フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 仕事効率化 ]
ATTENTION! This is NOT AN ADOBE FLASH PLUGIN. It is an multi codec player (.flv support among others) with private browser! READ THE DESCRIPTION OF THE APP BEFORE YOU DOWNLOAD IT AND MAKE A NEGATIVE REVIEW!! It a great and fast video player, which justifies its description! __________________________________________________ FP allows you to watch any movie or video and read about it or just searching on the Internet without living the program. ----------------------------------------------------------------  Video Player Fea...
[ ユーティリティ ]
FP allows you to watch any movie or video and read about it or just searching on the Internet without living the program. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Video Player Features: - Support of the many popular video formats - Works good and fast - Simple in use. Upload video to the player and watch it - Supports HD resolution Browser Features: - A simple interface. Only everything you need and nothing more. - Privacy! Special buttons, which clears the history and returns to the home page. - M...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Universe Player allows you to watch any movie or video and read about it or just searching on the Internet without living the program. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Video Player Features: - Support of many formats: MOV, AVI, M4V, MPG, DivX, WMV and others - Works good and fast - Simple in use. Upload video to the player and watch it - Supports HD resolution Browser Features: - A simple interface. Only everything you need and nothing more. - Privacy! Special buttons, whic...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Casino Player, now celebrating its 25th year of publishing, contains easy-to-read articles on every type of gambling strategy written by recognized experts and players. Every issue is packed with in-depth reviews of casino entertainment, restaurants and hotel packages, as well as detailed information on the best comps, loosest slots & latest promotions. Only Casino Player gives you all the tools you need to help you play longer and win more money with every casino visit. Single Copy $3.99 1 Year Subscription - $24.99 (automat...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Published for nearly 30 years, Casino Player magazine provides gamblers and casino lovers with the tools they need to beat the casino. Featuring in-depth strategy articles, game reviews, and expert tutorials written by today’s leading gambling authorities, Casino Player is the #1 casino lifestyle publication in North America. From cover to cover, every issue is packed with the hottest casino news, special events and promotions, detailed entertainment reviews, dining and hotel information and much more! Single Copy $3.99 1 Year Su...
[ スポーツ ]
Player LENS puts clubs and intermediaries together at your fingertips - with data and analytics to assess player capabilities. PLAYER LENS FEATURES AT A GLANCE • Clubs can easily advertise players to the global market. • Search and find players, made available by other clubs and intermediaries. • Intermediaries can promote their players to the global network. • Advanced analytics to understand a player’s strengths, weaknesses and value for money. • Chat directly and securely with other football industry professionals ***NEW***
[ スポーツ ]
The objective of Player LENS is to be a beneficial resource to clubs and players by injecting transparency, volume, knowledge and execution solutions to the player loan market in an efficient, effective and harmonious manner.
[ エンターテインメント ]
Calculator Box is a private video player behind a nice working calculator. - Full featured calculator. - Full featured video player. - Importing Videos from Dropbox Google Drive and Camera Roll - Supports standard video formats such as mp4, mov, m4v - Support playlists. - Supports background video playing, which is perfect for music videos. - Support airplay
[ スポーツ ]
【スポーツリアルタイム速報の決定版!! 好きなチーム、大会の試合を見逃さない!!】 あなたの好きなチームはどこですか??見逃せない大会はありますか?? 「あっ、この試合、いつの間にか終わってた。。。」というガッカリ、Player!が必ず防ぎます!! ※基本的に映像は配信しておりませんが、一部コンテンツにおいて映像を配信することがあります。 □■Player!(プレイヤー)の3つの特徴■□ 1. まるでスタジアムにいるみたい!仲間と共に試合で熱く盛り上がろう! スポーツの試合(スコアやスタッツ、選手の交代情報等)をリアルタイムでお届けしており、同じスポーツ、同じチ...
[ ミュージック ]
機能満載の無料音楽サーチャー、ダウンローダー、エディタ、オーディオプレイヤー iOS 7用に設計された ウェブブラウザ -ブックマークマネージャー -複数の検索エンジン タグエディター -アルバムジャケット、アルバム名、タイトル、アーチスト、トラック、年、歌詞 -D3タグの編集 ダウンロードマネージャー -タップするだけでダウンロード -再生中にダウンロード -同時に何曲もダウンロードが可能 -高速ダウンロード -ダウンロードの一時停止、再開、中止機能 プレイリスト -追加, 編集, 削除 オーディオプレイヤー -リピート/シャッフル機能 -歌詞が...
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