フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 旅行 ]
room220 トランスレーターは、言語間のコミュニーケーションを、シンプルで使いやすいインターフェースで提供するアプリです。 本アプリは、Google の最先端のニューラル機械翻訳と Apple の音声認識ツールの組み合わせによる強力な翻訳エンジンを活用しています。 room220 トランスレーターは、以下の機能に対応しています: ・49 以上の言語および方言 ・1 つのデバイス上で音声から音声への翻訳 ・近くにいる複数の iOS デバイス間での会話 ・キーボードで入力されたテキストの翻訳 ・画像に埋め込まれたテキストの翻訳 room220 トランスレーターは、以下のよう...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED A STEEL ROOM ACCOUNT TO ACCESS THIS APP. Begin your journey to a healthier lifestyle and let the Steel Room help you along the way! Nutrition * Customize a meal plan * Get Calorie and Macronutrient recommendations for your specific needs Fitness * Track your daily fitness activities * Track your weight and other body metrics * Over 2000+ exercises and activities * Clear 3D exercise demonstrations * Preset workouts and the option to create your own * Over 150 badges to earn Select workouts online and synchroni...
[ カタログ ]
For more than 30 years, Room & Board’s focus has been the simple idea that good design should be beautiful, affordable and long-lasting. Now you can browse—and easily shop—Room & Board’s catalogs with our free app for your iPad and iPhone. We publish our print catalog just once a year, but this app will be updated regularly to include our newest items and photography. Hundreds of interactive, inspiring pages filled with our classic contemporary furniture and accessories are at your fingertips.
[ ライフスタイル ]
room3 2015年成立於香港,為香港首個以手機應用程式為載體的虛擬實景(VR)平台。room3 宗旨將虛擬實景普及化,並應用於不同層面及行業。在技術方面room3 利專業虛擬實景拍攝器材及軟件,與時並進,務求用家能體驗極致虛擬實景效果。 room3 於不久將來會將虛擬實景發展到房地產之業務,希望用家能夠足不出門亦能仿如置身當中,觀看並挑選心儀單位。
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Room is the first mobile application that enables you to create and join rooms up to 500 people. Each room is private, secure, protected and confidential. No one can search for you or your content from the Internet. No complex profile, just a nickname and an avatar. 1- Create any kind of Rooms from family to hobbies. 2- Join your friends' rooms or any random rooms. 3- Search and Discover available rooms. 4- Share easily the rooms with your friends via text, email and any social networks. 5- Meet & Private Chat with roomers insid...
[ スポーツ ]
Pace Bands | Run Walk Interval Timer | Store Locator | Mobile Shop | Races | Tools for Race Directors | My Clinics | Pace Calculators Store Locators Locate any running room location across North America. Mobile Shop Convenient link to our new fully mobile on-line store - our e-commerce platform has been fully optimized for mobile which makes shopping easy and fast. Races Look up races and use our new rapid-registration tool which is an easy and convenient registration process fully optimized for mobile use. Its all about speed ...
[ 旅行 ]
Room 77 searches over 270,000 hotels worldwide for the best prices from top travel sites. Room 77 is a hotel search engine that finds the most rates from top travel sites on over 270,000 hotels worldwide. In one search, you can compare rates across leading travel sites like Expedia, Priceline, Orbitz, Booking.com, Hotels.com, hotels directly and many more, so you can be confident you are getting the best deal. Personalization features surface best matches first so you don’t need to hunt for the perfect hotel. Features: FAST SEAR...
[ カタログ ]
For more than 30 years, Room & Board’s focus has been the simple idea that good design should be beautiful, affordable and long-lasting. Now you can browse—and easily shop—Room & Board’s catalogs with our free app for your iPad and iPhone. We publish our print catalog just once a year, but this app will be updated regularly to include our newest items and photography. Hundreds of interactive, inspiring pages filled with our classic contemporary furniture and accessories are at your fingertips.
[ ライフスタイル ]
Diseño, arquitectura, arte, interiorismo y otras formas de creación de contemporánea conforman el GPS editorial de esta publicación con inquietud por la innovación y la vanguardia. Un magazine trimestral que, además de ser un espacio crítico, funciona como una plataforma de encuentro entre creadores de vanguardia, lectores intelectualmente inquietos y empresas que quieren potenciar su imagen de marca. Con un discurso innovador, riguroso y profesional, desde su inicio en 2012 ROOM ha construido una línea editorial centrada en un di...
[ ライフスタイル ]
“So much safer and easier than Craigslist and other roommate finding apps!” “Simply the best way to find a room to rent” “It was so reassuring to know that I had mutual friends with all my matches” The Room Ring matches you with roommates in your social network. Easily list a room for rent, or search for available rooms and find compatible roommates with whom you share a mutual friend. No more stranger danger or nightmare roommates! The Room Ring will help you find the perfect match. - Connect with Facebook to create your pro...
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