フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Antistress Fidget Trading Animals Unicorn Pop it Toy is the best new ASMR Simulator 3D games in all the world. Antistress Fidget Trading ASMR Animals Unicorn Simulator Pop it Toy is the best new 3D games in the world. In today's fast-paced world, it can be easy to feel stressed out. Work, school, relationships, and other commitments can all take a toll on our mental and emotional health. Anti-stress games can be a great way to relax and de-stress. They can help us to focus on the present moment, relieve tension, and improve our ove...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Discover Mindfulness, one breath at a time with simple and effective guided breathing exercises. Breathing Zone will help you reduce stress, improve your mood, and make you feel more relaxed and energized. Join the hundreds of thousands of people who have already discovered the life changing power of Breathing Zone. Breathing Zone uses scientifically based therapeutic breathing techniques that decreases your heart rate, and over time can even help to lower High Blood Pressure. Clinical Research: Clinical studies in the Journal ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
iPhoneの音波で蚊を遠ざけるAnti Mosquito「Sonic Insect Repeller」 だんだん、暖かくなってきましたね。 暖かくなると、ちょっとイヤなのが、小さな羽虫。 夏は特に蚊に悩まされる方も多いと思います。 蚊よけグッズも巷には溢れているのですが、特定の周波数(超音波)で虫を寄せ付けない!と謳う商品も最近よく見かけます。 で、なんと、iPhone用アプリでもその特定の周波数を発生させるアプリが! これは早速試さねば、と実験してみました。 http://www.youtube.com Search keyword: "sonic insect repeller" vs "antimosquito02" あら、本当に効果があるんですね! 信...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Mood Mint combines a variety of psychological techniques to help boost your mood, and reduce stress, anxiety and depression. There are 4 main components to Mood Mint (all backed by hard science): 1) COGNITIVE BIAS MODIFICATION Attentional Cognitive Bias Modification (CBM) is a computer-based therapy that gets the user to repeatedly select positive information over negative information. The aim of the game is to tap the positive image as quickly as possible. In this way, CBM helps train your brain to automatically focus more on po...
[ ショッピング ]
Optimized for iOS 8. Enjoy the new wallpaper. * * * Limited time SALE! 50% OFF * * * Do you still use typical and dull backgrounds? "iWallpaperMaker" is the finest wallpaper app you have found yet. Enjoy your own fancy wallpapers by using "iWallpaperMaker", which includes cool images of high quality created by a professional designer and more powerful editing functions. The moment you experience "iWallpaperMaker", you’ll be able to see your newly born screen. Enjoy your imagination with "iWallpaperMaker". Download NOW! --...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
stoic is your mental health companion – it helps you understand your emotions and provides insights on how to be happier, more productive, and overcome obstacles. At its heart, stoic helps you prepare for your day in the morning and reflect on your day in the evening. In the process, we also guide you to journal with thought-provoking prompts, build better habits, track your moods, and more. ** ‘Featured App of the Day’ - Apple ** * Join over 3 million stoics bettering their lives * “I have never used a journal app that has imp...
[ 教育 ]
Easily learn how to code in Swift directly on your iPhone or iPad! Includes over 375 fun and fully interactive mini lessons and tutorials. WHAT OUR USERS ARE SAYING 5 Stars - “Very informative. It is the only app I know that lets you type in the code. This is important for learning efficiently. Bravo." 5 Stars - “Better than the docs! I don’t have much free time at home to go through the Swift docs, but I have time to kill on the daily commute. This pocket sized Swift resource just fits the bill perfectly." WHY USE CODE S...
[ ゲーム ]
Enjoy the best strategy card game ever created!! In this version, you play against 2 computer players which can take any of the several Artificial Intelligence (AI) engines. The AI engines range from average to a hustler, conservative to an aggressive player! They will challenge your analytical skills to the point of driving you to madness, leaving you in amazement of how brilliant they are. GOAL: Tong-its is a 3 player card game developed in the Northern Philippines. Your goal is to reduce the total value of your hand on your tur...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
ビデオを圧縮し、写真を圧縮します。写真やビデオのファイルサイズを圧縮することで、デバイスのストレージスペースを節約でき、ビデオを簡単に共有および送信できます。 - 写真を圧縮する:1)画質を落とさずに圧縮率を上げる。 2)写真の解像度を調整する - ビデオの縮小:1)ビデオ品質を低下させることなくビデオビットレートを低下させます。 2)ビデオのサイズを縮小します - ビデオをバッチで圧縮する - 簡単に共有して送信 Compress videos, compress photos. By compressing the file size of photos and videos, you can save storage space on your device, and yo...
[ ユーティリティ ]
DNS Changer is the easiest way to change your DNS. Works for both WiFi and Mobile Network Data Connection. For more protection, you can secure your connection with our trusted Private VPN. The DNS Changer changes your device’s DNS address, not affecting your connection speed in any way. So, it is faster than a regular VPN. Install DNS Changer for IOS and try it yourself! Why change DNS? • Explore freely on your favorite sites & apps • Browse privately • Watch streaming libraries from any country • Stay secure on public Wi-Fi •...
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