フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
2012, UFO that has showed up frequently unveiled their mask finally. They started destroying World’s famous landmarks and invading the earth. The earth now needs your courage. Only you can be the one who will be given a special weapon to kill all Alien. Beat all Alien off with the strong lightning! ****** Game Characteristic ****** Alien War2 is really simple and attractive action game. With the lightning, you can enjoy a unique game style in defeating Alien. Very easy to play, isn’t it? * Marvelous Graphic again * With one s...
[ ゲーム ]
Get the newest party game on your iPhone or iPod Touch! * There's a metaphor in this game. Do you get it? This game was censored by Apl1e.* Shake your phone to make the towers grow until they disappear! This game includes 6 towers for you to shake, including: -Statue of Liberty -Seattle's Space Needle -Leaning Tower of Pisa -London's Big Ben -Eiffel Tower -Taipei 101
[ ユーティリティ ]
Ever asked yourself how lean the leaning tower of pisa is? You get this and other answers regarding angles with Image Angle. Measure angles whithin your Photos. Open a photo from your library or take a picture with your camera within the app. You can drag the handles with your finger and the angle between them will be displayed. *** Measure Angles *** Take pohtos within the app *** Change the image *** Change the color of the lines
[ ゲーム ]
President Joe Biden: The wisdom of His Majesty Mr. Biden is proven by the years of experience and determination to win. Take the chance with him to be the winner. Features : - Joe Biden is so easy to talk to - He can remind you some details of his impressive speeches. - Joe Biden travels through the lights of big cities. - He flies in the blue-blue sky. ************** President Barack Obama: Mr. Obama is smart, strong and gracious. You’d better try to have a cup of coffee with him and read the latest news. Features: - Talk to...
[ 旅行 ]
VoiceMap tours are like podcasts that move with you, to tell stories about what you’re seeing right now. They're produced by insightful local storytellers, including journalists, filmmakers, novelists, podcasters, and tour guides. Sir Ian McKellen has even created a tour. It's around London's West End, where he’s performed for over 50 years. Features: • Explore at your own pace. Start and stop tours whenever you like, then use the resume option to pick up exactly where you left off. • With GPS autoplay, you can focus on your...
[ 旅行 ]
Blink Travel is your best way to inspire and plan your journey: a one-finger visual discovery of attractions, food, and experiences. Each Blink Travel guide includes: - Most instagrammable places - Top attractions - Food, art, and district tips - A beautiful interactive map - Step-by-step itineraries What you get: - The best attractions to visit - The best local activities and authentic things to do - Selection of typical food of the area and associated restaurant - Step-by-step guided itineraries - Exclusive and secre...
[ ライフスタイル ]
ホロスコープをいつでもどこでもスタイリッシュに 使いやすいiPadだからできる占いの新しいスタイルを提案します プロも満足の本格的なホロスコープを作成する占星術アプリです ■「ホロスコープ時空」の世界へようこそ 「ホロスコープ 時空」(horoscope JIKU)は占星術のあたらしいスタイルを提案します 「ホロスコープ 時空」は日本や英語圏など世界中で利用されています 「ホロスコープ 時空」は世界中の占術師とともにあります ■感性を刺激するホロスコープ 美しいホロスコープがあなたの豊かな感性を刺激します ■信頼のホロスコープ ホロスコープの基本となる惑星軌道計算...
[ 教育 ]
□□□□□□□□世界のランキング□□□□□□□□ 世界の様々なランキングを紹介!! 『世界で1番薄毛の国は?』、『世界で一番生活に満足している国は?』などなど、世界の様々なランキングを紹介しています!! また、国別でNO1カテゴリも紹介しているので、あらためて日本の良さを知っていただけるアプリです!! 他にもこんなカテゴリーのランキングを年代別に掲載しています!! ------------------------------------------ 消費税 映画製作数 国内総生産(GDP) 生活満足度 オリンピックメダル数 アルコール飲料の消費量 薄毛率 美人コンテストの勝利者 血液型O型 インターネット利用者 TOEFL 新...
[ ナビゲーション ]
aHigherThan shows your altitude (meters and feet supported) compared with world-famous geological, historical or engineering objects, such as leaning Tower of Pisa and Mount Fuji. This program can be amazing for mountain hikers, rock climbers, soaring pilots or any other sort of travelers. Indeed, don't you think it could be interesting to know that you climbed higher then the Big Ben or Eiffel Tower?... NOTE: Measurement relies on your iPhone built-in A-GPS, so precision is limited by current level of this technology. Also, th...
[ メディカル ]
獣医師・動物看護師の業務支援アプリ!!! 診療業務で行うことが複雑な計算に必須のアプリです。 検査・治療・処方などの複雑な計算を正確に素早く効率化したい方にオススメです!! 【機能紹介】 ・一回注射量の計算 ・錠剤の必要数の計算(例:1日2回の錠剤数、1ヶ月分の使用数) ・持続点滴薬の流速の計算 ・白血球百分比 ・網状赤血球生産指数(RPI) ・食事量 ・1日に必要なエネルギー要求量(DER) ・犬猫の年齢変換 ・LVIDDNの計算 ・僧帽弁逆流量(PISA法)の計算 ・僧帽弁逆流量(Volumetric法)の計算 ・QP/QSの計算 ・心拍出量・心係数の計算 など
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