フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Premiere Clip では、撮影した動画や写真を素早く、楽しく編集でき、共有も簡単です。また、Premiere Pro CC で仕上げを行うことも簡単にできます。 「Premiere Pro のすべての機能とパワーへつながる入り口です。」- Examiner.com 社メリッサ・ストーンバーナー 「これは、iPhone や iPad でなにかをキャプチャしようとする人のための、まさに必須のアプリです。」- Blogcritics.com 社マイケル・テスティ 高速かつシンプルな編集 動画や写真を自分の好きな順序でドラッグ&ドロップし、不必要な部分を切り落とし、明るさ調整、トランジション、スローモーションなどを使っ...
[ スポーツ ]
Quer assistir aos jogos do Brasileirão, da Copa do Brasil e dos Estaduais (Gaúcho, Mineiro e Paulista)? Com o PREMIERE dá jogo! A mais completa oferta de jogos exclusivos do nosso futebol ao vivo e na palma da sua mão. Você, assinante, pode assistir todas as emoções de onde quiser: no smartphone, na TV, no computador ou no tablet. Assine o PREMIERE ou associe sua operadora de TV para ter acesso a todos os principais campeonatos nacionais: OS MELHORES BENEFÍCIOS: - Layout moderno e intuitivo; - Troca fácil de canais para assi...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
- OFFICIAL ADOBE® PARTNER - Experience a better way to work & create! Now with iPad control of Adobe Lightroom® with our new Lightroom Sorter! Interfaces for Adobe Premiere®, and Final Cut Pro® makes editing fast & intuitive for all skill levels. Turn your iPad into a $3,000 control surface that has Gestures! Purchase consoles via our In-App Store. *Now with greater compatibility for our international users! WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING “Worth buying an iPad just for this software if you are an editor ...the gesture control is fan...
[ 旅行 ]
Nevis Style Realty, Premiere Real Estate - Nevis .Nevis Style Realty, Premiere Real Estate - Nevis application allow you to browse listing of properties. Choose between the categories of properties and make your selection with your own criteria. Filter results by name or by price and see pictures and a description of each selected property.
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
How it works For access to all 15,000 Terminal Procedures and A/FD pages each 28-day cycle purchase that in the store for $2.99, then if you need to get En Route or VFR charts you purchase them individually. This way you are never obligated to a subscription and never have to pay for data you don't need. The charts in are also very sharp. In fact, if you were to zoom a chart all the way in, then set your paper sectional right next to your iPad, you’ll find that the chart in Premiere Charts is almost 2x the size of the paper chart...
[ ビジネス ]
Premiere Estates Auction Company app is your mobile resource for everything that is going on with real estate auctions. Premiere Estates Auction Company is the national leader in luxury accelerated marketing and real estate auctions, with over $1 Billion in sales and 75 years of combined experience in the marketing and auctioneering of major real estate assets. Using Premiere Estates' WorldBid Auction Platform, we partner with real estate agents and home sellers nationwide to market their properties to a global audience, producing...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Lecture 01. Tutorial Adobe Premiere Pro CC - Episode 1 - Setting up a Project Lecture 02. Tutorial Adobe Premiere Pro CC - Episode 2 - Basic Layout Lecture 03. Tutorial Adobe Premiere Pro CC - Episode 2A - Window Arrangement Lecture 04. Tutorial Adobe Premiere Pro CC - Episode 3 - Importing & Organizing Media Lecture 05. Tutorial Adobe Premiere Pro CC - Episode 4 - The Project Window Lecture 06. Tutorial Adobe Premiere Pro CC - Episode 5 - The Source Window Lecture 07. Tutorial Adobe Premiere Pro CC - Episode 6 - The Timeline Windo...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Learn all about importing and organizing your footage in Adobe Premiere Pro. Join MIchael Wohl as he explores all of the features in this 26 tutorial course... No one knows video editing software and has the industry perspective like our star trainer Michael Wohl. That's because Michael is one of the creators of Final Cut Pro! So getting his take on Adobe's Premiere Pro software is not only valuable, but also incredibly insightful. In this course, Michael leads you through the footage ingesting process. You'll learn all about the ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Lecture 01. Tutorial Adobe Premiere Pro CC - Episode 1 - Setting up a Project Lecture 02. Tutorial Adobe Premiere Pro CC - Episode 2 - Basic Layout Lecture 03. Tutorial Adobe Premiere Pro CC - Episode 2A - Window Arrangement Lecture 04. Tutorial Adobe Premiere Pro CC - Episode 3 - Importing & Organizing Media Lecture 05. Tutorial Adobe Premiere Pro CC - Episode 4 - The Project Window Lecture 06. Tutorial Adobe Premiere Pro CC - Episode 5 - The Source Window Lecture 07. Tutorial Adobe Premiere Pro CC - Episode 6 - The Timeline Windo...
[ エンターテインメント ]
See something different - festival gems anytime, anywhere. Discover Indie Film Every year, hundreds of great indie movies go unseen. We hand-pick the best of them, and bring them straight to your device. New Films Every Week Enjoy a new film festival gem every week, in addition to hundreds of movies now showing. Great Films, No Limits Watch great independent cinema on any device. No ads, unlimited number of screens. Flix Premiere is a subscription service. Once you sign up for one of our packages you will be charged the in...
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