フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
Learn Spanish today! Learn to communicate the most used Spanish words and phrases through the voices of native speakers associated with beautiful, memorable, images. This app is a fun immersion style ("Rosetta Stone") game that teaches Spanish in the same way you learned your first language. This award-nominated app was designed by a team of professional Spanish language educators. It is ideal for anyone looking to quickly build beautiful language ability for travel, business, or to refresh your Spanish skills. The voices of mul...
[ 教育 ]
Rosetta Stone Advantage のお客様のみにご利用いただけるこの語彙学習アプリは、中級から上級レベルの語学スキルを強化できます。1 日 5 分で学習できるため、移動中でも語彙力を強化できます。学習は、仕事の場面や日常生活などさまざまな場面を題材に行われます。短い対話型アクティビティで、語句を聞いたり、文章で使ったり、語句に合う写真を選んだりします。次のレッスンの準備を始めたり、設定した目標に向けて学習を進めたりできるため、学んだ語句がしっかり身につきます。 利点: ・すでに学んだ語彙を練習したり、新しいレッスンの準備を開始したりできます。 ・単...
[ 教育 ]
Olá! If you want to be able to trash talk with the locals at soccer games when you're in Brazil, try our travel app! For free, you get lessons and a built-in phrase book. You'll start speaking right away. We'll help you learn those soccer terms and phrases, as well as language basics in eight free lessons: • At the Game • Greetings • Food and Dining • Transit and Lodging • Cities and Landmarks • Shopping • Sports and Outdoors • Emergencies You'll get: • Proprietary speech-recognition technology • A searchable phrase book • Eight ...
[ ゲーム ]
The Rosetta spacecraft approaches Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Using its thrusters, Rosetta goes into orbit around the comet nucleus. Now you, the player, get to take over the spacecraft in its mission to learn about the mysterious comet. First, you must drop a lander on the nucleus. To land it in an optimum location, your timing must be excellent! Then, you begin to observe and record interesting events as they occur: craters or cracks opening up in the comet’s surface, water or gas jets erupting, solid chunks of rock and ice...
[ 教育 ]
日本語への翻訳! Learn French today! Learn to communicate the most used French words and phrases through the voices of native speakers associated with beautiful, memorable, images. This app is a fun immersion style ("Rosetta Stone") game that teaches French in the same way you learned your first language. This award-nominated app was designed by a team of professional French language educators. It is ideal for anyone looking to quickly build French language ability for travel, business, or to refresh your French skills. The voi...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Art of Coffee is the only app you will ever need to learn how to create beautiful and elegant coffee art. Designed for home and professional baristas alike, you will learn from two of Australia's expert baristas Habib Maarbani (2010 Dairy Farmers/Pura Milk Latte Art Champion) and Alexandra Stathis (2011 Aasca New South Wales Barista Champion). With over 30 designs available to learn, incorporating both etching and free pour techniques, including classics such as the Rosetta, Art of Coffee will give you a professional edge to yo...
[ 教育 ]
日本語翻訳 今日から英語のトレーニングをはじめましょう!もっとも使いやすい英語のフレーズ と単語が、ネイティブの実際の発音と美しく、忘れられないイメージとともに現れま す。すぐに夢中になってしまう、楽しいゲーム感覚(ロゼッタストーンなど)のこの Appは、あなたがはじめて母国語を習った時のように英語を学ぶ事が出来ます。 数々の賞にノミネートされているこのAppは、プロの英語教師チームによりデザインさ れています。旅行、主張、あるいは、過去の英語学習をリフレッシュする為に、素早く 英語を学びたい人々に最適にデザインされています。 何人かのネイティブス...
[ 旅行 ]
STAR APP IN SUNDAY TIMES TOP 500 APPS 2011 SHORTLISTED FOR BEST TOURISM EXPERIENCE IN BT VISIT LONDON AWARDS 2009 •Listen as the Parthenon Sculptures come to life •Discover why the Benin Bronzes were spattered with human blood •Hear how the Easter Island statues caused anarchy •Eavesdrop on the sensational discovery of the Rosetta Stone and much more... The British Museum is one of London’s most popular tourist attractions, documenting the story of human culture with some of the finest objects from the world’s civilisations, pa...
[ 教育 ]
Are you looking for a fun, effective way to share the French language with your child? Wouldn’t it be great to give them a head start hearing and speaking French, while their growing brains are literally “language learning machines”? How great would it be if you could use the power of the computer and attraction of a video game to open your child’s mind to hundreds of French words? “The best learning feels more like play than work” My name is Sandy, and I grew up outside the US. When I moved into the country, I made friends wit...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Hair rosetta GINZA(ヘアーロゼッタ ギンザ)の公式アプリです。 【概要】 ■ アプリ上から24時間いつでも予約が可能。 指名予約にも対応しているので担当スタッフのスケジュールを確認してからの予約が可能です。 ■ クーポン お得なクーポンが配信されます。ネット予約時にクーポン利用での予約も可能なので来店時もスムーズに施術頂けます。 ■ スタッフが施術したスタイルを掲載 前もって画像を確認しておけばスムーズなオーダーが可能です。 ■ マイページ機能 予約状況の確認やキャンセルがマイページ上から行えます。スタイリストの登録が出来るので前もって担当者を登録し...
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