フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ニュース ]
About the App: 
 The Council on Foreign Relations has launched a new, mobile-responsive website. As a result, we will be retiring this app. Going forward, please visit us at CFR.org. About The Council on Foreign Relations: 
 The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher dedicated to being a resource for its members, government officials, business executives, journalists, educators and students, civic and religious leaders, and other interested citizens i...
[ ニュース ]
『relations.』(リレーションズドット)は、東京で限定発行される、30代後半〜40代男性の知性、理性、感性を刺激するエンターテイメント雑誌です。 表紙&インタビューは、創刊号/矢沢永吉、02蜷川幸雄、03西田敏行、04渡辺謙、05泉谷しげる、06椎名誠、07豊川悦司、08清原和博、09阿部寛、10仲代達矢、11アントニオ猪木、12役所広司、13浅野忠信、14窪塚洋介、15松田龍平。 雑誌のレイアウトそのままに、1冊すべて無料で読める! 世界中どこにいても、雑誌と同じ感覚で読むことができます。 2011年3月25日発行『relations.16』 全36ページ (オールカラー) 【表紙&インタビュー...
[ ビジネス ]
Philip Morris International Inc. (PMI) has launched a new Investor Relations Mobile Application which provides users with easier, more dynamic and comprehensive access to the company’s Investor Relations information, including: stock price quote, press releases, SEC filings, investor materials, as well as live and archive webcast playback of earnings calls and investor presentations.
[ ファイナンス ]
Receive up-to-date news and information from Investor Relations and Financial Media straight to your iPad with the Deutsche Post DHL IR app. Access information relevant for shareholders, investors, analysts and journalists on both the company and Deutsche Post shares. Follow press and analyst events live. Should you wish, we can also keep you up to date with news and upcoming dates and events. And if you have any suggestions on how we can optimise the app to suit your needs, why not let us know? We look forward to hearing from y...
[ ファイナンス ]
The Hong Kong Investor Relations Association App offers analysts, journalists and members up-to-date information about HKIRA – optimized for the iPad. So you'll always be up to date. HKIRA is a professional association comprising investor relations practitioners and corporate officers responsible for communications between corporate management and the investment community. HKIRA advocates the setting of international standards in IR education advances the best IR practices and meet the professional development needs of those inte...
[ ファイナンス ]
The Clariant Investor Relations app gives you the latest financial information about Clariant in one easy-to-use iPad app. The app allows you to receive the latest corporate news and events as well as, view annual reports, results announcements and investor presentations, watch and listen to corporate webcasts.. Features include: Documents available online and offline Document library with download management facility Multimedia library with webcasts and innovation videos Latest corporate press releases Latest investor events Sh...
[ ファイナンス ]
Mit der Investor Relations App der Sky Deutschland AG erhalten Sie alle wesentlichen Informationen über unser Unternehmen. Die IR App bietet Ihnen einen direkten Zugriff auf sämtliche Dokumente, die wir im Rahmen der Verkündung unserer Finanzergebnisse veröffentlichen – auch können Sie die dazugehörigen Telefonkonferenzen mit Investoren und Analysten per Webcast abrufen. Mit unseren Medienmitteilungen informieren wir Sie über aktuelle Entwicklungen, damit Sie keine wichtigen Neuigkeiten der Sky Deutschland AG verpassen. Außerdem b...
[ ビジネス ]
Investor Relations Magazine for 30DC, Inc (OTC: TDCH) 30DC Investor Relations Magazine focuses on digital marketing services, training, web based tools and platforms, 30DC, Inc (OTC:TDCH) shareholder and investor relations content, contributions from experts on topics including mobile trends, and happenings in the burgeoning self publishing industry. Free Subscription Available
[ ファイナンス ]
The Sulzer Investor Relations app gives you the latest financial information in an iPhone app for Sulzer. The app allows you to get the latest share prices and corporate news and events, view annual reports, results announcements and investor presentations, watch and listen to corporate videos both online and offline. Features include: •Content available online and offline •Share price display delay by 15 min. •Latest press releases •Document library with download management facility •Share price graph including a zoom facility ...
[ ビジネス ]
Glanbia Investor Relations App gives you all the latest investor and financial information you need in an iPhone-optimized App. The App allows you to get the latest share price information and corporate news as well as review financial reports, presentations, corporate video and earnings presentations both online and offline. Features include: •Content available online and offline •Up to the minute share price display •Latest press releases •Document library with download management facility •Multimedia library with download man...
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