フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ビジネス ]
A freight Sending and Receiving app that allows a quick way to document both incoming and outgoing freight and document any damage. Your shipping team will have the tools they need to document freight damage issues. Freight OOPS pays for itself the first time your company uses it.
[ 教育 ]
Oops is a fun way to improve your spelling talent on the go. Can you instantly spot when a word is mispelled – or should that be misspelled? Easy to use - Swipe left if it's wrong or right if correct. Hundreds of difficult to spell words. Should you find errors despite our best efforts we are grateful for your report.
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
■ 언제, 어디서나, 어떤 질문이든 궁금하면 물어봐! ASKing ■ "소개팅 나갈 때 이 패션 어때?" "야식 뭐 먹을까? 피자도 치킨도 먹고 싶고 아~ 누가 결정해줘" "웨이브 VS 생머리 어떤 머리스타일이 잘어울려?" ■ 내 질문만 답변이 없어서 맘상하셨던 분! ■ 물어보기 애매한 사소한 고민을 갖고 계신 분! ■ 항상 "좋아요"만의 외침에 지친 분! ■ 빠르고 명쾌한 답변을 원하시는 분! ■ 남이 고민을 잘 결정해주시는 분! 어디에 물어봐도 소수의 긴 답변으로 그래서? 어떻게 하지??? ASKing으로 당신의 고민을 속~ 시원하게 해결하세요! ■ ASKing 앱은 어떤 기능이 있나요? ...
[ 教育 ]
Created by speech therapists! Encourage the development of your child's language in a responsible way: LOGO-Art. Oops No less than 108 funny narrative panels to encourage the child in its language development. With these great pictures - full of humor - the child is challenged to say what is wrong in the situation.
[ 教育 ]
Oops ist die unterhaltsame Art, Deine Rechtschreibekenntnisse zu verbessern. Richtig oder falsch geschrieben, Du entscheidest - Einfach durch Wischgesten nach rechts wenn es stimmt oder nach Links wenn es falsch ist. Hunderte von schwierigen Wörten mit denen Du üben kannst. Wenn Du trotzdem noch Fehler in unsere App finden solltest, dann sind wir froh, wenn Du diese direkt aus der App heraus meldest.
[ ゲーム ]
いったい俺の何が彼女達を狂わせているのか・・・ 音源:魔王魂様、びたちー素材館様、http://www14.big.or.jp/~amiami/happy/様、freedesignfile.com様、LGEPR様、K's Factory様、明宮村(ヴィントドルフ)http://winddorf.oops.jp/1top.htm様、ぐったりにゃんこ様、MusMus様
[ ゲーム ]
Are you ready for a massive Hair Challenge? This is an adventure in which you have a super long majestic hair! This popular hair runner game is perfect for you! Do you hate getting a bad hair cut? So do we! Especially in this super fun Hair Challenge game! Pick up weaves of any hair colors as you walk the runway. Watch out for the scissors, blades, and all other sharp obstacles to keep your gorgeous hair from getting cut! Did you not like your hair color? Or need a makeover? No problem, because this is a hair salon runway. Put ...
[ ゲーム ]
心優しい少年は、罠にかかった1羽のツルを助けてあげました。 その日の夜のことでした・・・ 少年の家の戸をたたく音が聞こえました。 こんな夜遅くに誰かと思い戸を開けるとそこには・・・ 少年の心の移り変わりや、本当の恩返しの意味を知った時、きっとこの物語を大切な人に伝えたくなります 音源:魔王魂様、びたちー素材館様、http://www14.big.or.jp/~amiami/happy/様、freedesignfile.com様、LGEPR様、K's Factory様、明宮村(ヴィントドルフ)http://winddorf.oops.jp/1top.htm様、ぐったりにゃんこ様、MusMus様
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Introduce you Bestie, developed by Top Developer Camera 360, featured as 2015 Apple App Store Selected Apps. =Best Camera for Portrait Selfie= - Handy Camera: Tap / touch anywhere on screen to; switch between frontal and rear view camera with one shake; - Considerate and Practical: Effective night camera for low lighting selfies; Auto mirror camera; Camera timer and mute camera options; - Grid Collage Quicksnap: 1:1 & 4:3 griddlers from one to 9 grids that shot and combine your selfies to a grid photo; =Popular Camera Effects fo...
[ ゲーム ]
突然の告白・・・ それは・・・ 「妊娠1ヶ月なの」 彼女は今までに見たことのない笑顔でそう言った。 彼女の本心は?男の運命は? 嘘をついているのは誰か・・・。 これはただの「妊娠」ではない。 音源:魔王魂様、びたちー素材館様、http://www14.big.or.jp/~amiami/happy /様、 freedesignfile.com様、LGEPR様、K's Factory様、明宮村(ヴィントドル フ)http://winddorf.oops.jp/1top.htm様、ぐったりにゃんこ様、煉獄庭園、MusMus、Trial & Error(http://www.tandess.com/music/)
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