フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 仕事効率化 ]
The Quik Dialer app creates user defined preset phone number prefixes for you to use when you need to manually dial a number that is not in your contacts. For example, you can set your local area code(s) as a preset and the Quik Dialer keypad will automatically display your preset area code so that you no longer need to enter it into the keypad. You can also set up a preset prefix for a company phone number structure so that all you need to enter is the remaining direct line information. You can also set up a prefix to dial th...
[ ビジネス ]
Quik for iPhone은 국내 최초로 제공되는 기업용 SNS Quik(https://www.quik.co.kr)의 아이폰 어플리케이션입니다. Quik for iPhone을 통해 언제, 어디서나 동료들과 빠르고 쉽게 커뮤니케이션 할 수 있습니다. Quik이란? Quik은 마이크로블로그를 기반으로 한 국내 최초로 제공되는 기업용 SNS입니다. 포스코를 비롯한 국내 500여개의 기업에서 팀/조직 단위로 사용하고 있으며, 공개된 SNS인 트위터, 페이스북과 달리 내가 속한 기업의 비공개 네트워크를 구성하여 기업 내부의 소셜 네트워킹과 커뮤니케이션을 돕는 서비스입니다. Quik for iPhone 기능 - Push Notificati...
[ メディカル ]
ER-Quik, the Emergency Room Quick Information Kit, is a personal medical information application which helps you organize and prioritize lifesaving medical information. ER-Quik is not a comprehensive health record, but rather a simplified application that empowers patients to impact their own health care by providing only critical information in a medical emergency. ER-Quik information is the same information an emergency room doctor would want to know. ER-Quik information helps reduce medical errors and avoid unnecessary diagn...
[ 旅行 ]
Meet Careem, the everything app for your everyday needs. Rides, food, groceries, payments and more. Unlock unlimited savings and exclusive benefits with Careem Plus. Yalla, simplify your life with a tap. Careem Plus If you’re looking for value and unlimited savings, this subscription is for you. Save AED 200+ every month and unlock unbelievable benefits on rides, food, dining out, groceries, cleaning, plus more! *Now in Dubai and Amman only, coming soon to more cities GO anywhere Book a ride or schedule a pick-up for later w...
[ ユーティリティ ]
QuikIO製品の立上げを祝おう!あなたのメディアで、気のまま自由に! 初期ユーザーには今期間限定の割引提供。(通常価格 $2.99ドル) * プラネットアプリのお気に入り -FT.com * 今週ベスト30のアプリ -The Guardian ★★★★★ "Editor Choice Award" -- 148Apps.com ★★★★★ "Exceptional design quality(最高品質のデザイン)" -- AVR Magazine ★★★★★ "Steps ahead of the game" – AntyWeb ★★★★★ "Streaming for iPad done right" -- Technology Personalized QuikIOは速くて、手間要らず簡単に、しかも安全な方法でメディアのファイルをアクセス。また、パソコン...
[ ユーティリティ ]
QuikIO製品の立上げを祝おう!あなたのメディアで、気のまま自由に! 初期ユーザーには今期間限定の割引提供。(通常価格 $2.99ドル) * プラネットアプリのお気に入り -FT.com * 今週ベスト30のアプリ -The Guardian ★★★★★ "Editor Choice Award" -- 148Apps.com ★★★★★ "Exceptional design quality(最高品質のデザイン)" -- AVR Magazine ★★★★★ "Steps ahead of the game" – AntyWeb ★★★★★ "Streaming for iPad done right" -- Technology Personalized QuikIOは速くて、手間要らず簡単に、しかも安全な方法でメディアのファイルをアクセス。また、パソコン...
[ ファイナンス ]
iQUIK - клиентское приложение брокерской системы QUIK для наблюдения за биржевыми торгами и совершения сделок с ценными бумагами и срочными контрактами. Приложение подключается к серверу системы QUIK у определенного брокера и транслирует информацию в режиме реального времени. С iQUIK вы сможете: 1) смотреть котировки по различным бумагам, торгуемым на бирже, 2) видеть очереди заявок на покупку/продажу бумаг по лучшим ценам, 3) использовать графики для оценки динамики изменения цен, 4) знать текущее состояние своего счета у брокер...
[ ビジネス ]
Quik-Shield spray foam information at your fingertips from SWD Urethane. Download spray foam product info, safety data sheets (SDS), technical data, videos, and more from SWD Urethane. Easy to search and navigate to find exactly what you are looking for!
[ ゲーム ]
Quik R N U R is a time reaction game of skill and strategy. The goal is to press the "GO!!" button when the green light comes on. Your reaction time, which is the time from when the green light comes on to the time you press the "GO!!" button, is displayed in the top of the app.
[ ライフスタイル ]
This is the official mobile app for Quik Dry. Users will enjoy functionality that utilizes the iPhone operating system. Some of the functionality features include an image gallery, Coupons, a "Review" wall that allows users to post about their experience, a sharing feature that allows you to share the app with other iPhone users and more.
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