フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
The biggest collection of the best Paleo recipes and cooking for desserts, cookies, breads, flour, pasta, drinks and smoothies. Paleo, primal and paleolithic recipes—with new recipes added all the time!! This is the largest selection of paleo diet and primal diet recipes available on iOS. We bring the largest online database of paleo recipes right to your device, making it essential to success with the paleo diet or primal diet. With the our app, you’ll be able to: * Browse beautiful, mouth-watering paleo diet and primal diet re...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
The biggest collection of the best Paleo recipes and cooking for salads, sauces, marinades and dips. Paleo, primal and paleolithic recipes—with new recipes added all the time!! This is the largest selection of paleo diet and primal diet salads, sauces, marinades and dips recipes available on iOS. The Paleo Way app brings the largest online database of paleo recipes right to your device, making it essential to success with the paleo diet or primal diet. With the Paleo Way app, you’ll be able to: * Browse beautiful, mouth-watering...
[ ゲーム ]
Before there were humans, gods walked the Earth. They embodied the essence of Hunger, Survival, Life, Death, Insanity, Decay, Good, and Evil. They fought countless battles up through the Mesozoic Wars. Now, the impact of a huge meteor strikes the Earth. Its destructive force wipes out civilization, rearranges the continents, and frees the imprisoned gods. Get ready to rumble... FEATURES: • Walkthrough Videos • Read character bios • Guide on every level • Cheats and tricks in level • How to get through Challenge Modes • Manual Game...
[ ゲーム ]
世界初!2画面で遊ぶニコイチRPG! 『World II World(ワールド・ツー・ワールド)』は、シングルプレイ専用RPG! 自分の好みのペースで進めることができるので、何かに急かされることなく物語に没入できる作品です。 【あらすじ】 いま、数多の世界は危機に瀕していた "分断"は人々の間に不和をもたらし ゆるやかな滅びへと導く それを望むは "分断王" ディヴァン 抗うは "境界の少女" ウィーブ 孤独の淵にあって、少女はキミに、 残された一片の希望を託そうとしていた 【ゲーム概要】 1. シングルプレイのRPG ギルドやフレンドといったいわゆるソーシャルな要素はなく、完...
[ エンターテインメント ]
★☆★ありがとう13万ダウンロード!★☆★ ★☆★続編「こどもじゃず あぷり~Happy Birthday~」も配信スタート★☆★ “遊べる本屋”ヴィレッジヴァンガード限定で発売され累計10万枚の大ヒットを記録! 話題を集めるCDシリーズ「こどもじゃず」がiPad/iPhone向けアプリになりました! “玩具(おもちゃ)ジャズ”と形容される独自の音楽性で人気の女性シンガー・ソングライター、ROCOによる、大人も子供も一緒に聴ける童謡シリーズ「こどもじゃず」は、誰もが知ってる、誰もが一度は歌ったことがある童謡をジャズ風にアレンジしたCD。ヴィレッジヴァンガード限定で発売されると、情報感度の高いセ...
[ メディカル ]
***THE WORLD’S LEADING 3D ANATOMY PLATFORM! TRY IT FOR FREE TODAY*** COMPLETE ANATOMY: A 3D ANATOMY JOURNEY POWERFULLY TAILORED TO YOU A flexible, inclusive and personalized learning platform that uses the visual power of incredibly detailed 3D models to make anatomy easier to understand. FREE DOWNLOAD: Create an account for a FREE 3-day trial of premium features and content. Access Complete Anatomy from ALL your compatible devices with a single annual subscription. Experience the BEST anatomy platform available today: THE MOS...
[ ゲーム ]
In the war of fire, beasts and stone, will you be the Chief Almighty? Rally ally tribes together in the primal stone ages! The epic prehistoric lands are rich with resources and ancient beasts ready for you to explore and dominate.Trust your instincts when deploying diplomacy with rival Chiefs, Lead your armies and tribes to smash the most dangerous of rivals, Hunt ancient creatures to become a fierce symbol of your power! ●●Strategy Mobile Game in the Stone Ages. Explore the continents with players Worldwide! ●● ▲Hunt ancient bea...
[ ゲーム ]
The dinosaurs and their egg are under attack by hungry cavemen and only you can save them in this action-packed defense game. Lead the dinosaurs in a Jurassic tug-of-war battle against primitive humans to defend your egg from their merciless appetite. Build ground defenses, deploy aerial attacks, and summon dinosaurs to avoid extinction. A JURASSIC BATTLE FOR THE AGES Unleash an army of T-Rex, Triceratops, Raptors, and more savage dinosaurs and defend your precious egg from hungry, hungry cavemen. AMAZING WAYS TO DEFEND YOUR EG...
[ メディカル ]
***THE WORLD’S LEADING 3D ANATOMY PLATFORM! TRY IT FOR FREE TODAY*** COMPLETE ANATOMY: A 3D ANATOMY JOURNEY POWERFULLY TAILORED TO YOU A flexible, inclusive and personalized learning platform that uses the visual power of incredibly detailed 3D models to make anatomy easier to understand. FREE DOWNLOAD: Create an account for a FREE 3-day trial of premium features and content. Access Complete Anatomy from ALL your compatible devices with a single annual subscription. Experience the BEST anatomy platform available today: THE MOS...
[ ゲーム ]
***** Warning ***** Requires at least an iPhone 3Gs or iPod 3rd gen ("late 2009" model with 32 or 64 GB) or an iPad. Visually lush 3D & fast-paced, the game runs fast on newer devices. "★★★★★! Addictive, primal play." -chazzHelm "...venal, viscous, and very funny!" -lilly66 "A flare shot into the future of iPhone games." -Schumer "...just love dying in that Dirty South!" -Juthian ~~~~~~~Blurbs~~~~~~~ Juicy fast-action 3D platformer that's easy to learn, hard to master. Near-instant load times make quick, exciting game session...
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