フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
生理カレンダー、生理日を追跡する最も簡単な方法! OS 3.0 あるいはそれ以降のものが必要です。 生理カレンダーは簡単で可愛い * 毎月生理開始のときにボタンを押せば、生理カレンダーが日付を記録し、過去3ヶ月の月経期間の平均を計算して、次の生理開始日を予測します。 * 貴方の現在およびこれからの生理日、排卵日、妊娠可能日、そしてムードや症状など全てを簡潔な月毎のカレンダー表示で見ることができます。 * 貴方のiPhone のホームスクリーンを素敵なアイコンで飾れば、用意周到といえます。それは生理カレンダーと読めます。 生理カレンダーには特長がいっぱい詰...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
- Bom Calendar, a unique period tracker you can customize Get consistent with Bom Calendar! It’s the app you will want to see daily. Ever wondered when your next period will be? What about the chances of pregnancy? How about sexual interactions? Get the answers you want at any time with Bom Calendar. Customize everything from the calendar display, color, app icon, visibility, and order – all to your preference! - Period, Schedule, To-Do List: All in One App Accurate period tracking starts here. Add and manage your schedule and to-...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
See why so many women trust Period Diary to track their period, ovulation and overall reproductive health. - Period and cycle tracking with optional private key encryption - Permanently delete all or selected health information at any time. - Data is never shared with or sold to organizations other than Bellabeat. - Co-created with leading health & medical experts. Take the guesswork out of cycle tracking and pregnancy planning. Track your unique menstrual cycle and get the deepest insights and knowledge about your reproductive ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
We spent many years creating the best period and ovulation tracker. We implemented all features requested by our users and put a lot of heart into the app. Features: • Automatically predicts menstruation periods. • Keeps history of your menstrual cycles. • Full integratation with the Health app (uses HealthKit framework). • Spotlight Search: find your notes, symptoms or even the date of your next period. • Includes a Home Screen widget. • Can track up to four different symptoms (e.g. migraine or abdominal pain). • Symptom names ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Eve by Glow is a savvy period tracker and sex app for women who want to take control of their health and sex lives. Eve predicts your next period and your chances of pregnancy. Track your moods and symptoms to discover trends in your cycles. Own your cycle and feel good in bed. Get it, girl. PERIOD & HEALTH TRENDS UNLOCKED + Log to keep track of sex, moods & symptoms. + Quick, elegant logging at any time of day or night. + See your health data visualized in beautiful charts. + Identify trends and patterns unique to your body. + Co...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
百万人を超えるPeriod Tracking Calendar (Period Plus) ユーザーに参加しよう。"十代の少女を忙しくする7つの驚愕アプリ…" - AllWomensTalk.com Period Tracking Calendar (Period Plus) は最後の生理がどれくらい続いたか、次の生理がいつ始まるかなどを知りたいあなたにピッタリです。ボーナスとしてPOPSUGAR統合の素晴らしい"Cotton Plop" ゲーム付きです。 Period Plus (Period Plus) は以下の全てを追跡します: •アルコール摂取量 • 生理発生日 • 乳房の圧痛 • オーラルセックス • 月経日 • 生理痛の強度 • 運動 • 親密• 偏頭痛• 産婦人科の検診 • 月経期間と度合い • ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Glow is the most comprehensive period tracker and fertility app in the world. With Glow, you can track your menstrual cycle, ovulation, and fertility signs, all in one place. Glow also provides you with personalized insights and advice to help you understand your body and improve your chances of getting pregnant. FEATURES - Track your menstrual cycle: Glow makes it easy to track your menstrual cycle. Simply input the start and end dates of your period, and Glow will do the rest. Glow will track your cycle length, flow, and symptom...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
• Use MIA Fem to know when your period will come. • Track your menstrual cycle, ovulation, fertility, period days. • Get reminders before your next period. • Know your chances of getting pregnant. • Track your sex drive, mood, weight, menstruation, etc. • Get daily personal advice from health experts based on your menstrual cycle, overall health, and mood. • Learn more about female health from articles created by gynecologists, family psychologists, and dieticians. WHAT MAKES PERIOD TRACKER MIA SPECIAL? • A friendly and helpfu...
[ メディカル ]
***Number 1 in Russian App Store!!!*** -- mood bug, that several people reported in the reviews, has been fixed. Enjoy! iMensies is a must have for tracking and planning your monthly cycle as well as any other reproductive health related information, doctor's appointments and any other events. Latest version offers the ability to sync with www.iMensies.com with charting on the website. This is another reason to choose iMensies as your period / menstrual tracker. WHAT TO DO NEXT: -> Read about iMensies features -> Visit our web...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Get the best period and ovulation tracker now! Trying to conceive? Want to know when to expect your next period This period calendar app tracks your periods and can predict your future periods. If you are trying to conceive, My Cycles tracks ovulation signs to increase your chance of pregnancy and fertility. Track your period, menstrual cycle, symptoms, medications, mood, and more related to your cycle wherever you are! BENEFITS OF TRACKING YOUR PERIOD: * Accurately respond to your doctor's questions about your period. * Tra...
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