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[ 教育 ]
iOS8 READY! Also, Check out A.P.S. MusicMaster -specifically designed for the iPhone!
Summary: A.P.S. Music Master Pro includes a PDF Viewer & Annotator, Chromatic Tuner with Pitch Pipe, Audio Recorder & Player, Metronome, Timer/Stopwatch, Instrumental/Vocal Ranges & Transpositions, Common Guitar Chords, Fingering Charts, Musical Terms & Translations, PDF viewer with markup capabilities, and the ability to import PDFs from the Internet or other Apps.
Introducing the A.P.S. MusicMaster Pro, an “all-in-one” musician’s tool, p...
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[ ミュージック ]
Tuner, PDF Viewer, Pitch pipe, Metronome, and more! A.P.S. MusicMaster, an “all-in-one” musician’s tool, presented by the C.L. Barnhouse Co. & developed by A.P.S. Development LLC.
A.P.S. MusicMaster includes a PDF Viewer & Annotator with pass-through audio support and import from dropbox.com and e-mail abilities, chromatic tuner with audible pitch-pipe and adjustable calibration, simple and accurate metronome with savable presets, PAS percussion rudiments, instrumental fingerings and positions, music theory materials, common tr...
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[ ミュージック ]
A.P.S. Tuner is an incredibly useful, full featured, tuning application. It is both incredible easy to use, and already remarkably familiar to anyone using standard tuners. Works on all iOS devices.
The full list of features include:
* Large Screen and EASY to read
* Audible chromatic pitichpipe
* Full range of playback octaves
* Easily see your recent timings or view them all at once
* Calibration from A 4240-460 Hz
* Designed for iOS 7, but also friendly to iOS 6 users
There are unlimited uses for this app and it is comp...
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[ 教育 ]
Updated for iOS8!
The A.P.S. Tuning Trainer is unique app. that approaches ear-training from a completely neglected angle -properly tuning an instrument or note... and it DELIVERS almost IMMEDIATE results!
What if you could have the confidence to tune your notes, instruments, and ensembles (voice or instrumental) and be accurate to within a 16th of a semi-tone with complete confidence? The answer is... everything you are doing musically would improve -including the confidence level of your own tuning abilities.
A.P.S. Tuning...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
※推奨環境iOS6.0以上<iPhone5s/5/4s/iPod touch第4世代以降(8GBモデルを除く)>
GACKTの名曲「P.S. I LOVE U」の歌詞・世界観を元にしたさまざまなカタチのラブストーリーが読めるほか、描き下ろしのイラストカードや、ここでしか聞けないボイス付きのフォトカードなど、盛りだくさん!
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[ ブック ]
「P.S.すりーさん」の世界へようこそ! これは「某業界」を舞台にかわいいアイドルたちが歌ったり、踊ったり、泣いたり、笑ったり……彼女たちのさまざまな日常を描いたコミックです。ゲームファンたちの人気を集めたヒット作品が、このたび英訳され、「P.S.Triple」としてiPhone(TM)3G/iPod Touch(TM)向けに全世界配信されました。
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[ ナビゲーション ]
Currently this app will crash when running iOS7. An update is under way. Thanks for your patience.
Chea.P.S. is a map viewer that displays Google map data as you have never seen it before.
- 3d Perspective View / map tilt. (iOS 3.1 and below only)
- 2 different views that can display map, satellite and hybrid data.
- Magnify the maps so it is easier to read the small print.
- Rotate the map so the GPS track is always up, or use the compass heading on an iPhone 3Gs.
- Display of Speed, Altitude, and Direction.
- Very nice interfa...
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[ スポーツ ]
Download the Tacklesport G.A.P.S. (Games, Activities, Practices, Skills) app and gain access to over 2000 exciting, animated games, activities, practices and skills, perfect for creating enjoyable and interesting coaching sessions and PE lessons on the move.
Endorsed by several National Governing Bodies of sport and employing Tacklesport's G.A.P.S.™ (Games, Activities, Practices and Skills) approach, key skills for practice or development specific to individual participants can be identified through Games and related Activities a...
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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
A.P.S. Stopwatch is an incredibly useful, full featured, timing application. Including accurate timings to the tenth of a second, this app will also provide unlimited lap functionality and is remarkably friendly.
The full list of features include:
* The ability to e-mail your timings through your e-mail client
* The ability to edit and rename your timing titles
* The ability to sort your timings
* Easily see your recent timings or view them all at once
* Erase timings individually or all at once
* Unlimited laps
* Easy to...
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