フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Hiroshima may have shaped your idea of nuclear power. Or the continued tension over Iran’s nuclear weapons may worry you. Your concern may even be simpler – since the earthquake-triggered tsunami at Fukushima in Japan, the world is beating a retreat to nuclear power. But do you know that France gets over 70% of its electricity from nuclear? The US has 104 nuclear power plants and South Africa is the only country that developed nuclear weapons, and then abandons them. Have a go at answering our carefully selected questions. And ma...
[ ニュース ]
Nuclear News Reader displays the public RSS news feed, plant status, NRC blog, and Preliminary Notification (PN) Reports from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
[ ライフスタイル ]
With Nuclear Risk you can view a map (or a list) of every Nuclear Power Plant in the Earth, with their properties, including the real distance to your current position.
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
This app is a reproduction of the Nuclear Bomb Effect Computer, a circular slide ruler designed by The Lovelace Foundation for: Civil Effects Test Operations AEC-Biology And Medicine Contract AT(29-1)1242 Produced by: J.B. Carroll Company, Chicago 12, Ill. Based on data from "The Effects of Nuclear Weapons" Original Edition was 1957 Revised Edition 1962 / Reprinted February 1964 Edited by: Samuel Glasstone Prepared by the United States Department of Defense Published by the United States Atomic Energy Commission The app demonstrat...
[ 教育 ]
Nuclear Events Map displays information on all the nuclear detonation sites around the world from 1945. Currently only U.S. detonations are displayed. Future versions will include events from all nuclear powers. Much of the data for this app is from declassified government documents. Display events by: - year event took place - type (atmospheric, underground, underwater) - zoomed location - change map types Detailed information for each event: - Operation or series - Purpose - Site Details - Type of Test - Yield - Height - Date...
[ ゲーム ]
空虚な世界に、今新しい世界が始まろうとしている。そこには、全ての生命を作りだす、DNAの存在が。。。 DNAを完成させて新しい世界を作ろう! 数字を時間内に一定の順序でタップするだけの、とてもシンプルなゲームです。 小さな数字から大きい数字、大きい数字から小さな数字、時にはその両方の順序でタップしていくのは シンプルだけど、なかなか難しい!病み付きになる事間違えなしのゲームです。 数字モードと漢字モードの両方で遊べます! ー全80レベル ーリーダーボード対応 ー6種類のゲームモード ー数字バージョン、漢字バージョン対応 ーエレクトロニカ&チップ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
GE’s Nucleus energy manager empowers you to more effectively manage your energy consumption and costs. The Nucleus energy manager app provides near-real time feedback, giving you insight into how much energy your home is using and the estimated costs. You can see how much energy your GE Brillion-enabled appliances are using*. Do you have a GE Brillion-enabled thermostat? Why walk down the hall when you can change your thermostat settings from your iPhone. Please Note: - This requires a GE Nucleus energy manager operating on ...
[ ゲーム ]
★ NUCLEAR FALLOUT An accident happened at a Nuclear Power Plant. Nuclear waste is falling from the sky. The nuclear-thing will explode if in contact with oxygen for more than 4 seconds. ★ THE HERO You were allocated to fix the nuclear accident and are responsible to prevent the fallout catastrophe. Your job (and mission!) is to storage all the nuclear waste before they explode. To perform this work, you are allowed to use 5 barrels (or only 1, if playing the Action Mode!)! How long will you last? (My personal best is 573 on Classi...
[ ゲーム ]
Are you ready for the Nuclear meltdown? In the future the world is held in captivity, a world getting destroy, obliterated. Humans confined and holding onto civilization. You’re in the age of the Nuclear Dawn. You’re humanities only hope now. Your job? To stop the Nuclear attack from hitting the Earth. In this game, the world is truly at your fingertips as you spin a 3D model of the world around, stopping the rockets from hitting the Earth. Tap them to blow them up Earth in flight. Beware, if a rocket hits the ground your radio...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
The Nuclear Radiation Guide is resource covering information about the three most potentially devastating radiation type incidents, a nuclear explosion, a dirty bomb and a nuclear power plant reactor. It reviews radiation measurements, basic steps to protect yourself and your family in a radiation emergency as well as radiation health effects and treatments. The information included was researched and provided by the United States Government and Center for Disease Control and it is provided here is a quick, easy to use format. W...
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