フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ 教育 ]
With Record 1.5 Propellerhead Software has added full-featured professional audio recording to their suite of music production software. And we at macProVideo.com are excited to introduce you to G.W. Childs IV who will show you all the potential power locked up inside this awesome new DAW!
The name says it all: “Record” is a full featured audio/midi recording software package designed for the recording musician. It has unlimited tracks, a powerful mixer modeled after the SSL 9000K with FX, EQ and dynamics processing on every track...
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[ ゲーム ]
Experience the incredible adventures of PropellerHead, an industrial software engineer. Help PropellerHead through the world by avoiding obstacles and collecting points. Points are earned by flying through the empty gaps in the pipes. Earn medals by gaining high scores and compete among friends on the global leaderboard.
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[ ミュージック ]
ReBirthが帰ってきた!Propellerhead Softwareの伝説的なテクノマイクロコンポーザーがiPhone用に復活しました。ReBirthはダンスミュージックの三種の神器として名高い、ローランドTB-303ベースシンセ、そしてTR-808と909ドラムマシンを忠実に再現しています。これらにエフェクトデバイスと高機能パターンシーケンサーを加え、スケーラブルで操作性の優れたiPhoneインターフェースと組み合わせることで、時と場所を選ばない自由自在な制作スタイルが実現できます。
2 x TB-303ベースラインシンセサイザー パターンシーケンサー付き
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[ ミュージック ]
Connect with people and ideas that move you. Get inspired to create. Allihoopa unites everyone doing music together.
Share, remix and collaborate with music makers all over the world. Follow your friends to keep up with what they’re making. Listen, like, collect and comment. Join the Allihoopa community, connecting music pieces, apps and people.
Using Allihoopa is easy!
1. Browse the app for music that inspires you—recordings, beats, samples, songs and ideas created by the community.
2. Listen, like, collect and comment when you ...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
The dashMIDI Pro app allows you to control music applications over a local Wi-Fi network. dashMIDI Pro has been tested to work with Propellerhead Reason, Propellerhead Record, and Ableton Live.
Create a surface with 20 buttons and map each to the mute and solo buttons of your tracks. Then add 10 sliders to have access to the volume control for each track. Then create a second control surface to concentrate on transport controls. Unlike hardware that forces you to adapt to their fixed layout, dashMIDI Pro adapts to fit how you wor...
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[ ミュージック ]
ReBirth が帰ってきた!Propellerhead Softwareの伝説的なテクノマイクロコンポーザーがiPad用に復活しました。ReBirthはダンスミュージックの三種の神器として名高い3つのデバイス、ロ-ーランドTB-303ベースシンセ、そしてTR-808と909ドラムマシンを忠実に再現しています。これらにFXデバイス、フル機能パターンシーケンサー、そしてハ-ンサムなユーザーインターフェースが加わり、iPadでカッコいい曲を作るための要素がそろいます。そして内蔵された共有機能でFacebookやTwitterの友-達と作った曲を共有できます。
2 x TB-303ベースラインシンセサイザー パターンシーケ...
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[ ミュージック ]
The dashMIDI application enables the control of Propellerhead Reason and Propellerhead Record over a Wi-Fi network. If you've ever wished that you could start and stop recording without having to run over to your computer, this is the app for you.
Features support for the following functions:
Track selection
Fast Forward/Rewind
This application requires the following:
Propellerhead Reason or Propellerhead Record running on an OS X machine
dashMIDI Server running on the same OS X machine
The dashM...
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[ ミュージック ]
iPhone/iPod touch control surface for Reason! (PLEASE READ THE REQUIREMENTS BEFORE PURCHASING)
rsRemote provides mobility and touch control for commonly used Propellerhead Reason MIXER & TRANSPORT functions. It’s particularly useful for recording away from the computer.
With rsRemote and a MIDI connection (USB MIDI or network MIDI over Wi-Fi), you can control recording and playback from anywhere in your studio. Sequencer track, patch and mixer channel names are displayed for easy identification. Mute and solo sequencer tracks o...
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[ ミュージック ]
iPad control surface for Reason! Includes customized support for 161 devices, Rack Extensions and VST's! (PLEASE READ THE REQUIREMENTS BEFORE PURCHASING)
rsTouch provides hands-on control for the Propellerhead Reason MIXER & TRANSPORT functions. In DEVICE mode, control Reason devices, Rack Extensions and VST's from dedicated iPad screens.
Tired of trying to manipulate tiny controls with a mouse? Need more computer screen space? With rsTouch and a MIDI connection (USB MIDI or Wi-Fi network MIDI), you can record, playback, and mi...
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[ ミュージック ]
*** This is the AC-7 Core version suitable for first generation iPads.
If you have an iPad 2 or newer, our newer iOS6-only app "AC-7 Core HD" would be a better choice.
*** IOS 5 and 6 tested and working. Make sure your network MIDI settings are correct like the screenshot below.
The AC7-Core is a wireless/wired control surface utilizing CoreMIDI for simple setup and reliable operation. There are dedicated modes for controlling:
Apple's Logic
Pro Tools
MOTU's Digital Performer (v6.02 upwards)
Cakewalk Sonar
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