フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ユーティリティ ]
Introducing Photo Editor - the modern image editing tool. Photo Editor was designed to be easy to use, fast and simple. We stripped back cluttering features and left your with some of the best. Never before was it possible to have such a powerful photo editor in your pocket. Photo Editor can be mastered by anyone - no extra skill required. Anyone can make their photos professional with just a tap. We include great effects/enhancements for you to apply to your images; exporting them takes merely seconds. Remove blemishes from yo...
[ エンターテインメント ]
ガールズウォッチ [GirlsWatch_bijin tokei Korean version_美人時計 V 2.1] を紹介します。 ソウル都心の街で出会った魅力的な女性が一分ごとに登場し、時間を知らせてくれます。 アイフォン(iphone)やiPodタッチに設置すると常にどこでも彼女たちに会えます。 輝いている彼女たちが時間を知らせてくれる間、私たちの心も幸せになります。 さらに、彼女たちのリアルヴォイスを目覚まし用のアラームに設定することが出来ます。朝が楽しくなります。 機能 写真 ズームイン/ズームアウト リアルヴォイス アラーム設定 写真保存機能 機器シェイキングの際に女性プロフィール表...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Believe it or not, you don’t need a fancy schmancy camera or lens or tripod mount. So, without further ado, try Split&Clone app to taking clone photographs. The most important thing you need to focus on is consistency. Split&Clone App support three-dimensional automatic positioning and automatic alignment for you to achieve consistency in your shots, which leads to a consistent looking result. Every single photograph to be nearly identical to all the others in everything. To keep your exposure identical between shots (assuming th...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
私たちは皆、爆弾を撮る方法を知っています...しかし、あなたは猫の爆弾を知っていますか? 猫の爆弾はあなたの写真にヤコブを置きます - あなたのセルフは決して同じではありません!家族の写真、プロフェッショナルな写真、無駄なセルフ...それらにすべて素敵な猫を加える!あなたの友人のすべてが同じことを尋ねるでしょう:その猫は? 猫の爆弾を使って、タップであなたの写真に猫を追加することができます - それは1-2-3より簡単です!あなたの親友の頭を猫の頭で置き換え、彼らがそれを見たら...あなたはふわふわした状況に身を任せるかもしれません!あなたの写真に猫...
[ ゲーム ]
Touch, Look, Listen is a series of preschool learning apps for tablets and mobile phones that will delight and encourage young children as they learn their first words. On the Farm introduces early learners to over 85 animals and objects from tractors and hay to cows, sheep and pigs. It’s also the perfect app for parents and little ones to share, combining superb photographs, simple word labels and friendly narration. In addition, you can turn the app into a language-learning tool for students of all ages, simply by choosing a seco...
[ 旅行 ]
Rough Guides’ photographers have been travelling the world for years, their mission to capture the essence of a place, its people, its sights and monuments, its heart and soul. This app showcases the best of what they have seen on their travels: amazing festivals and celebrations; remote paradises; people at work and at play; powerful art and amazing architecture. Overall, their objective has been to document the sheer richness and pleasure of the world at large. Features • Be inspired! An evocative gallery of hundreds of Rough G...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
The AutoStitchPic app combines several photographs into one continuous image. For example, you can take 3-30 overlapping photographs of a city skyline, and then merge them into a panorama. This app can assemble photos that are tiled horizontally as well as vertically, and multi rows photos supported. Learn how to make a good panorama photo: Setting up for your shoot, a stable position to take your panoramas from is important. Once you find your potential spot and set your iPhone camera up, rotate it to the extreme right and left ...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Meet Holographium, the next-generation light painting machine with a twist! Holographium slices text or images into thousands of luminous 3D cross section scans, and projects them over time on a long exposure photograph. The result is mind-blowing: Your digital camera captures a glowing, hovering "hologram" with real-world reflections! Check out holographium.com for a demo video and examples! Holographium is ideal for anyone interested in light painting. Note: It requires an additonal digital camera. It works great with camera...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
**Developer Responses to Reviews: www.sortshots.com/faq/reviews** * Featured in PDN Magazine as one of "The Ten Best Photo Portfolio Apps for the iPad" October 2011 Issue. * Finalist in Intel App up contest & 2010 'Most Innovative' App. * Arrange Metadata/EXIF Tags, Air Print, New Gestures, File Names under Thumbnails and More! Sort Shots – the ONLY app to Utilize Existing Metadata/EXIF making it the Perfect Photo Sharing and Portfolio App for Finding and Sharing Photos. Find Photos Fast using existing Keywords and ratings from...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
"I have spent over $50 trying out many different portfolio apps for the iPad... [Pholio] is my favorite. It is very easy and simple to set up, organize, and get a nice simple portfolio with this app." Where are *your* best photographs? With Pholio, you can use your iPad create a portfolio of your best photographs to show your friends, your family, or your clients. See a video if it in action at the application web site or here: http://youtu.be/APHPbWSPZoE Features: - Intuitive interface for choosing and organizing your photos....
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