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[ フード/ドリンク ]
『YARUKI-POINT』はやる気カンパニーグループ共通ポイントが貯まる公式アプリです! やる気カンパニーは「最高の料理と最高の笑顔で感動を与える」をモットーに皆さまへ最高のサービスをご提供いたします! ※ポイントが貯まるブランド一覧 ・天ぷら串 山本家 ・山本のハンバーグ/俺のワイン酒場 ・博多おでんと自然薯 よかよか堂 < 主なサービス > □ポイントサービス 対象店舗ご来店ごとにYARUKI-POINT100ポイントが貯まります! 貯まったポイントは、豪華賞品と交換いただけます。 □会員ランク ご来店回数に応じてランクアップ! さらに、来店回数に応じてお得なクーポン...
[ ライフスタイル ]
生命转折点正版应用程序 生命转折点是大卫.耶利米博士的教导事工。我们的使命是通过健全的圣经教导,向这个不断变化的世界传递 神不变的道。我们相信,当一个人的生命与 神相交时,会是一个改变生命的转折点。我们致力于鼓励并加强我们的读者听众的每日灵修,通过提供文字及音视频的圣经学习资源,来帮助他们的属灵成长。 应用特点: 
-以及更多 关于生命转折点的更多信息,请访问www.DavidJeremiah.org * 注意:对于非无线网络连接的设备,请通过WiFi连接因特网(...
[ ブック ]
Indexed in 6 languages You may be fluent in four languages but sometimes you could find yourself ”off the beaten track“ where you cannot speak the language. ”point it“ , is the answer. Everyone in the world will understand you. This passport-sized assistant is used not only by tourists but also by UN peacekeeping forces, Olympic athletes and speech therapists. “Let your pictures do the talking...” - Evening Standard, London „Ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Völkerverständigung.“ - Süddeutsche Zeitung, München „Pour commander une omel...
[ ミュージック ]
Radio Point is an FM tuner app with access to countless global radio stations. Whether you're looking for better ways to explore new music, get important updates on the latest news, keep track of your favorite sporting events, or listen to captivating and thought-provoking podcasts, Radio Point is your doorway to all that and much more. - Hundreds of global radio stations. Regardless of your music tastes and preferences, Radio Point will grant you access to any genre you like! Be it hip-hop, rock n roll, or k-pop, you'll easily ...
[ 旅行 ]
到日本旅行時 如果能跟當地人們來幾句會話的話 一定會成為更開心美好的回憶。 「日本 旅遊會話一指搞定」是不論任何人都能輕鬆上手的旅遊會話應用程式。 特長 ■ 在旅途中能簡單使用! 啟動非常快 在旅途中可隨時迅速對應。 ■ 能輕巧迅速動作! 以簡單易懂為最優先設計考量 實現了輕巧順暢的使用感。 ■ 在旅途中好用的會話表現 能簡單地表達自己的意思 收錄了各種旅途中實用的會話表現。 ■ 搖一下就可播放語音! 搖一下就能播放語音。 ■ 圖解單字表(附語音) 將旅途中常用單字以圖解方式整理。 輕輕觸碰單字就可播放語音。 Description: Tongue-tied tourists? Get "Point ...
[ メディカル ]
A learner’s guide to using point-of-care ultrasound in a clinical setting. With ultrasound machines readily available nowadays and providing substantial information on the spot without any possible delay, POCUS is quickly becoming a standard of care. The POCUS App by dr. Ray gives users an immersive, visual guide to the most common techniques in point-of-care ultrasound and rapid bedside diagnosis and status assessments of the heart, lungs, abdomen, and vascular access. This richly illustrated mobile app focuses on standardizing t...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Acupressure is a specific type of massage that relies primarily on using the thumbs, fingers and palms to apply pressure on specific points of the body. These points are known as healing points, Therapists may use various rhythms, pressures and techniques in the practice. Some times we feel power included in our body parts at Hand-Points, Leg, Neck, Back, Head, Face, Foot fingers, Chest and Breast Points. Acupressure is an alternative therapy derived from Acupuncture. In Accupressure manual pressure is used instead of needles. Ac...
[ スポーツ ]
How many times have you forgotten about the result while playing? Is it 40-15 or 30-30? Here's the solution, Match Point app is on the clock and all you have to do is raise your hand at any point and mark the result. The watch saves the result, so there will never be any arguments about the result.
[ ユーティリティ ]
A two player life point calculator designed for the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game. It features 2 independent life point calculators facing opposite sides of the device. The app features a coin toss, game reset and life point add and subtract functions.
[ ライフスタイル ]
오~ 두번 받는 포인트 혜택 O2POINT O2POINT는 방문한 매장에서 휴대폰번호만으로 간편하고 쉽게 포인트ž·스탬프·žžžž캐시를 적립할 수 있는 포인트 서비스입니다. 다양한 제휴처에서 한 번의 적립으로 포인트·스탬프·캐시 세 가지 혜택을 모두 누려보세요. [O2POINT 적립ž·사용 방법] 방문한 매장에서 휴대폰번호만으로 바로 적립ž·사용할 수 있습니다. 한 번의 적립으로 포인트와 캐시가 동시 적립되며 포인트ž·스탬프ž·캐시의 모든 혜택을 받으실 수 있습니다. ※ 매장별 적립율 상이 [O2POINT의 차별화된 포인트] 동일 O2 Zone에서는 포인트를 함께 사용 가능합니다. O2 Z...
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