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[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
The easiest and quickest way to upload photos to your Twitter account!
Become a Twitter Paparazzi with Photo Tweet LE. Send photos from your camera or photo library with ease.
Here's why Photo Tweet LE is so popular:
* Simple to use Camera and Library buttons
* Uses Photobucket's Twitgoo service for reliable and quick uploads
* Send pictures in standard and high resolution
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[ ライフスタイル ]
網上理財 - 匯豐銀行,臺灣銀行,花旗銀行,渣打銀行,中央銀行,第一銀行,兆豐銀行,台北富邦銀行,台新銀行,土地銀行,國泰世華銀行,大眾銀行
社交網絡 - Facebook, twitter, QQ, 新浪微博, 愛情公寓, 無名小站, msn, Wordpress, 百合,Plurk
搜尋器 - 谷歌, Yahoo, bing, 百度, 搜狗
新聞 - 蘋果日報,聯合新聞網,今日新聞網,奇摩新聞,天下雜誌,iPhoneULink科技新聞資訊,中時電子報,華爾街日報,奇摩服市
網上相簿 - flickr, Picasa, photobucket,無名小站Albun,搜狐圖庫, mobileme
影片 - YouTube, 我樂, 新浪視頻,六間房,Im.tv,...
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[ 写真/ビデオ ]
> Wovenを使用すると、Facebook、Dropbox, Flickr、Instagram、Photobucket、Google+、SmugMug、OneDrive、Tumblr、500px、さらにはスマホやタブレットからの写真をひとつにまとめられます。Macに保存した写真もアップロードできます。
> Wovenは、Facebook、Flickr、Smugmug、Google+...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
iRevo App is for viewing and sharing photos from Facebook, Flickr, Picasa, Photobucket and Photos shared via e-mail. Users can play many audio and video Podcasts without having to download them and create their favorite Podcasts list.
A unique feature of iRevo App is called TelePlay. This feature enables a user to browse content from the above listed channels on their iPhone or iPad device and view it on a TV Display driven by GoogleTV or PC. Content can be played on both the screens together.
REQUIREMENTS for the TelePlay feat...
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[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
The easiest and quickest way to upload photos to your Twitter account!
Become a Twitter Paparazzi with Photo Tweet. Send photos from your camera or photo library with ease. And best of all, you can work offline whenever you want and send all your photos later.
Here's why Photo Tweet is so popular:
* Simple to use Camera and Library buttons
* Uses Photobucket's Twitgoo service for reliable and quick uploads
* Uploads multiple photos even while taking more pictures
* Resends photos if you lose your internet connection
* Stores p...
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[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Social works is an all-in-one social networking browser. It connects you to the 11 most popular social Networking sites in the world - not to mention the option to search using Bing®.
With elegan, easy to use interface, SW makes it incredibly easr to access hundreds of networking sites easily at the touch of your fingers. Sites include but not limited to:
-Bing© Search
- And much more
Social Works is a...
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[ ビジネス ]
Flex Search. The fastest way to search everything; is now completely redesigned from the ground up for a truly fantastic searching experience.
★★ Features ★★
★ Experience:
✓ Free Online Speech (Voice) Recognition
✓ Universal iPad + iPhone
✓ Retina Display
✓ Landscape mode
✓ 26 Engines
✓ Super crisp, clean design
✓ Fast, seamless workflow
✓ Autocomplete suggestions as you type
* Recognizes speech for English (US & UK), Chinese (Mandarin), Spanish, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Hebrew, Russian, Korean and Japanese
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[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Photo Delight is the ultimate photo app for ipad, that color splashes your photos to produce stunning results with practically no effort at all. With an intelligent feature like "Smart Mode", it brings a whole lot of fun and ease to color splashing.
Smart Mode: It is a unique and intuitive feature of Photo Delight that produces striking images without having to fret over the zooming and erasing along the edges. Check the product website for a demo.
The app detects the color you want to highlight just by your touch on that part o...
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[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Simply the most powerful camera app, social uploader, and image editor ever created for the iPhone or iPad. Tap the screen anywhere to take up to 100 pics per minute and instantly upload them to your favorite social site or image storage site. Laugh out loud when viewing over 45 image FX with friends, view the images in cover flow style, or create a new album in our image library. Edit images with our powerhouse editor and add borders, change eye color, remove wrinkles, apply a splash of color, and much more! You can even take pict...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
网上理财 - 中国工商银行, 招商银行, 中国建设银行, 中国银行, 中国农业银行, 交通银行, 中国邮政储蓄银行, 中国光大银行, 星展银行, 浦发银行, 支付宝, 中信银行, 兴业银行, 深圳发展银行, 中国民生银行, 北京银行, 杭州银行, 上海银行, 北京农村商业银行, 平安银行, 富滇银行
社交网络 - 人人网, 新浪微博, QQ, 世纪佳缘, 开心网, msn, 百度空间, 天涯社区, 百合, 猫扑, 51
门户 - 手机腾讯网, 手机新浪网, 3G门户, 手机搜狐网, 手机网易网
新闻 - 百度新闻, 腾讯新闻, 新浪新闻, 网易新闻, 凤凰网, 人民网, CCTV新闻, 搜狐新闻...
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