フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ エンターテインメント ]
Pixel Build is a game color by numbers. It is more relaxing and fluent than the pixel game. It can help you forget the trifles and release the pressure. A mountain of models and abundant kinds makes you relax and enjoy the sea of creativity. Use the finger to build a beautiful world. Use the touch to restore the real color. It is built on numbers to make your life easier and more enjoyable! Pixel Build is a game that builds objects by clicking. No matter what occupation, gender, and age you are, what time it is, and where you are, ...
[ ゲーム ]
Feel relaxed in this new pixel art coloring game: Pixel Artbook. Good for any age! Pixel Artbook features more than hundreds of masterpieces. You can relieve yourself during breaks time, on the bus, basically any where directly on your mobile. There are many different categories: Human, Vehicles, Animals, Objects, Trees, and many other abstract shapes. There is no requirements and time limit for each artwork. You can play and resume it anytime. There is also an indicator at the bottom right to show your collection. Finish the ...
[ ゲーム ]
Pixel Fury: Battle Royale を 3D で試して、世界中のプレイヤーと戦おう! この FPS ポケット エディションでは、複数のブロック ガン (斧からスナイパーまで) を使用し、素晴らしいマップで友達と遊ぶことができます! 世界中の何千人ものプレイヤーと一緒に参加しましょう! 武器を選んで義務を開始し、Pixel Fury のこの戦いのとげのある環境で大混乱と破壊を引き起こしましょう! 兵隊! これらの大量破壊戦争で生き残るために、完全な怒りを解放し、防弾計画を作成する必要があります。 生き残るためにどの武器を選びますか? ブロックガンごとに能力が異なります。クローズア...
[ 教育 ]
泣き止みアプリの新定番! 幼児教育専門のPixelが開発した「遊びと学び」が一体となったアプリ ーーーアプリの特長ーーー 3児のママが考えた泣き止みアプリ! ○キャラクターを思いっきりくすぐろう! 「こちょこちょ」は、お子様が画面上のキャラクターたちを指でタッチするだけで、くすぐられているかのような面白い反応をします。これにより、お子様はキャラクターたちとのやりとりを楽しみながら、感情表現の理解を深めることができます。 ○手軽に楽しめるシンプル操作 このアプリは特に小さいお子様が使いやすいように設計されています。複雑な操作は一切不要で、画面に...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Digitalarti is proud to offer you Pixel Snow, the first interactive 3D artwork for iPhone/iPod touch by the artist Miguel Chevalier. Pixel Snow is a virtual 3D snowflake revealing very sculptural shapes through an extreme geometry. Each flake is made up of multiple crystal clear branches. The fractal structure of a snowflake is finally revealed through the digital lens with particle-like pixels composing this unique piece of work. Produced by Digital Art Promotion Digital Art investment fund managed by digitalarti.com. Pixel ...
[ ゲーム ]
Castle Of Pixel Skulls is a fun retro-styled platformer game. Prepare for the craziest and most addictive platformer game ever. You must succeed in various challenging platform goodness. Complete a lot of different levels to escape from castle. Will you get to the end of Castle Of Pixel Skulls?
[ ゲーム ]
This version differs from the normal version because you can play with only one car, one track, one character, in single race mode Classic 8-bit graphic clashes with modern 3D era: welcome to the first 3D Pixel retro-cool racing game of the world! Enjoy the fast arcade action and unlock new tracks and cars. Select your favorite car and get ready to burst in the first 3D Pixel championship of the world! Straight from your videogame console - now in your hand! Full Product features: (NO LITE VERSION) - Exclusive 3D Pixel graphic - ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Pixie Studio is a professional pixel sprite and animation editor with tons of features, created by a game industry veteran specifically for pixel art games. * Paletted * Palette based pixel editing allows you to easily change a color across all layers and frames of a sprite, and is based on IDs instead of indexed so you can rearrange your palette however you want. * Multitouch * A modern multitouch canvas that can be panned, zoomed and rotated at will. * Alpha * Full alpha support on layers and per pixel. * Animation * Full fea...
[ ゲーム ]
DISTRAINT: Pocket Pixel Horror is a 2D psychological horror adventure game. DISTRAINT was originally developed for PC and released on Steam 2015. In DISTRAINT: Pocket Pixel Horror you step into the shoes of an ambitious young man named Price. In order to forge a partnership from a famous company, Price seizes a property of an elderly woman. In that very moment he finds out the price of his humanity. This is his story and the tale of his regrets... __________________________________ FEATURES DISTRAINT: Pocket Pixel Horror is ...
[ 教育 ]
幼児教育専門のPixelが開発した「遊びと学び」が一体となったアプリ! 「いないいないばあっ!」は、赤ちゃんや幼児が楽しめる、いないいないばあをテーマにしたアプリです。タッチ1つでキャラクターたちがいないいないばあをしてくれ、子どもたちに予想外の「驚き」と「ワクワク」を提供するアプリです。 キャラクターたちの表情豊かな反応が、笑顔と驚きを引き起こし、毎日の遊び時間をもっと楽しくします。 お出かけやおうち時間の必需品に! ーーーアプリの特長ーーー ○キャラクターたちと一緒に楽しく遊ぼう! 「いないいないばあっ!」は、赤ちゃんが画面上の動物たち...
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