フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ビジネス ]
Crowd911 is a business communication platform that gives users unparalleled situational intelligence during emergencies and disasters. This lifesaving app creates social safety among companies, employees, customers, and suppliers as well as their extended circles of friends and families. Crowd911 combines authoritative alerts about disasters and emergencies such as severe weather, earthquakes, wildfires, shootings, HAZMAT incidents, etc., with on-scene observations from those affected. Crowd911 creates a complete and dyna...
[ ライフスタイル ]
The Spiritual Voice Community App is your gateway to deepen your journey of self-discovery – as it offers tools for all paths of life. You’ll have access to a network of conscious minds and compassionate heart and practical tools designed to enrich every experiences. WISDOM FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE Access podcast interviews from spiritual teachers and masters from all walks of life and learn techniques to have direct spiritual experiences of the concepts discussed. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS Stream intimate discussions with experts o...
[ ファイナンス ]
uFinance是香港第一個個人對個人借貸平台(Peer-to-peer Lending)。uFinance為有資金需求和理財需求的個人搭建了一個安全、透明、穩定、高效的網絡平台。以個人對個人(Peer-to-peer)的方式解決借貸雙方的資金需求及理財需求。用戶可以在p2p借貸上獲得信用評級、發布貸款請求,滿足個人的資金需要;也可以把自己的閑余資金通過p2p借貸出借給信用良好的貸款者,在幫助他人的同時獲得良好的資金回報率。 uFinance Mobile讓客戶更輕鬆方便地在手機上進行理財,包括註冊,提交借款申請和投資等。現在,uFinance提供青年貸款,創業貸款和學生貸款三個產品。 歡迎訪問我們的網站獲取...
[ ファイナンス ]
Learn Cryptocurrency In the absence of a central authority, there's a lot of room for experts to build careers both within the cryptocurrency and as a critical business skill. Virtual currencies could change the way we do just about everything with the cryptocurrency system forming the basis of activities previously served by traditional financial institutions. Understanding how cryptocurrency exchanges operate and what makes these revolutionary financial transactions so, well, revolutionary puts you at the forefront of a business ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Beacon is a privacy and security-focused browser with the goal of replacing traditional certificate authorities with decentralized peer-to-peer naming systems, DNSSEC, and DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE)! 1. We use a lightweight peer-to-peer client that connects to the Handshake network[1] and syncs block headers in a few seconds! 2. On-device DNSSEC validation, you don't need to trust external resolvers. Beacon doesn't use a centralized DNSSEC signing key either. Instead, it requests and verifies proofs from th...
[ ユーティリティ ]
So mobil und flexibel wie Sie selbst! Mit der benutzerfreundlichen wAppLoxx Pro Plus App von ABUS verwalten und steuern Sie das das wAppLoxx Pro Plus System von Unterwegs ganz bequem – jederzeit von überall via WLAN und Mobilfunk. Mit der Remote-Funktion der App werden Zutritte aus der Ferne gewährt. Und bei Bedarf das Live-Bild verbundener Überwachungskameras angezeigt. Bequem bedienen, schnell reagieren: Lösen Sie direkt in der App hinterlegte Kurzbefehle (sog. Hotkeys) aus! Einbruchmeldeanlage ansteuern? Über die App kön...
[ ビジネス ]
D.AI.SY is the #1 peer-to-peer referral platform in the world. Now you can attract, engage, and track all of your referrals in one place, building your D.AI.SY community faster from the D.AI.SY App. This app has been designed with your success in mind. It's simple to use and has all the features you need to connect and grow your peer-to-peer community effectively. Have a library of resources ready to be shared with any prospect or client: audio, video, PDFs, and more, right on your phone. From there, you can share them seamlessly...
[ ビジネス ]
Employee Engagement App for continuous feedback and employee recognition. Integrates with Microsoft Teams and Slack to fully engage employees and build smarter leaders through a culture of real-time feedback. If your team is composed of up to 10 people, you get to use Tap My Back for free. Improve employee engagement on the go with the new app version of Tap My Back, which includes: - Real-time Peer-to-peer Recognition - Public News Feed with Social Recognition and Feedback - Reinforce Behaviors with Recognition Badges - Unlimi...
[ ビジネス ]
Secure calling and messaging KvantPhone is a completely secure calling and group messaging application. KvantPhone protects you and gives you peace of mind that what you say, or message cannot be compromised by third parties. Using the KvantPhone application, you can enjoy the benefits of secure communication in complete peace. ***** IMPORTANT ***** KvantPhone application works in a secure, isolated infrastructure and needs account registration, which cannot be done from the application. If you do not yet have a KvantPhone accou...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Secure Peer-to-Peer Instant Messenger with intuitive design and modern features you've come to expect, and some you haven’t, including: Access PIN Provides an additional layer of security by requesting an additional 4 digit PIN to obtain access to the application. Wipe PIN Allows you to pre-define a special “Duress” PIN that when entered in-place of the Access PIN, will without warning wipe and reset the application. Message Burn Set a timer on your messages that once read will be removed, or if you send a message in error you c...
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