フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ビジネス ]
Audio Note Taker makes taking audio notes a breeze. With Audio Note Taker, you are no longer confined to just a few audio notes - you can save many, many notes - each with their own unique title and icon. Choose from one of our included icons, make your own with the iPhone's camera, or pick an icon from your Photo Library. And, if you find yourself needing to take an audio note in a hurry, just touch the Quick Record button to begin recording. New In this version: You can now change various settings, including audio quality se...
[ ライフスタイル ]
展覧会をノートする―――。  そんな新しい体験と、便利でシンプルな開催情報、お得なクーポンがひとつのアプリになりました。美術展から博覧会、キャラクター展まで、展覧会ファンのためのアプリです。    ■今度の週末どこ行こう?   ○Museum Noteオススメの展覧会の開催情報を一覧にして掲載。休館日やアクセスも一目でわかります。   ○オススメ展覧会は開幕前、閉幕前にリマインド。「気づいたら終わっていた展覧会」はもうなくなります。  ■展覧会の思い出を、作品への想いをノートしよう   ○実際に展覧会で鑑賞したら「Myノート」に感想を記録しましょう。展覧会の...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
完全にリニューアル ‘Awesome Note 2’! 新しいオールインワンオーガナイザーは、Awesome Note 2は、ノートやスケジュール管理と統合されています。 そして今、それが利用可能です! ワンダフル 筆記特長 · これは単純なノートだけでなく、豊かで素晴らしい筆記具のためだけでなく、使用することができます。 · ノートはさらに強力な写真、音声録音や図面を追加することを可能にします。 · 簡単に感じ、天候や道路地図情報を表示するには、日記のノートを作成します。 シンプルかつ柔軟で、友好的 · 広義には、旅行ノートはどこにでも書くことが、日常生活を記録する日記とし...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
= 'Njoy Note Pro Version' LIMITED TIME OFFER 50% OFF = ★ "New & Noteworthy" in Productivity category, United States, Japan. ★ "What's Hot!" in Productivity category, Japan. Njoy Note (Lite) - Easy to use Memo APP [About Njoy Note] ★ Njoy Note is Amusepark's second app release ★ Njoy calendar is soon to come, so be on the look out.. 
 [Njoy Note - APP Details] - Njoy Note is an easy to use, intuitive app desined to let you manage your memos. - Students, busy moms, business exacutives... everyone will love "Njoy Note" app. - Nj...
[ ユーティリティ ]
* THE BEST NOTE LOCK APP EVER * TRUSTED OVER 2,800,000 USERS AROUND THE GLOBE. TOP 100 CHART IN MORE THAN 100 COUNTRIES. DECOY PASSCODE PROTECT YOU FROM FORCE UNLOCK. :: New! Calendar View and Hybrid view! :: Protect your private notes with Note Lock :: Separate your secret notes from device note :: Safely store and manage unlimited secret collections :: More exciting and fun with pencil + eraser animations :: Create new notes, add pictures and save to the app. :: Add fun and ease of use with stickers and sticky notes ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
With Pic Lock you can hide and protect all your private media in a very safe place. » Trusted more than 2,800,000 users around the globe. Easily manage and store your private photos, videos, notes, passwords, browser, contacts, text, todos, locations, and audios. » Ton of features, beyond the ordinary app of its kind. » Protect your media file and all activities on the fly. » Update and Support continuously to deliver the best app. APP'S SECURITY SYSTEM » Passcode 4 Digits, Password Alphanumeric, Pattern Gesture. » Deco...
[ ビジネス ]
BREAKING NEWS: ==Neato may be available for limited time== We're trying our best to find the Best Solution. Read more on neato.marblzz.com or Send a message to neato@marblzz.com to be informed. "It’s a quick jot notepad for Notification Center that lets you speedily enter notes no matter where you are in iOS 8." — Cult Of Mac "This Note-Taking App Is the First iOS Widget That's Actually Useful" — Gizmodo "The new widgets in iOS 8 add all kinds of great functionality. If you want a notepad in there too, Neato does the job" — Life...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
"Best App for Handwritten Notes" - O'Reilly Best iPhone Apps "Using Dan Bricklin’s Note Taker is a beautiful experience, as the app is a brilliant workaround to a formerly sticky situation. More important, it works like a charm." - John Fuller, Macworld.com (writing about version 1.0 . . . and version 2.0 is even better!) Dan Bricklin's® Note Taker makes it easy for you to quickly write down and organize names, phone numbers, addresses, shopping lists, notes, and more. You write directly on the screen with your finger. It's like ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
** Featured by Apple as best new productivity app ** Boximize is a structured note taking app that brings you the power of a database and the simplicity and usability of a note taking app. ** Top 10 app in the US and 28 other countries ** Boximize helps you become more organized and productive by bringing your important information together in one place and filing them as structured notes. ——————————————— ■ So, what exactly is Boximize? ——————————————— If you like the simplicity of note taking apps, then Boximize is a note tak...
[ ゲーム ]
ウルクスヘブン×アルヴィオンADVシリーズ第三弾! 新たに紡がれる、もう一つの『Fragment's Note2』の物語 感動のオリジナル恋愛アドベンチャーゲーム 『Fragment's Note』シリーズ待望の三作目が登場! ※ゲーム中の言語は全て日本語になります。 (Sorry, This game is Japanese Language Only.) ※iPhone、iPod touch、iPad対応のゲームです。 (iPhone3GS、iPod touch3GS以降推奨) 【ゲーム概要】-------------------------------------------- 本作は、テキストを読み進めることでゲームが進行していく、 オリジナル学園恋愛ビジュアルノベルゲーム(ギャルゲー)です...
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