フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ミュージック ]
Dance Pet Piano is a very interesting game for kids to learn how to play piano with fun! Animal can dance when your kids press the right key. There about 20 famous kids music to choose inside the game, and the notes are displayed as the animals character. When the animal is moving on the piano keyboard, user should press the key with the animal character when the relative animal moving to the highlighted area, and then the animal will start the dance show as a reward. you can also adjust the moving speed of the animals when neede...
[ ミュージック ]
Have you ever played piano on a piece of paper? Just print out a PDF file, put your phone on the paper, and you can play instantly! 6 instruments are available in this app: piano, music box, organ, brass, phone, voice. It uses the front-facing camera and can detect up to 10 fingers. The lag is very small due to advanced algorithms. This version supports iOS 7 as well! MORE INSTRUMENTS 6 musical instruments are available: Piano, music box, organ, brass, phone, voice. DETECT UP TO 10 FINGERS The app uses the front-facing camera and...
[ ゲーム ]
Piano R : Rolling Reboundable Round Piano 新感覚音楽ゲームです! (百聞は一見にしかず、ということでデモムービーをどうぞ http://iiv.jp/?i) iPhoneを傾けると、その方向に回転する丸い形をしたピアノ"Piano R"が移動します。画面の端(上下左右)にヒットさせると、ぶつかった部分の音がなり、ボールのように跳ね返ります。 (ステレオサウンド対応) "スローライフな"ゲームです。 このゲームは、25のクラシック名曲の有名なフレーズを持っており(バッハ、ショパン、モーツァルト、ペートーベンetc)、これをできるたけ速く、完成されたメロディにします。(1 Roundにつき1...
[ 教育 ]
Tune your fingers and become a master of the keys with Piano Way. Learning piano shouldn’t be boring. With Piano Way, we teach you simple piano — no tough lessons, just a smarter way to learn to play piano. Perfect for children and adults, this is the piano academy you’ve been waiting for. What’s inside this piano learning game, and what makes it so special? FEATURES: - Piano learning on your screen, keyboard, or real-life piano — play piano chords, learn piano notes, and learn music theory with ease — all in one place. - Lots...
[ ミュージック ]
Want to play a guitar and piano at the same time? Now you can with this music app. Strum the guitar or just pick a chord and let the app strums automatically for you. It can imitate finger picking as well. The speed and rhythm can be changed to fit your own style. Use the piano keyboard to play a melody. Drag the keyboard up and down to get to other notes and octaves. Use headphones for optimum sound quality. Imagine playing a duet using a guitar and piano all by yourself! FEATURES: + 85-key piano keyboard + Drag-and-scro...
[ ミュージック ]
高品位なサウンドのピアノ音源アプリに、EQ、バリエーション機能、新しいアプリ内課金アイテム「Piano Expansion 2」などが追加され、iOS 8、Audiobus、Inter-App Audioとの互換性も向上しました。 高品位なピアノ音源を、あなたのiOSディバイスに。よいピアノ音源が手に入っても、iPhoneやiPad画面の小さな鍵盤で演奏するのは物足りない。そんな方は、iRig MIDI 2 (www.irigmidi.com) にMIDI端子付きの電子ピアノ、キーボードを接続して、毎日の演奏、練習で使うピアノ音色をアップグレードしてみてください。外出先で演奏、作曲を楽しみたい方なら、iPadに接続するだけで使...
[ ミュージック ]
Burps and farts are funny! If you dont think they are, dont download this app. With this app you can now fart and burp your favorite tunes without the risk of having to change your pants or throw up. Imagin the laughs you could get from playing twinkle twinkle little star in farts, or that chinese one ( i think its called chop sticks ) in burps. The skys the limit with this new piano app! You could become the new bethoven of the farting and burping world! Just click on the piano keys or type the letters on your keyboard. T...
[ ゲーム ]
Three brand new In-App purchase songs you can buy from your iPhone or iPad for $0.99 each: Beautiful - Christina Aguilera Girl On Fire - Alicia Keys Five For Fighting - Superman AS SEEN ON THE "MUSIC INDUSTRY NEWS NETWORK Featured on AppAdvice, 148 Apps, Appolicious, AppZapp Featured by Apple in "What's Hot" #1 Game/Music iPhone & iPad app in Japan Piano Challenge App Featured in App Stores Worldwide in 155 Countries Groundbreaking app technology that has you playing the piano in minutes The only app in the world that enab...
[ ミュージック ]
View MIDI file as falling notes! You don't need to know how to read sheet music. As you watch the animation, it MIDI out to physical sound module e.g. Volca Keys etc Enjoy playing songs right on the iPhone or iPad. Alternatively, add a MIDI keyboard and follows the falling notes on screen. - Celestial waits for you to hit the correct key in learn mode. Use watch mode to listen to midi songs and see how notes are being played. - Import any MIDI song using the "Open in Celestial" option in safari. - Connect to your own digital pia...
[ ミュージック ]
Piano Jukeboxは、クラシックピアノ曲のMIDIプレイヤーアプリです。 リビングルームの電子ピアノと接続すれば、まるでピアノ曲専用のジュークボックスかのように自動演奏させることができます。 ご使用いただくにはキッコサウンドのBluetooth MIDIインターフェース「mi.1」が必要になります。 mi.1本体ファームウェアは、本アプリを使って更新します。 Piano Jukebox v1.00の仕様 ・SMF format 0ファイルの再生機能 ・あらかじめ300曲以上のクラシックピアノ曲をMIDIデータを用意 ・iTunesを使ってユーザーのSMFファイルを追加することも可能 ・演奏の音量をアプリから操...
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