フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 仕事効率化 ]
The Dubai Police App is our official smart channel to access to all Smart Services. Our app just got more intuitive with the newly added features and services for better experience and enhance usability Awards: # WINNER OF BEST M-GOVERNMENT SERVICE AWARD # WINNER OF WORLD SUMMIT AWARD–M-GOVERNMENT # WINNER OF HAMDAN BIN MOHAMMED AWARD – SMART GOVERNMENT This App is monitored and maintained by Dubai Police Copyright © 2010-2025 Dubai Police, all rights reserved.
[ ユーティリティ ]
POLICEアプリふくしまは、福島県内の犯罪発生情報や交通安全情報等を提供するほか、ATM利用時の注意喚起機能や防犯ブザーなど各種機能を搭載し、皆さんの暮らしに安全安心をお届けする福島県警察公式アプリです。 【主な機能】 ○マップ(地図表示)機能  福島県内の犯罪発生情報、不審者情報、交通事故情報、クマの目撃情報をマップに表示します。 また、POLICEメールふくしまで配信された情報も地図情報として表示されます。 ○ATM利用時の注意喚起通知機能  なりすまし詐欺(特殊詐欺)等による被害防止を目的に、アプリ利用者がATM(※)に接近した際、スマートフォンに音声...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Hong Kong Police Mobile App, developed by the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF), provides you an instant, on-the-go access to the information of HKPF. Hong Kong Police Mobile App features a series of functions: (i) Wanted / Missing Persons; (ii) Crime Prevention Advice; (iii) Traffic Matters; (iv) Notification of Public Meeting / Notification of Public Procession; (v) Crime Statistics; (vi) Force Vision, Common Purpose and Values; (vii) Commissioner’s Operational Priorities; (viii) Press Release; (ix) Clarification / Response to Media...
[ ニュース ]
Police@SG is the initiative from the Singapore Police Force, which gives members of public access to useful information on the go. With Police@SG, everyone will have the following services at their fingertips: - Read the latest crime news, police appeals for information and missing persons - Share content on Facebook and Twitter - Links to Singapore Police Force homepage, recruitment and social media sites - Submit information or respond to police appeals via our information submission portal "i-Witness" The Singapore Police Forc...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Bangladesh Police has a motto of being the friend of civil people of the society in order to maintain proper law & order. The support & association of the civil people of the society is an essential requirement for the police force to make sure the enforcement of law & order, prevention, and fight against crimes of various sorts. To make the process of accessing police in need of an emergency, BD Police has taken the initiative to build a contact directory in the form of an app. The Contact Directory app will have the virtual form ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Abu Dhabi Police application provides services for the public users containing : - Traffic profile - Traffic Tickets - Reserved plates - Registered vehicle - Traffic updates - Police station locations - Emergency calls - Abu Dhabi police news - Contact social police - And other helpful functions.
[ ユーティリティ ]
Téléchargez l’application Préf. Police et profitez d’un bouquet de services proposés par la Préfecture de police, pour les usagers de Paris et de la petite couronne : - Fourrières - Où est mon véhicule ? : renseignez l’immatriculation de votre véhicule et vérifiez s’il a été déplacé par les services de police, où il se trouve, ainsi que les modalités pour le récupérer. - Trouver le service de police le plus proche : géolocalisez-vous depuis votre smartphone et découvrez les commissariats et lieux d’accueil les plus proches de vot...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Toute l'information du Service de Police de Terrebonne/Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines/Bois-des-Filion au bout des doigts. Avec cette application vous avez un accès instantané aux ressources du Service de Police. Vous trouverez rapidement des informations utiles: adresses et numéros de téléphone, conseils de prévention, liste des événements, avis de recherche, etc. Vous avez tout, avec vous! Recevez des alertes, des communiqués et de l'information exclusive par messages "push". Grâce à cette application vous pourrez: - Recevoir des al...
[ ライフスタイル ]
The Australian Police Child ID App was designed and built by AFP based on software provided under licence by the FBI to help parents and guardians more easily collect and send important information about their child/children in the event of a disappearance or abduction. Procedures may vary on a State to State basis. No data from this app is collected or stored by the AFP or any other Australian Police agency unless it is sent to the police following disappearance or abduction.
[ ニュース ]
Keep up to date with what’s happening in Sussex with Sussex Police’s mobile website. Stay in touch with your neighbourhood police teams, report anti social behaviour, or follow the latest news and Twitter feeds. In an emergency, always dial 999.
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