フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
Study English the fun way A text-synchronized audiobook is scrolling the written text along to the spoken narration. Ideal for English learner. The Five Orange Pips by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Interactive Text-synchronized audiobook. Please, see the video presentation on the app support page, provided on the link below Improve your text comprehension, increases your vocabulary and learn pronunciation by listening to native speaker. 
A text specific thesaurus and a comprehension test makes this easy to operate application a highly...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Pips is a tone sequence generator inspired by the alluring & mysterious Greenwich Time Signal and its countless friends broadcast around the world. Both amateur and professional pip connoisseurs have the power to recreate time signals of yore or innovate new combinations of boops that will delight the world's radio lovers and keep things in sync. Become time by becoming boop. This is your goal. Features! - Build a sequence of one or more custom pips and play them through your device. - Control the frequency, duration, and volume o...
[ エンターテインメント ]
This app contains the story, script and audio play of the Sherlock Holmes adventure The Five Orange Pips by Conan Doyle. Included with the story is a map of 1888 London and a new challenging treasure hunt that will allow the user to find a series of clues once put together they can discover an object in the London of today. The first to find this will win an inscribed magnifying glass. In the first series there will be four apps, The Twisted Lip, The Five Pips, The Speckled Band and Scandal in Bohemia.
[ ファイナンス ]
このアプリは、FXのトレードを記録する日記的なアプリです。 自分のトレードを振り返るためのアプリです。 ●●●主な特徴●●● ・新規レート、決済レートを入力することでpipsの自動計算(設定が必要)ができます。 ・ドル円のペアに限り、損益の自動計算(設定が必要)ができます。 ※ドル円以外で自動計算にすると、合わなくなるのでご注意ください ・反省の設定ができ、集計が自動的にされます。 ・自己評価5段階が設定でき、集計が自動的にされます。 ・トレードごとに投資スタイルの選択ができます。(スキャル、デイトレなど) ・勝ち、負けの割合を円グラフで表示できます。 ・1日,...
[ ゲーム ]
Dominoes is one of the most played board games in the world. We worked hard to offer you a free and exceptional game experience. Enjoy the clean, easy to use interface, the fast and smooth game animations, and the self adjustable intelligence or your opponent. You can choose between the three most played game versions: All Fives, Draw Dominoes and Block Dominoes. This board game is also called muggins, dominos, domino and the tiles are sometimes referred to as bones. To succeed you need logical reasoning and luck. Practice certain...
[ ファイナンス ]
説明 みんかぶによるFXのバーチャルトレードアプリです。 実際のリアルタイムの為替レートを使って、仮想資金でトレードできます。 SmartFXのサイトと連動していて、毎月バーチャルトレード大会が開催され、損益ランキングが随時表示されます。 クイック注文の他、指値、逆指値、OCO、IFD、IFOの予約注文にも対応。 約定時はPush通知されるため、実際の取引にも活用することが可能です。 みんかぶ、Yahoo,Google,Twitter,Facebookのいずれかのアカウントでログイン可能。 主な機能 レート一覧 Small,Largeの切り替えが可能。リアルタイムで各通貨ペアのレートが表示されます。 ...
[ ゲーム ]
A whole new world of merge dice puzzle game is opening-up. Come to play and give your brain a rest! Combined domino and dice block puzzle, WOODY DICE MERGE delivers an enticing logic puzzle and great IQ exercise that is suitable for all ages to play for hours. This is a fascinating brain-boosting game, where players need to match three or more adjacent wooden dice with the same pips to merge them horizontally, vertically, or both. The bigger combo that you create and collect, the higher score you get. Don’t forget to use powerful...
[ ファイナンス ]
Rakuten Securities HK - Amplify Your Forex Trading Power Rakuten Securities Hong Kong Limited (Rakuten Securities HK) is one of the pioneers of online leveraged* forex trading broker. Rakuten Securities HK offers iSPEED FX mobile trading platform, this platform is popular and geared with robust functionality. Without logging in, you can access to live forex rates and walk through the platform. iSPEED FX features: 1. AS SPEED - Display the price rate and chart simultaneously - Submit market order without setting Entry or Close ...
[ ゲーム ]
◆◆トレーダーカードバトルONE-PIPS!◆◆ 無料で遊べるソーシャルゲームです カードを集めて所属証券会社同士のカードバトルに参戦! 面倒な登録は一切不要でスグにプレイを開始できます。 友達招待でレアカードをゲットすることも! トレーダーのカードを使ったバトル型ソーシャルカードゲームが遂に登場! 【ゲームの遊び方】 1・まずはプレイヤー名を決める 2・お仕事を行う 3・カードを進化させて自分だけの最強デッキを組む 4・バトルでライバルやボスをやっつけてしまえ! ◆ライバルトレーダーと戦って最強になろう! プレイヤーはライバルトレーダーと戦いなが...
[ ゲーム ]
Place tiles which have a number of pips that matches one of the exposed ends of the chain. If you have no such tiles you have to draw from the boneyard one tile at a time until new one may be played. After placement player will get points if the sum of pips at the exposed ends of the chain is a multiple of five (5,10,15,20,etc). At the end of the round player also scores points for all the pips remaining in the opponent's hand rounded to the nearest multiple of five. Winner is the first player who reach the score of 150 points.
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