フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ スポーツ ]
Back Nine enables you to create beautiful shareable score cards for your golf rounds. Back Nine offers many themes to showcase your golf scores. Our favorite is the Blend theme which extracts colors from your image and builds a beautiful theme custom for your image--a different theme every time! In addition to themes, you can add your country’s flag to your scorecard. You can also add a logo from your organization, tournament, or golf club as well! More themes and features are in development, including importing data from a pic...
[ ブック ]
-------------------------------------- Brand-new Reading Experience ! More Than a Digital Book! -------------------------------------- ► STORY OVERVIEW : ------------------------------------- A long time ago, in the forest beside the Ganges River, there lived a magical deer. He was a beautiful creature with a sparkling coat of nine different colors. He was known as the Deer of Nine Colors. The tale about the kind-hearted Nine-Colored Deer was told again and again among the people of the land. The Queen wanted the skin of the Ni...
[ ブック ]
【AppleTree 联合 App每日推送特约免费】 http://appdp.com iPad 必备,免费精选 ◆聚集漫友文化、接力出版社、天闻数媒、外研社等多家知名出版社◆ ★更多免费图书,可在App Store★免费下载:【宝贝爱看书】 -------------------------------------- Brand-new Reading Experience ! More Than a Digital Book! -------------------------------------- ► STORY OVERVIEW : ------------------------------------- A long time ago, in the forest beside the Ganges River, there lived a magical deer. He was a beautiful creature with a sparkling coat of nine diff...
[ ライフスタイル ]
「nine」の公式アプリが登場。 アプリを通して「nine」の新着情報やお得な情報をリアルタイムで受け取ることができます。 【主な機能】 ・新着情報の配信 ・お得なクーポン発行 ・来店スタンプカード ・フォトギャラリー ・電話ボタンで簡単アクセス ・アクセスマップ ・メニュー(カタログ)で商品チェック ・動画チャンネル 【ご注意】 ・機種の仕様によって表示の仕方が若干異なる場合がございます。 ・Wifi環境でダウンロードされることをお勧めいたします。
[ ゲーム ]
- 再生する無料! - 今すぐダウンロード! - 素晴らしいグラフィック! - 簡単にマスターするのは難しいを再生する! 勝利にあなたの一族をリードし、城の王になる! これらの小さなpopplesは平和を愛する同族ですが、あなたがそれらを挑発した場合...彼らは爆発するよ気をつけ!ポッパー城は戦略的な計画と競争力のあるテンポの速い爆発アクションの中毒性の混合物である。ゲームの目的は、単純な "ポップ"レベルをクリアするタップの数が限られているすべてのポップル藩士である。ハードレベルを通してあなたを得るためにパワーアップし、ヒントを使用してください! ...
[ ファイナンス ]
The Square of Nine used by W.D.Gann is re-arranged so that it can be displayed vertically to fit an iPhone. This Square of Nine Vertical™ instantly calculates support and resistance using known high or low prices. Unlike conventional retracements, you do not need to know the entire range for the calculation. Also, another mode calculates support and resistance based on the Square of Nine natural numbers and displays nearest to the input price. These two calculation modes can be toggled back and forth by clicking a radio button. Bu...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
The Nine To Five App gives the user a fast and simple way to keep track of daily activities between different projects and locations during work hours. Nine To Five features: • Automatic Clock In and Clock Out when entering and leaving the work place using GPS assisted Location Services. This feature can be set to active when App is in background mode. Note however that continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life. • Manual Clock In and Clock Out of activities between different Projects ...
[ ゲーム ]
Nine Men's Morris - the 1st favorite strategy board game on the App Store! Make Mills by aligning 3 pieces, every Mill you make allows you to remove one of your opponent's pieces. The classic Nine Men’s Morris is a strategy board game, commonly found on the back of a Checkers / Draughts board, that is as easy to get as Tic Tac Toe, but as hard to master as Chess. Excellent for testing your skills or teaching strategy to kids. Challenge friends on the same device, or try to beat our well-trained BOT player in the single player ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Nine Star Ki is one of oldest forms of astrology in the world. Originally from ancient China it was further refined in Japan. It is used extensively in Feng Shui as its nine energies run alongside the nine energies of the bagua. While Feng Shui is concerned with the energy of form, Nine Star Ki is concerned with the energy of time - through daily, monthly and yearly cycles - giving you a unique three digit number based on your date of birth. Nine Star Ki not only gives you an insight into character it can also guide you on the ...
[ ゲーム ]
A way to show how much of the average cost of certain products in different countries goes on tariffs, or to the retailer and manufacturer. Nine Men's Morris is an abstract strategy board game for two players that emerged from the Roman Empire. Each player has nine pieces, or "men", which move among the board's twenty-four spots. The object of the game is to leave the opposing player with fewer than three pieces or, as in checkers, no legal moves. A number of variants of the game exist, including 12-Mens Morris, Shax (Somalian) an...
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