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[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
「自分でウェブろう!」かんたんホームページ「クローバ PAGE」公式アプリ
クローバ PAGE はたったの4ステップでホームページが作成できるサービスです。公式アプリを使えばエントリーの管理や記事の投稿と編集、ユーザーとのコミュニケーションがiPhoneやiPadでかんたんに行えるようになります。
クローバ PAGE
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
"...Sometimes the best apps are the simplest, and that’s just the case with Printability...." - Tyler Tschida [ appadvice.com ]
Just make it printability and share pdf anywere!
Here is a powerful utility for convert web pages to PDF document directly from Safari browser.
App contains safari extension. Use it for converting opened page to pdf document. You don't need waiting to load page if it didn't contains pictures.
You can setup converting process:
• page size
• page margins
• orientation
You also get access to some standard...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
By Page Monitor can automatically check whether the web pages you've configured have changed, if they are accessible or if they contain a specific text.
Enter the addresses of all the pages you want to check and let Page Monitor does so for you.
This small application can save you much time.
Use is easy:
* Enter the address of the pages you want to control or Cercal comfortable with the internal browser
* From the title of your choice to each page
* Enter any text you want to try to Monitor Page
* Save
To see if the pag...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
The MOST Advanced Tabbed Web Browser with Multi Innovative Features: FASTGO Startup(ONE TOUCH GO), Multi Touch Gestures, SUPER DRAWING, MULTI SEARCHING, Scrollable Bookmarks Bar, Web Plugin Buttons, Accelerometer, Auto multi-colored keyword highlights(search engine, search in page and favorite keyword), Auto Full Screen and Auto Smooth Scrolling, Save Snapshot of webpages, Shaking To Close Tab and so on. Maximize your browsing experience.
- FASTGO Startup (More than a Speed Dial page)
- ON...
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[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Wish to know, who interacts mostly with your page in VK? This application is specially for you!
"Activity for VK - Track your social page activity" gives you:
- detailed info about users activity on your page
- statistics of your popularity
- date and time of users interactions with your profile
Application "Activity for VK - Track your social page activity" will help you easily find your best fans in Vkontakte!!!
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[ 写真/ビデオ ]
PAGE – Design. Code. Business. Sie sind Kreativer in Design, Werbung oder Development? Dann eint Sie eine Vision mit uns: Einzigartige Gestaltung über alle Medien hinweg, ganzheitlich und nachhaltig erfolgreich. Denn das bringt nicht nur Ihren Kunden Wettbewerbsvorteile, sondern auch Ihnen Aufmerksamkeit und weitere Aufträge. Und als Profi wissen Sie nur zu gut: Die Entwicklung konsistenter Markenauftritte und Kommunikationskonzepte ist ein harter Job, sie erfordert umfassende, verlässliche und stets neueste Kenntnisse aus allen Ge...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
NOW WITH FACEBOOK INTEGRATION. Upload your screen image or crop an area to upload direct to your FB timeline. Use as cropping and annotation tool for your FB photos.
Page Composer turns your iPad screen into an electronic canvas. You can draw, write or type on your screen, select photos from your image library or pull in a map. You can also import and mix in pdf and other file types. Screenshots from other apps and websites can also be cropped and included in your page.
With Page Composer, you have all the tools needed to shuff...
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[ スポーツ ]
Mundial Page Group es una aplicación para que los integrantes de nuestra compañía compartan su pasión por el mundial.
Ingresando los resultados de los partidos de la copa mundial, competirás por puntos y podrás desafiar a otros participantes. Acertar goleadores, valla menos vencida y quién se quedará con la copa, te aporta puntos extra para poder encabezar el ranking de usuarios.
Creando ligas, podrás crear tus propios grupos. Y mediante las trivias, desafiá a tus amigos en una competencia cerrada.
Descargate la app y come...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
Speedier helps you answer the age old question. “How fast are my favorite mobile websites?” Built around a real web browser, Speedier uses it to measure the page speed, page weight, and http requests for any mobile web URL you enter. It also displays a waterfall chart showing all the timings from page elements loaded inside the website. This is a perfect tool to optimize, design, qa and test the performance of any mobile web experience you choose.
How fast is fast?
Speedier grades mobile websites using data from the Speedier perf...
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