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[ エンターテインメント ]
MAKE SOME CARNIVAL NOISE! ************************ Free for a limited time! A holiday gift from Bonhomme Carnaval, Frima Studio, and Netrokid.  ************************ Enjoy the Authentic Quebec Winter Carnival “Trompette” on your iPhone or iPod Touch. The real “Trompette du Carnaval” has become an icon of the world’s largest Winter Carnival. This festive instrument and souvenir has been around since 1955 and can now be carried in your pocket! Use it to horn in the New Year, to join in the fun of the 56th edition of the Quebec Win...
[ エンターテインメント ]
▶▶▶Download *Fashion Design Games for Girls* and start playing one of the best dress boutique games free of charge! ▶▶▶ If you covet fashion and your main goal is to come across as a stylish girl, our fantastic clothes designer app for iOS devices is exactly what you need. Make a whole set of wedding dresses for your fashion show, have these beautiful designs done by your tailor, and enjoy watching some of the most famous top models parade your luxurious clothes down the runway. Leading a super star life is wonderful – isn’t it? ...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
VUER is an iOS application that allows you to monitor and analyze up to 4 Teradek encoder video feeds in real-time, all in 1080p HD. With a built-in histogram, false color, focus peaking, waveform monitor and vectorscope, digging into the details of your video streams has never been easier. TOOL BUTTONS PAGE 1: HISTOGRAM -Adjust display mode (fullscreen, overlay, top and bottom), type of chart (luminance, RGB Parade, RGB Overlay), Opacity, Position and Size WAVEFORM–Adjust display mode (fullscreen, overlay, top and bottom), type...
[ 教育 ]
An award-winning educational, creative play app, Trucks teaches sequencing, sorting and problem solving. Trucks has 5 engaging activities: carwash, tow truck, garbage and recycling, bulldozer and dump truck and a car and truck parade. AGES: 2-6. CATEGORY: Play ACTIVITIES CARWASH: Roll a car through the mud and into a carwash! Clean the car with brushes, soap and bubbles. Squirt water jets to rinse off your car then dry it off. TOW TRUCK: Help fix a flat tire. Use a tow truck to take a car to the tire shop. Raise the car up to a...
[ ゲーム ]
剑桥少儿英语APP,是根据剑桥少儿英语预备级A、B Cambridge Young Learners English配套开发的单词游戏,包含单词、词义、词根记忆、标准美语发音、例句、单词变形等内容,旨在通过瞬间记忆、浏览记忆、图像记忆、听写记忆、词根记忆、单词例句等来加深对单词的学习。 剑桥少儿英语APP应用采用游戏关卡设置,让你在游戏中学习单词,记忆单词。一个月轻松搞定剑桥少儿英语词汇。 APP功能简介 1.关卡设置 按照教材单词表顺序设置关卡,每关8个单词。每关学习时间5-10分钟。你每天只用花费5分钟的时间就能通过游戏记住核心单词。 2.游戏模式【每天登录拿金币!!分享拿金币!!!】 ...
[ ブック ]
Today the Drip Drops are planning an animal parade at the zoo and you’re invited to join them! The Drip Drops are busy getting ready for the big parade in this charming story. Preschoolers can help color a zebra, connect the dots to create a lion’s mane, match baby animals to their mothers and much more in this delightful interactive story. Each activity reinforces an early learning concept such as counting, the alphabet, shapes and more in a fun and entertaining format! • Creative and interactive activity book that’s beautifu...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
《澳門拉丁城區幻彩大巡遊》是澳門的年度慶典,每年邀請多隊來自海外的表演團隊及本地精英參加,於每年的12月20日當天舉行大型巡遊及連串表演,與民同樂,一起感受澳門獨有的城市文化藝術。 為了讓澳門市民及遊客提早感受巡遊的歡樂氣氛,本程式特別製作了 “十紛LIKE”,提供了一系列具巡遊特色的相框供拍攝及二度創作,並可將相片上載至臉書,與親朋摯愛分享你的有趣相片,並有機會換領限量版紀念品,共襄盛舉! 另外,本程式也提供巡遊活動的重要信息,包括獎品、周邊活動、表演團隊介紹、交通訊息、巡遊地圖及最新消息等。 特色: 多款具巡遊元素的有趣相框 為相片加上標題...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Le 6 juillet 2013, pour sa 38e édition, Carifiesta, la parade, haute en couleurs envahira le centre-ville de Montréal. Plus de 100,000 spectateurs de toutes origines et visiteurs de l’extérieur de Montréal sont attendus et être témoins de l’expression de gaieté et de qui est si caractéristique de la communauté antillaise. Pendant des heures, les danseurs et spectateurs vibreront et danseront sur les rythmes Latin et afro-antillais. La parade inclura des fardiers décorés avec les couleurs des différentes îles et groupes représentés ...
[ 教育 ]
An award-winning educational, creative play app, Trucks has 5 engaging activities: carwash, tow truck, garbage and recycling, bulldozer and dump truck and a car and truck parade. Trucks teaches sequencing, sorting and problem solving. AWARDS: Parents’ Choice Silver Award, Children’s Technology Review Editor’s Choice Award. AGES: 2-6 CATEGORY: Play ACTIVITIES CARWASH: Roll a car through the mud and into a carwash! Clean the car with brushes, soap and bubbles. Squirt water jets to rinse off your car then dry it off. TOW TRUCK: H...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Welcome to Monsoon Rustington ! Having a hard day, stressed at work, kids driving you crazy, don’t worry we understand how hard some days can be. So let us and Monsoon take the stress out of feeding the family for the evening. Located on 5 Sterling Parade, The Street, Rustington, offers a wide variety of dishes including Korma dishes, Dansak dishes and Tandoori selection. These dishes are just a small selection of what Monsoon has to offer. With Monsoon Rustington iPhone App, you can order your favourite Balti dishes, Curry Dishe...
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