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[ ゲーム ]
Prepare orbital manouver! All set? Engage! Orbit - Tap Adventure brings you the best space hopping experience ever! Tap to jump between orbits of various planets, just be sure to avoid any space debris that may stand in your way. How far can you get? Time your taps right and you'll beat your friends' high score! Can you master orbital manouvers? Install now to find out!
[ ゲーム ]
Dedicated to the 50-th anniversary of the first manned space flight... Moon Flyer is not another space flyer game. It is detailed spaceship simulator which is written to help beginners to master the art of spaceflights. It will teach you to fly in the real, not in a simplified game-like, space. The app features precise flight model, realtime calculations and graphics. Humans will settle on the Moon very soon. Even those who are now 20-30 years old will be able to fly there as a tourist. In 30-40 years there will be a lots of job...
[ 教育 ]
ChemQuantum is an app designed to help the user become successful at writing the four common diagrams chemists use to represent the electronic structure for the shell of any atom. An option for practicing the 20 anomalous electron arrangements for non-aufbau elements is included. The most used diagrams are Orbital-Filling Diagrams, Electron-Configuration Diagrams, Electron-Dot Diagrams and Quantum Numbers. The user is able to select an area of the periodic table on which to focus as well as the diagramming method to be practiced. ...
[ ゲーム ]
In this game simulator, you will have to launch a rocket, deploy the orbital capsule and land vertically again, then you will have to orbit the earth to approach the atmosphere again for reentry and finally open the parachutes. This simulator based on the real history of Shepard Rocket called NS-13 made by Jeff Bezos and his company Blue Origin, successfully launched its New Shepard rocket on an uncrewed test flight over West Texas (Oct. 13 - 2020). The uncrewed New Shepard launch vehicle, which consists of a reusable rocket and...
[ 教育 ]
Experience your own space flight to the Moon in 3D. --APP SUMMARY-- iTraject, is a trajectory simulation in Earth Moon System which makes space flight easy for everyone. This powerful educational application, thanks to its numerical solver, makes all kind of orbital maneuver possible. iTraject is based on Newton's Second Law of Motion, Universal Law of Gravity and Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion. --APP FEATURES-- -Start your space flight any time between 1950-2050 years -Get Dynamical Time,Julian Day and Julian Ephemeris Day w...
[ 教育 ]
International Space Station allows to see the position of the the International Space Station over an interactive map of the world. With a simple view of the map you will be able to see if the International Space station will be visible from your local position in the next hours. With a simple click you can also see the live webcam stream coming from the International Space Station. You will watch the astronauts activities with video and audio, all live. Calculation of the position of the station is very accurate, the app uses th...
[ ゲーム ]
Dedicated to the 50-th anniversary of the first manned space flight... The Moon Flyer is not another space flyer game. It is detailed spaceship simulator which is written to help beginners to master the art of spaceflights. It will teach you to fly in the real, not in a simplified game-like, space. The app features precise flight model, realtime calculations and graphics. Humans will settle on the Moon very soon. Even those who are now 20-30 years old will be able to fly there as a tourist. In 30-40 years there will be a lots o...
[ 教育 ]
ISSight is an iOS based tool for logging visual observation data of visible satellites such as the International Space Station. With advancements in mobile-device gyroscope and magnetometer technology, iPhones and iPads now have the ability to provide reasonably accurate elevation and azimuth data. Coupled with precise geolocation and GPS timing, these devices are ideal for the collection of data used to solve for the orbital elements of satellites from observation-only data. Once the satellite pass is complete, ISSight allow yo...
[ 教育 ]
The goal of Periodic Table - Smart is to enclose the information of each element of the periodic table in a single app. All the information in the app is available in both Italian and English language. No advertisements, no purchases within the application. All the information listed is immediately available once the application has been downloaded. The following information is available for each element: - General properties - Physical properties - Thermal properties - Electronegativity - Atomic properties    - Neutral radii  ...
[ 教育 ]
This app is intended to be used as a standalone display, perhaps supporting an exhibition related to the International Space Station or Space Hardware. It consists of a single screen, which displays the current location of the ISS. The location is calculated in real-time, with orbital elements updated over the internet hourly. Internet access is required to read the orbital elements, and to display the moving map. The app will use its current location to calculate and display potential satellite observation times, so Location Ser...
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