Buffer Editor is a POWERFUL code and text editor that lets you easily develop software, view code or take notes on the go. Join thousands of coders who trust Buffer Editor for fast, powerful, and advanced code editing on mobile devices. Enjoy an editing experience that is both versatile and intuitive, and take your productivity to the next level.
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My Dog My Roomがさらに楽しく!
レトリバー、ダックス、柴犬など『My Dog』で登場した子犬の他に、新たにヨークシャーテリアとパピヨンが仲間入り!
Your fellow monster hunter Pascal has suddenly gone missing. The Order of the Monster Hunters sends you to your first mission, but you quickly realize that this is no ordinary hunt and rescue assignment. Dangerous trolls and creatures are wandering the countryside at dusk, bent on kidnapping the innocent humans to find a Monster Hunter and covering the lands in eternal night! The Lord of the Trolls Jorlis is obsessed with vengeance upon the spirit of the moon and the sun Velikor for his wife Santula who tragically died in the first...