フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 仕事効率化 ]
* "Teleprompt+ is the industry standard" - Sarah Lane, co-host of iPad Today, Tech News Today & The Social Hour * "App store pick of the week" - Alex Lindsay, MacBreak Weekly Netcast and pixelcorps.tv The most advanced and full-featured professional teleprompter for the iPhone! Now with iCloud support, script sorting and new advanced prompting options. Teleprompt+ is a simple yet powerful professional teleprompter for the iPhone or iPod Touch. Perfect for presenters, lecturers, students, teachers, broadcasters, podcasters, fi...
[ ミュージック ]
This is the ultimate tool for anyone wanting to “Snip” music, sound effects or any other audio for quick playback at the push of a button. It’s the perfect solution for radio, podcasting, theatrical performances, sporting events or any other live event where specific snippets of audio are required. Trim your audio file down to specifically play the section you want, it’s always keyed up and ready to go. Your existing audio files are now Snips! FEATURE LIST: •Import audio from iTunes in individual songs or a complete playlist. ...
[ ミュージック ]
This is the ultimate tool for anyone wanting to “Snip” music, sound effects or any other audio for quick playback at the push of a button. It’s the perfect solution for radio, podcasting, theatrical performances, sporting events or any other live event where specific snippets of audio are required. Trim your audio file down to specifically play the section you want, it’s always keyed up and ready to go. Your existing audio files are now Snips! FEATURE LIST: •Import audio from iTunes in individual songs or a complete playlist. •...
[ ビジネス ]
Change log 1.1.3: - iOs6 support Change log 1.1.2:  - Dropbox integration  - GoogleDocs integration  - API response time via email optimized  - Minor bugs fixed  - Help section updated  - Scrolling is smoother  - iOS 5 ready  Change log 1.1.1: - Ability to scroll UP or DOWN during lecture  - New touch gestures added  - Highlighted phrase  - Prompter added to left side  - Fonts updated  - Bug fix  - Better compatibility with 4.3 OS  Reviewed 4.7/5 by 148apps.com Prompterous is the first application to turn your iP...
[ ライフスタイル ]
The Lifeplace Church app makes podcasting, journaling, reading and listing to the Word of God a breeze . SPECIAL FEATURES: * Podcast: Listen to the latest sermon or lookup a previous one in the podcast library. * Digital Bible: Enter in the passage you want or use quick keys to go directly to the passage you desire to read. * Free Audio Bible: Click listen and you are instantly listening to the daily devotional plan. You can also look up any passage you want, the listen tab is in the bottom right hand corner at all times. SOC...
[ ライフスタイル ]
The Word of Truth Community Church app for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, is the ultimate mobile church app. Podcasting, journaling, reading and listening to the Word of God becomes a breeze with the Word of Truth Community app. Quick tabs make it easy to quickly find the passage you want to read and if you desire to listen to the passage simply click the "Listen" tab located on each page. SPECIAL FEATURES: * Podcast: Listen to the latest sermon or lookup a previous one in the podcast library. * Digital Bible: Enter in the pass...
[ ミュージック ]
Dropbox連携機能 無料解放キャンペーン実施中! ただいま「Dropbox連携」機能を無料で有効にできるキャンペーンを実施中です。ストア画面へ進むとキャンペーンのメッセージが表示されるので、Dropbox連携機能を有効にしてご利用下さい。 この機会に是非、便利なDropbox連携機能をお試し下さい! ファイルダウンロードに対応した軽量でシンプルな音楽プレーヤーです。 ブラウザから任意のURLのm4a、mp3(*)ファイルをダウンロードして視聴することが出来ます。 インターネットの楽曲をクイックアクセスから簡単入手!iTunesの楽曲にももちろん対応しています! *対応するmp3のタ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Buena Nueva FM es el ministerio radial Hispano de la Diócesis de Orlando que transmite por el Internet y cuya programación se difunde por medio de una señal sub portadora. Con su propio estudio de grabación y difusión en las oficinas de la Cancillería Diocesana, Buena Nueva Radio proclama el Evangelio de Jesucristo mediante una conexión mas estrecha de sus oyentes con la vida de la iglesia a través de la programación, oraciones, noticias, podcasts y otras tecnologías emergentes. Buena Nueva Radio utiliza la tecnología “streaming y ...
[ 雑誌/新聞 ]
Since its debut in 2006, RadioUser, the former Short Wave Magazine, has been the best-selling radio listeners’ magazine in the UK. It covers all forms of broadcast and two-way radio, but not amateur radio. The magazine offers regular columns, exciting features, equipment reviews and a plethora of resources on a large number of radio topics written by our team of experts: • News and Products • Reviews of the latest radios, scanners, antennas and other radio equipment • Emerging Issues in Radio, and from the Radio Industry, National...
[ ニュース ]
Reboot your podcasts with the coolest podcasting app! Quirky, fun, packed with features and a touch of bling. - Browse your podcasts with the flick of a finger, see new episodes from all your podcasts newest-first or browse by podcast provider or programme. - Double tap on a program to make it a favourite. It will appear in your favourites list and the latest episodes will download in the background ready to play instantly from anywhere, even if you are offline. - Select from over 300 of the hottest podcasts to install by simply ...
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