学习的黄金时期。在这一关键阶段,经典英语歌谣对幼儿学习英语起着非常大的作用。比如: 1.英语儿歌能培养孩子对英语的兴趣。 2.英语儿歌能培养孩子的英语语感。 3.英语儿歌能提高孩子的口语能力,从根本上解决“哑巴英语”的问题。 所以,光给孩子听中文儿歌还不够,还要让孩子多听多唱英文儿歌,这样才能使孩子从小就培养对英语的兴趣和语感,为将来的学习打下良好的基础。 本款《英文儿歌大全》收录了55首琅琅上口、好听好记的英文儿歌,绝对是您培养孩子英语能力的不二选择! ------------------------------------ 音乐列表(共...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Self-titled as an “all American immigrant,” Joe Wong came a long way from a rosy-eyed new immigrant to a blossoming comedian. His jokes range from ethnic, personal, political, observational to bizarre. It’s not always easy to categorize his humor, but it is always inspired. Use this app to stay updated of Joe's latest show schedule, tweets, video clips, photos.
[ エンターテインメント ]
Make a photo yourself with a custom background picture More than 100 background pictures and 200 Emoji How to use: Photo Frame or Decorative items,and also you can click doodle,you can draw anything by yourself,if you finished all,you can select the save,return to the main screen ,click album,click diy ,you can see the pic you creat just now,click it ,then click the play,ok,your perfect photo come on... "Magic Photo Sticker" is a section purikura manufacture software, as long as you equipment with cameras can oneself clap stic...
[ 教育 ]
뉴아이패드 레티나 디스플레이 완벽 지원!! ★ 3D 친근한 캐릭터로 HD화질의 총 50곡 영어동요 수록 ★ 특징 1. 처음 영어를 접하는 어린이에게 영어에 대한 흥미를 가질 수 있다. 2. 재미있는 노래, 율동 등을 통해 영어 듣기와 읽기에 쉽게 접근 3. 영어를 처음 시작하는 유,초등학생 4. 챈트와 노래등 여러 액티비티가 필요한 학습자 ★ FEATURES 1. 영어동요를 귀여운 캐릭터와 3D 영상을 통해 함께 율동을 따라 하고 노래를 부를 수 있도록 개발. 2. 연령별 모두 아이들이 쉽게 따라 부를 수 있는 유명한 동요 수록. 3. 처음 접하는 영어를 가장 쉽고 재미 있게 배...
[ エンターテインメント ]
自拍大头贴 多达百种不同的背景供您选择 提供近200种涂鸦表情 选择喜欢的背景后打开相机拍摄吧 在系统预览窗口直接点击使用即可(忽略预览口的系统自动旋转) 涂鸦后可直接将照片保存到系统相册 推荐使用iPhone4或iPodTouch4 建议关闭过多不使用的后台程序以得到更多可用内存 无摄像头的iOS设备无法使用本软件 Make a photo yourself with a custom background picture More than 100 background pictures and 200 Emoji How to use: Photo Frame or Decorative items,and also you can click doodle,you can draw anything by yourself,if you finished all,you ca...
[ ブック ]
FICTION FOR CHILDREN UNDER A NEW DIMENSION! Our new interactive book is all about FRIENDSHIP! Children learn the value of friendship through the beautiful story of Mike, a boy who has many friends, but learns that friendships become stronger through hardships. Mike is a normal boy who has lots of friends at school. One day though, he argues with his friends and they stop talking to each other. After a short period of hesitation, he realizes that friendship does not mean that things are always rosy. It is during the hard times...
[ 教育 ]
FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME! CHECK OUT THE WHOLE SERIES and APP BUNDLE TOO! Get your RACERS ready! Can your SUBTRACTION SKILLS win the race? Welcome to one of the fastest SUBTRACTION GAMES around. It’s simple to play… but you have to be quick on the keys. 3 fun themes, HOT CARS, FAST FAIRIES & FAIRY TALE DASH, plus 2 SPEED LEVELS & 12 QUESTION LEVELS! 72 different GAME VARIATIONS in one app! ***Don't miss the great value, discounted 'Race & Learn Pack: Maths, Sight Words & Spelling' app bundle!*** ***The Times Tables Version in thi...
[ 教育 ]
Get your RACERS ready! Can your DIVISION SKILLS win the race? Welcome to one of the fastest DIVISION GAMES around. It’s simple to play… but you have to be quick on the keys. 3 fun themes, HOT CARS, FAST FAIRIES & FAIRY TALE DASH, plus 2 SPEED LEVELS & 9 QUESTION LEVELS! 54 different GAME VARIATIONS in one app! ***Don't miss the great value, discounted 'Race & Learn Pack: Maths, Sight Words & Spelling' app bundle!*** ***The Times Tables Version in this series was AWARDED 91/100 by AppySmarts.com This is what they said: “What we li...
[ 教育 ]
家长使用须知: ◆ 本产品为《哈利学前班:四五快读学汉字》(15~20册) ◆ 一次购买终身免费升级新课程。 ◆ 客服微信:2667349347 工作时间: 周一至周五9:30--18:00 ◆ 原价98元,现特惠50元。第15册可直接开启学习,第16~20册需在应用内下载。 ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ 每天10分钟,提高孩子识字能力,提前进入阅读阶段! 学完整套教材,可认识1000个汉字,能独立阅读400字故事! 华东师范大学精选优秀课程,是全国最好的识字阅读教材! 满屏大格大字,保护儿童视力版本,家长放心! 绝妙的游戏式互动学习体验,孩子开心,家长省心! ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ ► 产品特色: 
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