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[ ブック ]
Engel Roman Band 3 - Fegefeuer Leseprobe SONDERANGEBOT IM APRIL 2,99€ !! AB MAI 4,99€ Der dritte Teil der Fantasy-Trilogie Hiobs Botschaft 3: Fegefeuer erzählt auf bis zum Schluß spannende Art die Geschichte des gefallenen Engel Calliel und seiner Freunde. Vor dem Hintergrund einer außergewöhnlichen Welt nimmt diese ihren Höhepunkt in der Ewigen Stadt Roma Æterna. Die Trilogie ist als Ganzes jedem Leser empfohlen, der gerade abseits der ausgetretenen Fantasy-Pfade eine bezaubernde und interessante Welt kennen lernen möchte. Für ...
[ ブック ]
Engel Roman Band 1 - Brandland Leseprobe SONDERANGEBOT IM APRIL 2,99€ !! AB MAI 4,99€ Der Roman Calliel ist ein Engel. Dies ist für einen Engel selbst nichts besonderes, jedoch bringt es ihn in eine sehr verzwickte Lage, als er im Kampf mit einigen versprengten Kreaturen der Traumsaat seine Flügel verliert und sich plötzlich unter gewöhnlichen Sterblichen wiederfindet. Calliel merkt bald, daß er sich damit abfinden muß, kein richtiger Engel mehr zu sein. Sein schier unerschütterlicher Glaube an Gott und die immer öfter auftret...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
PLEASE NOTE: Your device MUST have iOS 5 or higher for this app to function properly! The Roman Fitness Systems diet creator uses diets based on John Romaniello's unique Calorie and macronutrient formulas, which been specifically designed and tested on thousands of clients over the past 10 years. Unlike traditional calorie formulas, Roman's formulas take into account not only lean mass, but also current body fat percentage, as well as training activity; this make them more applicable (and accurate) to people in a variety of fitne...
[ 教育 ]
** Have a look to our other Apps! ** This is a free app without Ads !! This application that lets you convert an arabic number <--> roman number, . The conversion goes from -4000 to 4000. New: - Complete new user Interface. - Convert now in both directions. - Recognize errors - New: Roman Calculator! Operations: +, -, * and /. The numbers and the result are directly converted in arabic numbers. Can be used to learn! - Added How to Pop-up menu. - Added Help with info (I=1, V=5, X=10,etc...). - Icon modified. ->Follow us on Twi...
[ ユーティリティ ]
This application allows entry of either Roman or Arabic numerals and displays numbers in both formats. It uses medieval set of Roman symbols. Largest number converted is 4999 999.
[ 教育 ]
Kids Can Learn Roman Numerals teaches kids about Roman numerals. Most kids have to learn about Roman numerals in elementary school, so we provide an easy way for kids to learn and test their skills. Our software covers the Roman numerals 1 to 4999. A Roman numeral converter is provided for converting between roman numerals and numbers. Two levels of testing are provided. Level 1 matches the numbers and the numerals. Level 2 asks for a fill in the blank answer for mastering Roman numerals. Scoring can be turned on or off for par...
[ ブック ]
Titus Livius, often known as Livy in English, was a Roman historian who wrote a monumental history of Rome, Ab Urbe Condita, from its founding (traditionally dated to 753 BC) through the reign of Augustus in Livy's own time.Livy's writing style was poetic and archaic in contrast to Julius Caesar's and Cicero's styles. Also, he often wrote from the Romans' opponent's point of view in order to accent the Romans' virtues in their conquest of Italy and the Mediterranean. In keeping with his poetic tendencies, he did little to distingui...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Enjoy this free Roman Gods reference. This app contains more than 200 different Roman gods, each record comes with their name, gender, category and their description (more fields to come). Features include the ability to share your favorite god with others all done within the app. Bookmark your favorite god for easy access. If we are missing any out of this reference, please email them to romangods@smartwiremedia.com
[ ゲーム ]
The most unbelievable adventures of mr. Ebraheem Hababi and his old friend Roman are waiting for you!! Story: One day Ebraheem decides to see his old friend Roman, but when he arrives to his friend's house he sees that Roman is trying to create an ultimate alive candy. But, something goes wrong and candies get out of control. So now its time for Ebraheem to put on his boxing gloves and kick some candy's butt!!! Enjoy and follow Ebraheem Hababi in twitter, instagram, pheed and keek
[ ナビゲーション ]
**** DOWNLOAD THE NEW APP i-Mibac Voyager FOR FREE, THIS APP FOLLOWS VOYAGER X-DRIVE ROMAN FORUM WHICH WILL BE NO LONGER SUPPORTED IN A FEW WEEKS **** Since today Voyager X-Drive Roman Forum becomes free for all of you, enjoy it. A new application has launched: i-Mibac Voyager, this app is the evolution of Voyager X-Drive so please download it and try it. ARE YOU READY FOR TRAVELING THROUGH TIME? VOYAGER X-DRIVE Roman Forum allows you to visualize, trough the display of your IPhone 3GS, 3D Realtime Virtual contents in photoreal...
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