フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Try out a new learning app for kids from Absolutist. It is designed for ready-witted, active and merry children, who likes having fun and learning something new every day. The app offers 4 thematic level packs with numerous puzzles inside. Touch and Patch: Shapes Puzzle for Kids is a multiple-choice game that involves many skills which children can master. They can play and learn at the same time studying alphabet, names of fruit, vegetables, wild animals and pets. Your kids will not get bored playing this amazing shape puzzles. B...
[ ゲーム ]
In Sunny Bunny's Garden Patch Poppers, your goal is simple. “Pop” the poppers in the smallest number of moves. Sound easy? Not so!! To achieve that, you will need to find the optimal order of tapping, because different color poppers perform different actions! Its easy to learn, but difficult to master, and loads of fun! Great graphics and sounds, and you will fall in love with the poppers, they are just so cute! Featuring: 100’s of levels! 3 different power ups to help you through the levels! High definition (retina) graph...
[ ゲーム ]
没入感抜群!陸・海・空――戦場を駆け抜ける3Dアクションゲーム! 終末の世界に駆り出された少女たちから、命運と信念を託されたキミ! 反撃の時は来た――執行官として、少女たちを導け! 少女たちと空へ、海へ!スタイリッシュに、そして可憐に駆け抜ける終末のロマン! 大迫力のアニメーションと、3次元に広がる未来の世界を思う存分体感せよ! 【世界観】 人々が己(おの)が欲望のために争い、紛争の絶えない近未来。 地外生命体の遺骸を手に入れたことで、ユグドラシルコーポレーションは強力で拡張可能な戦術外骨格「ギャラル」を作り出し、赤道の上空にスーパー兵器を搭...
[ ゲーム ]
**ゲーム紹介:** 第二次世界大戦を舞台にした、リアル系3Dグラフィックの7vs7海戦ゲームです。潜水艦から戦艦まで、**数百隻の歴史的艦艇**が登場し、それぞれ忠実に再現されています。スマートフォン向けに操作やゲームシステムを大幅に最適化しており、いつでもどこでも本格的な海戦を堪能できます! - **多彩な視点切り替え** - **潜水艦視点**:水面下に潜り、潜水艦特有の戦い方を体験。 - **航空視点**:航空機から俯瞰し、戦局全体を見渡す。 - **第一人称砲座視点**:甲板上から砲を直接操作して、臨場感を味わう。 - **第三人称追尾視点**:船尾か...
[ ミュージック ]
Logic Pro Xは、Logicの最も進んだバージョンです。クリエイティブなアイデアをすばやく形にできるだけでなく、必要な時にさらなるパワーが使えるようにデザインされたモダンなインターフェイスを中心に、プロフェッショナルな作曲、編集、ミキシングを行うための洗練された新しいツールが用意されています。しかも音源、エフェクト、ループの膨大なコレクションも含まれているので、素晴らしいサウンドを持った曲づくりに必要なものが完全にそろいます。 パワフルな新しいインターフェイス • 複数のトラックを統合、コントロールしたり、豊かで重厚な音源を制作できるTrack St...
[ メディカル ]
Birth Control Pill Reminder is an easy-to-use and reliable app that helps you take your pills every day at the time you choose. It has a Pre-Alarm and Auto-Snooze feature to ensure you don't forget to take your pills. It tracks the remaining quantity and shows a refill alert when you're running low. The number of pills per packet is customizable, making it compatible with all types of birth control pills. It also reminds you to use your ring or patch. The app doesn't need to be running to receive notifications. MAIN FEATURES • 3 s...
[ ゲーム ]
Toy Village is OpenFeint's Free Game of the Day! Download the Game Channel app to get a FREE game every day! PATCH NEEDS YOUR HELP! A tornado has struck Smalltown and all of the Toy’s in the local Toyshop got swept away in the storm. It is up to you to help Patch build a new village so that all the lost Toys can find a new place to call their home. The more Toys that live in your Toy Village the more buildings, Farms and Shops you can place… It’s time to get started rebuilding with Patch! CUTE & COLORFUL TOYS! Help the toys g...
[ ゲーム ]
Welcome to Flower Paradise! Solve your way through unique flower puzzles in order to turn a patch of dirt into your own beautiful garden! Customize your garden with flowers, plants, birds, butterflies, fish, hedges, statues and more as you unlock each feature using your Match 3 skills. Once you have your garden exactly the way you like it, you can turn it into a wallpaper for your home screen! TRY IT FREE, THEN UNLOCK THE FULL ADVENTURE FROM WITHIN THE GAME!  ***** Features ***** • Fun-filled flower matching game • Customize you...
[ ゲーム ]
It's Spooky Playtime Lite! Give Spooky Playtime a test run. This lite version has 2 of the 7 games that are available in the full version. So give it a try and celebrate the fun and excitement of the Halloween season with your preschooler! Spooky Playtime Lite is an extremely entertaining and educational game for young children aged 2-6 years. Perfect for parents who want to share the excitement of Halloween with their children, while also reinforcing age-appropriate learning activities. Your child will be asked to help our spooky...
[ ミュージック ]
Epic Synth is a polyphonic substractive synthesizer inspired by classic analog synths of the 1980s. Its beautiful and familiar interface helps you focus on what matters the most: creative musical exploration! Epic Synth’s straightforward and effective sound architecture stood the test of time. It’s simple enough for beginners to learn about synthesis yet powerful enough to satisfy experienced sound modellers. Epic Synth’s sound engine provides tons of room to create great sounds, from classic leads to juicy acid basses, from 8-bit...
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